The elf trapping boy

Chapter 7 Bug Catcher, Bear Child!

Chapter 7 Bug Catcher, Bear Child!
What Wukong is training now is how the unicorns attack with the horns on the top of their heads.

Who said that you have to rely on unique moves to attack? Since it is said that the skills you comprehend are called unique moves, how can you use unique moves casually.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the lethality of a random blow is incalculable. Who dares to say that a random slap with strange power is not as good as a hit of a little Lada.

If anyone denies this, they can ask Weili and Xiao Lada to experiment to see if Weili's slap can slap his teeth.

"Unicorn, bow your body back a little more, point your sharp horns to the front, and don't hit it with your face."

The unicorn has not been hatched for a long time, and its body is in the period of rapid development. Although Wukong is a little eager to cultivate the unicorn to fight, he also knows how to control the intensity of the training. That's really not worth the candle.

"It looks like it's almost there, and if you increase the intensity, it will hurt the unicorn's body."

Looking at the petite body of the unicorn in the open space, it pointed the top corner of its head at a tree trunk in front, bent its body and ejected it quickly, the sharp corner hit the tree trunk, causing a big dent.

Wu Kong is very satisfied with the power of the unicorn's ejection and impact. Among all the attributes of Pokémon, the normal type is the most compatible, and the normal type Pokémon can learn many skills of other attributes.

At the same time, other types of Pokémon can basically learn the attacks of the ordinary type. The ordinary type is also called the ordinary type, which means that the attack does not contain strange energy attacks such as water, fire, and electricity.

It can be said that the skills of the ordinary department are all attacks that rely solely on the physical body of the Pokémon, so these moves of the ordinary department can be learned through training.

Wu Kong trained the unicorn to hit the tree trunk with its unicorn, and after a long time, he was able to learn the two moves of bumping and horn bumping naturally.

Although the current attack of the unicorn can't reach the damage of collision and horn collision, it can be improved slowly.

"In this way, although unicorns can only learn the three skills of spinning silk, poisonous needles and insect bites in theory, they can still learn ordinary skills such as impact, but they need to go through special training in a certain way. .”

Wu Kong is very convinced of his conjecture, and what he is doing now is to help the unicorns train the skills of these two common types.

"Okay, unicorn, take a rest first."

"Woolen cloth"

Hearing Wu Kong's voice, the unicorn looked overjoyed, shot with the body learned in training, and rushed to Wu Kong's shoulder in a swift motion, its small head kept rubbing against his cheek, and Wu Kong couldn't help showing his face. A doting smile.

Although the unicorn was very obedient and trained very hard just now, the unicorn is still just a newborn child. Now it is the age of being playful and active, and such things as the heart of the strong are still too far away up.

"The unicorn is still too small, but it can be guided slowly."

As a Pokémon trainer, isn't his duty to slowly guide Pokémon to become stronger?Although the unicorn is still small, the plasticity of the unicorn is the strongest at this time.

"Come on, eat a blue orange to restore your strength."

Wu Kong lifted the water bottle on the ground, put his backpack on his back, and walked slowly towards the big tree where the bug-catchers usually gather. On his handsome but masculine face, there was a spring-like smile on his face.

It may be because he often hangs around in the forest, Wu Kong has a breath of nature all over his body, which makes the unicorn feel very comfortable.

As a bug-type Pokémon, unicorns have a very short evolutionary cycle. Although Wukong puts an immutable stone on unicorns, he will not let unicorns suppress their evolutionary power for too long. bodily harm.

At present, there are only two trainings for unicorns. One is to train the horn-bumping attack method as just now, and the second is to train the spinning.

Silk spinning is the first skill that unicorns have mastered, and its proficiency is very high.

Wukong keeps training the unicorns to spin silk, firstly, it can improve the proficiency of silk-spinning skills, and secondly, it can train the unicorns' physical strength, and increase the upper limit of the unicorns' physical strength through rapid metabolism.

"You guys think Wukong is so diligent recently! He gives special training to unicorns every day, and he is not afraid of exhausting unicorns to death."

"What do you know, how can Pokmon become stronger without training? Do you think that all Pokmon are the same as your silly green caterpillar? Not only are they weak as hell, but they are also stupid as hell."


After crossing a bush, when Wukong was more than ten meters away from the big tree where the bug catcher was staying, he heard two enemies, Dagu and Yamato, bickering from a distance, and Wukong also heard their voices. Smile knowingly.

But looking at the bug catchers, they only know to go to the intersection to give experience to past trainers all day long, and they don't train Pokmon well.

Several people in this team of Bug Catchers had obtained Pokémon for a year or two, but their strength was still weak, Wu Kong couldn't help frowning.

"Looks like it's time to find a chance to teach them a lesson."

This team of bug-catchers was the first group of friends he made after traveling to this world. Wu Kong didn't want them to be just playing tricks forever, and he still hoped that they could become even better.

And as a friend, he is also obliged to help them, although Wukong has a very selfish side in his character.

But no matter how selfish you are, you can't be selfish to your friends and family. If you are selfish to your friends and family, then it is really lack of heart.

Both lives are orphans, and Wu Kong has no real blood relatives alive, so he values ​​friendship much more than ordinary people.

When he just crossed over, he fell off a cliff and was seriously injured and dying. It was Dagu and his group who saved him, so Wu Kong really regarded these guys as friends.

"What are you talking about, so happy, are you saying bad things about me behind my back again?"

There are a total of 14 bug-catchers in this team. Except for Yamato and Dagu who have the best relationship with him, the other bug-catchers usually don't have much sense of existence, but they all play well with Wukong.

"What else can I say, Wukong, you bastard, you don't want the unicorn to evolve quickly, but you even put the immutable stone on the unicorn, are you crazy?"

Dagu's character is the most cheerful in the team, he always said whatever he wanted, when he heard Wukong's question, he didn't hide it at all, and just spit out what was in his heart.

"Although evolution can make a Pokmon's strength skyrocket in a short period of time, it's not impossible to improve its strength if it evolves slowly. It's still possible to improve the Pokmon's ability through training."

(End of this chapter)

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