Love apartment under one person

Chapter 661 Meng Lang: What a blessing in this life, thank God

Chapter 661 Meng Lang: What a blessing in this life, thank God
Meng Lang smiled wryly and covered his face: "Daili, you can't drink 502 casually. You're still just having a stuffy nose and 'can't' breathe. If you really drink that stuff, we'll just 'don't' breathe."

"Ah? But my nose paper is really clogged! How can I do it without taking medicine?"

"It's okay, we have other medicines at home."

With that said, Meng Lang took out a backpack borrowed from downstairs, unzipped it, took out an ice treasure sticker from inside, pressed it on the little girl's forehead, and handed the backpack to the little girl at the same time.

"I robbed all the cold medicine in the apartment, you see which one you want to take."


Daili took the backpack, reached out to touch it, and took a tablet of capsules casually.

"Huh? Meng Lang, what language is written on the back of this medicine? Why can't I understand it?"

"That's right, let me take a look." Someone Meng leaned over to take a look, and couldn't laugh or cry, "You held it upside down, turn it upside down and take a look."


Dailihanhan nodded, and then... the little hand holding the medicine did not move, but his head tilted down.

"Cough...cough cough—!"

Meng Lang, a majestic martial arts master, was so angry at the little girl's stupid action that his saliva got stuck in his throat, and he coughed for a long time before he recovered.

Meng Lang shook his head helplessly after breaking Zhengdaili's little head, which was about to fracture: "Forget it, tell me what the medicine you took before looked like, and I'll help you find it."

"I forget the look, but the packaging of that medicine seems to be the color that Mr. Zeng is most afraid of."

"Understood, the green bag... that should be this medicine."

Meng Lang raised his hand to take a glass, snapped his fingers with both hands, summoned a handful of clear springs, heated them slightly with a flame spell, then poured them into the glass to wash away the medicine.

"Come on while it's hot."

Passing the cup of prepared medicine to Daili, Meng Lang looked at the instructions on the packaging bag and muttered softly: "The medicine works for eight hours, three times a day..."


The little girl picked up the cup and drank it down, and then... with a cute face, she started giggling.

Seeing her like this, Feng Baobao blinked curiously.

"Guameier, are you kidding me?"

"Didn't Meng Lang say that you have to laugh for eight hours? Hehehehe..."

Meng Lang: (ノへ ̄,)
After all, this silly wife might not want it...and insisted on it, but I reckoned that until she recovered, I might not relax for a moment.



Early the next morning, there was an excavator on the top floor of the love apartment.

Meng was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, and on the sofa, the two girls were playing a boring quiz game.

"Guameier, do you really want to continue?"

"(Ah chirping—!) Of course! I'm ready, and I can definitely answer the next question!"

"It seems that you have been repeating this sentence since last night, and now you can't even answer a single question correctly."

"No problem, let the horse come here! I must prove to you that even if I have a cold, I am still the smartest child in this family!"

"Well, please listen to the first question - a cup of coffee contains 0.194 grams of caffeine, so how many coffee molecules are there in this cup of coffee?"

After listening to the question, the little girl stretched out ten fingers to count.

"One seven gets seven, two seven 48, March eight Women's Day, May [-]..."

"It's over, Chen Meijia is possessed, and this is a hammer drop math."

Feng Baobao shook his head helplessly, and decisively picked up another set of questions: "The problem just now is fine, you answer this question—Who is the father of alternating current?"

"Is it Ultraman?"

"Wrong, like Tesla."

"Who is the scientist who demonstrates the heliocentric theory?"

"It seems to be Ga... Ultraman Tiga!"

"Wrong again, like Galileo."

"Let me ask more simply, what is the value of 'Planck's constant' named after your idol Planck?"

"Long count?" The little girl thought for a moment, raised her hand to draw a distance, "Probably... so long?"


Even Feng Baobao, who seldom had unnecessary emotions, felt inexplicably tired at this moment, and she shook her head helplessly.

"Guamei, or forget it, you need to take a good rest now."

However, the little girl obviously didn't want to admit defeat so easily.

"I don't want it. Maybe it's Sister Bao'er. The questions you just asked were too simple to arouse my interest. This time, if you change the questions to be more difficult, I promise I can answer them!"

