The elf trapping boy

Chapter 55 Chapter 3: Battle Assessment

Chapter 55 The third link: Battle assessment
"Candidate No. [-] enters the stage!"

Sure enough, Pokémon or something can show its charm only through fighting. After the reform of the breeder, a battle link has been added, although the Breeder Association is talking about the assessment of the breeder's cultivation of their own Pokmon.

After all, no matter whether it is the assessment of the first link or the second link, there is no real operation.

In the second assessment, although the breeder was inspected to formulate a feasible breeding plan for Pokémon, whether the plan could be implemented well was most evident in the breeder's own Pokémon.

Of course, this reform may also emphasize that breeders also need to have a certain combat effectiveness. After all, like the Pokémon coordinators who are active on the stage of gorgeous competitions, the Coordinator Association has also been reforming in recent years, emphasizing that what real coordinators should pursue should not be Flashy and beautiful, combat effectiveness is also very important.

"Come out, Smelly Flower."

The third part of the battle assessment is held in a battlefield in the Breeders Association. There are seats on the sidelines like the alliance venue. The third battle assessment link is the only public part of the junior breeder level assessment. .

Ai Lijia and the little fat man Jin Zuoyuan grabbed two seats in the front row of the spectator seats. At this time, they were waving their hands excitedly to cheer for Wu Kong, although Wu Kong was the second to play.

After the first two rounds of elimination, there are only thirteen candidates left on the battlefield. I don't know how many people will be able to pass the junior breeder level assessment in the end.

However, even if all the thirteen candidates passed the examination and obtained the primary certificate issued by the Breeders Association as they wished, the passing rate of the examination was a bit frighteningly low. After all, there were hundreds of candidates for reference at the beginning, but none of them survived in the end.

"Come out!"

The examiner standing on the other side of the battlefield randomly took a baby ball from the shelf behind him and threw it on the field.



"Oh... so miserable"

Candidate No. [-]’s Pokémon partner is a grass-type stinky flower. Unexpectedly, the Pokémon randomly released by the examiner turned out to be a flying-type Pokémon whose attributes restrain the stinky flower: Bibi Bird, everyone in the spectator seats Can't help but sigh for this candidate.

In the spectator seats, except for some melon-eaters who came outside to watch the fun, most of the audience were candidates who were eliminated in the previous two rounds.

The people in the Pokémon world are simple and honest, and they don't have the bad idea of ​​"since I have been eliminated, I wish everyone else could not pass". These people still really hope that the candidates under them can pass the examination.

"Game start!"

The referee gave an order, and the two sides also began to act.

"Bibi Bird, use the strong wind!"

The examiner was not polite to the examinee, Bibibird took advantage of its flight, flapping its pair of vigorous wings vigorously, and the strong wind attacked the examinee's stinky flowers from 360 degrees without any dead angle.

The general training direction of grass-type and poison-type stinky flowers is to use the "three powders" to control the field, and then use grass-type and poison-type skills to output long-range firepower. Facing opponents like Bibibird, stinky flowers are a bit A feeling of being powerless.

"Smelly flower, use the solution!"

The breeder of Smelly Flower is a beautiful girl who was able to pass the first two rounds to advance to the third level. Her cultivation in the aspect of breeder is still worthy of recognition. Facing the violent wind of Bibi Bird, the girl wisely let Smelly Flower A poisonous solution was used.

Although the way of coping is commendable, Smelly Flower's skill proficiency in dissolving liquid is really not flattering, not only the skill is missed, but also the speed of the move is too slow.

In Wukong's eyesight, this stinky flower is simply weak. Of course, from the perspective of a breeder, this stinky flower is still bred quite well.



Smelly Flower was defeated by Bibi Niao, and immediately lost its ability to fight. Regarding this result, whether it was the breeder of Smelly Flower or the audience outside the venue, they couldn't help but feel a little depressed. After all, a breeder was eliminated in the first match. Home, it seems that the breeder assessment has become more difficult after the reform.




Looking at the astonished audience, all the examiners present couldn't help showing funny smiles on their faces, and finally a female examiner stood up and explained.

"The third link examines the breeder's cultivation of their own Pokmon. Whether they pass the assessment or not has nothing to do with whether they beat the examiner."

"Whoa whoa……"


Hearing the examiner's explanation, many breeders jumped up excitedly. Pokémon battles are not their strong point, and they seldom do battle training for the Pokémon in their hands.

Many breeders who are not good at Pokémon battles are so desperate that they don’t know whether they will come to participate in the assessment next time. As a result, the situation is reversed again. The candidates who were eliminated before have once again shown dreams and hopes on their faces. shine.

"Whether you pass the test or not has nothing to do with whether you can defeat the examiner. It means it has something to do with it, but why should I care about this? Could it be that I would lose to a breeder in a Pokémon battle?"

The quick-witted Wu Kong instantly grasped the hidden meaning in the examiner's words.

But thinking that fundamentally speaking, he is not a breeder but a Pokémon trainer, Wu Kong couldn't help laughing for a while, feeling that his language problem to find the examiner was completely idiotic.

"Candidate No. [-], please come on stage!"

Being watched by all the examiners again, Wu Kong couldn't help showing a smile on his face. How could he not understand at this time that his excellent performance in the first two games had already attracted the attention of the examiners.

"It seems that the assessment of the first two links has not surprised you enough. This is the rhythm that still wants to be fertilized."

(End of this chapter)

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