Gua Po Niang shrugged helplessly: "Yes, here comes the problem—a bear fell into a trap 19.617 meters deep, and it took exactly two seconds to fall to the bottom. What kind of bear is this?"

"Well, this question uses the acceleration of gravity to calculate the geography problem... I know-it's an antarctic bear!"

"The answer is wrong, the answer is like a black bear~ There is no bear in Antarctica, Guameier, why are you even more stupid than yesterday."

"This, this is a mistake! If you ask another question, I will definitely be able to answer it!"

"Okay, next question - at 38:[-] p.m. on the vernal equinox day in Kyoto time, Xiao Li, the urban management officer, looked up at the Polaris in the night sky at a [-]-degree angle, and then led the team into a hair washing room...Excuse me, see the arrested guests What is the most likely thing to say when the urban management rushed through the door?
A: Hungry drops of kidney. (Shaanxi)
B: Mr. Thurey. (Guangdong)
C: What do you want to organize. (Shanghai)
D: Shiba. (stick)

Please answer. "

The little girl blinked innocently: "Why does the urban management uncle arrest customers who wash their hair?"

"Don't worry about it, tell me the answer is Sazi."

"Well, let me think about it... the guests must be very scared when they are arrested, (ah chirp—!) when they are scared, they will speak in dialects, so this question must let me judge which dialect is the best Standard... I see, the answer is D!"

"The answer is actually correct... Can you tell me that you want to choose D for the sake of Sazi?" Gua Po Niang asked with a frown.

After all, the original idea of ​​solving this question is not to see who speaks a more standard dialect—according to high school geography knowledge, the elevation angle of the Polaris is the local latitude, and in the answer, dialect B is near 20 degrees north latitude, and dialect C is at 31 degrees north latitude. Around 38 degrees north latitude, if it does not meet the [-] degrees north latitude in the question stem, it can be directly excluded.

The latitudes of answer A and answer D dialects are basically the same, both at about 38 degrees north latitude. At this time, the orientation needs to be determined according to the longitude.

The time specified in the question is exactly 120:[-] p.m. Kyoto time on the vernal equinox day, and [-]:[-] p.m. Kyoto time on the vernal equinox day is the time when the sun sets at around [-]° longitude of Kyoto. That is to say, the range east of Kyoto should be In the dark night, the range west of Kyoto should still be in the daytime. Xiao Li can see the Polaris, which means that Xiao Li is in the dark night. Therefore, the answer should be the Bangzi Kingdom east of Kyoto. Choose D Shiba!

Such a relatively complicated set of problem-solving ideas should not be something that Zhuge Daili can come up with now, so Gua Poniang is very curious about how the other party came up with the answer.

"Hey hey hey hey~" Daili proudly raised his head and smirked, and said confidently, "Because there are three multiple-choice questions, long and one short, and the shortest one!"

Feng Baobao: "..."

As the intellectual responsibility of the family, Gua Po Niang expressed that her heart is very tired.

"Melon girl."

"what's wrong?"

Feng Baobao sighed softly, and waved his hands in a somewhat dispirited way: "I have stored more than a dozen tubs of ice cream in the refrigerator, and I'll give it to you."

"Give it to me?" Daili Hanhan blinked, "I see! (Ah chirp—!) Sister Bao'er, you want me to eat more ice cream and freeze all the cold viruses to death, don't you?"

"No, I just think that you will have something to do with your mouth, at least you won't pester me with questions~"

Zhuge Daili was taken aback by what she said, and asked pitifully, "Sister Baoer, have I become stupid?"

"Be confident, remove the 'is it', it's a declarative sentence."

Feng Baobao mercilessly stabbed the little girl's wounded atrium, causing the latter to completely fall into a state of autism.

At this time, meng lang over there had already prepared a hearty breakfast.

He walked up to the little girl, hugged her gently, and comforted her: "Okay, stay~ Don't compete with the temporarily lowered IQ. I checked it when you changed your clothes just now. In half a day, your cold should be almost cured."

"Huh? It's going to take a long time?"

The little girl made a bitter face in disappointment: "I just realized now that once a person loses IQ, it's the same as dying. They can't do anything and don't know anything...Meng Lang, I'm so stupid, don't you? Like me?"

Hearing this, Meng Lang's smile became even more gentle. He gently placed Daili on the chair by the dining table, and while carefully helping her tie the napkin, he said in a warm voice.

"Girl, we two have lived in the iPartment since we met, so do you know what love is?"

Hearing the words, Dai Li showed a little hesitation on his small face, and slowly shook his head: "Since the day I met you, I have consulted countless papers and materials about love, but every time I read more materials, , I feel more and more confused.”


"Because I think those who write books are so stupid. Love is love. Why do you have to define it?"

Speaking of this, a ray of bright starlight suddenly bloomed in Daili's eyes, and a faint smile was unconsciously drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"I still remember that time, I brought a Titanic poster to you, and you finally agreed to be my intern boyfriend... I was so happy at that time!

Back in the room that night, I took out my diary to record my feelings, but from the moment I picked up the pen and prepared to describe your details, I couldn’t help but lose my mind. I wrote the word '晴', but every time I open that page of the diary, a real sense of happiness can fill my whole body every time.

I think, this...maybe it's love? "

Meng Lang smiled and nodded lightly, groping for the little hands of the two girls and interlocking their fingers: "You're right, maybe I can't define love, but I know one thing - I'm extremely grateful God can bring me into this world.

In my heart, the most beautiful scenery I have ever encountered in this life is you and your baby. The world is full of flowers and flowers everywhere, but only meeting, acquainting, and knowing each other with you makes me feel lucky in my life. "

After Meng Lang said these words, he felt that his left hand was being held tighter. He turned his head to look at Feng Baobao, but saw that the girl's eyes, which were as plain as clear springs before, were dotted with a magnificent brilliance at some point.



"It's nothing to worry about, call me, you agree, I feel at ease."

"That's it~" Meng Lang smiled knowingly, and with a little force on his hands, he gently pulled the two girls into his arms.

The morning light shone into the room, caressing their faces warmly, the three of them cuddled tightly together, everything was kept silent...

In this way, Meng Lang ignored his work all day, just stayed at home and chatted with the two girls, and before he knew it, it was already dusk.

"Dali, how are you feeling?"

"I feel good, I should have recovered, but just to be on the safe side, let me test my debut question."

"Well, it's the same question as in the morning - a bear fell into a trap with a depth of 19.617 meters, and it took exactly two seconds to fall to the bottom. What kind of bear is this?"

"This question is actually very simple, and it doesn't even need to use the calculation part. According to the soil quality considerations, it is impossible to dig large-scale traps in the area where polar bears, grizzly bears, and brown bears are distributed, so it can be ruled out first.

Then there are only sun bears and black bears left. Sun bears are distributed in the tropics, while black bears are in the temperate zone. Tropical soil has a high water content and is prone to collapse. Only temperate clay soil is suitable for digging traps, so it is possible to fall into such traps. The only one in the deep trap is the black bear! "

Seeing the little girl's confident smile as always, Meng Lang expressionlessly put away the "examination paper" in his hand. Although the standard problem-solving steps on it were not at all the same as what the little girl said, he was quite sure that his wife's IQ 100% back.

"Very good, it seems that Dali has cured your cold, now you try to exercise your mind and see how much your inner energy has been refined compared to before."

Zhuge nodded vigorously, and then saw that she closed her eyes slightly for a while, then widened her eyes in great surprise.

"Meng Lang, you are right! This time it was really a blessing in disguise. Although the total amount of my inner qi has shrunk by nearly [-]%, the quality has more than tripled! Now I even have confidence in Luo Tianda I have started "Meng Family Immortal Method" before the ceremony!"

Meng Lang nodded lightly: "I believe you have a sense of proportion when it comes to cultivation. As long as you don't get greedy for merit, that's fine. Now that your cold is gone, let's go downstairs to 3603 with my baby and me."

Zhuge Dali frowned slightly: "Did something happen to 3603?"

"Do not."

Meng Lang shook his head slowly: "It was Old Wang who came to see you and us by name after he woke up. When he was investigating Guangwu's theft in the interior scene, he accidentally learned something that was very bad for everyone."

"whats the matter?"

Meng Lang squeezed out a wry smile: "We have to wait for the details to be discussed in detail, but according to Lao Wang, the iPartment...may be demolished."

PS: The chapter is updated

bow down
(End of this chapter)

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