pocket rate palace

Chapter 16 The Death of Wang Anyuan

Chapter 16 The Death of Wang Anyuan

Xia Xiaqiao blushed slightly, and then said aggrievedly: "There are a lot of things here that were bought for you."

Wang Anyuan looked sad and angry: "Didn't you say that you can repay me with yourself? Why don't we find a place with a big soft bed to stay, but come shopping instead?"

Xia Xia's face turned red to the base of her neck, and she gave Wang Anyuan a shy look: "What are you thinking? I mean, I will go shopping with you all day today."

"Then why do you want me to take things?" Wang Anyuan looked at the shopping bags all over his body, wanting to cry without tears.

"Where is there a reason for women to take things when shopping?" Xia Xiali replied bluntly.

Wang Anyuan was full of resentment: You are not repaying this, I am clearly a coolie for you, if I knew it earlier, I would not have come out.

"My Miss Xia Xia, I really can't walk anymore. I haven't had breakfast yet, and I'm starving to death now." Wang Anyuan said with a bitter face.

Xia Xia thought about it carefully holding her cute little face, and finally nodded magnanimously: "Okay then, let's find a place to eat first."

Wang Anyuan seems to have received an amnesty.

Ten minutes later, Wang Anyuan sat down at a small noodle shop nearby, and finally he could rub his legs that were about to be scrapped.

Never go shopping with a woman, especially a rich woman.Wang Anyuan will remember this sentence for the rest of his life.

"An Yuan, I think those two people are very familiar, I always feel like I've seen them somewhere before." Xia Xia, who was sitting by the side, suddenly leaned over and whispered something in his ear.

Wang Anyuan looked up, and saw two 27 or [-]-year-old young men diagonally opposite, one fat and the other thin, both dressed in dusty clothes, who were trying their best to shove noodles into their mouths.

"Are you mistaken? How could you, a rich lady, think that two unremarkable men look familiar?" Wang Anyuan replied casually.

"That's right." Xia Xia frowned and thought about it, and felt that what he said made sense.

Opposite Wang Anyuan's position was a TV series, which was shown to the customers by the shop owner.Now it is broadcasting news, saying that two armed robbers who robbed the bank have fled the city, and the police are vigorously chasing them down. I hope the general public can provide clues and so on.

Wang Anyuan was watching with enthusiasm, and the photos of the two wanted criminals were about to be shown. At this moment, Dantong in his mind was clamoring to see Pleasant Goat. Wang Anyuan was annoyed by him, so he could only slap the table and shout One sound:
"Boss, bring the remote control."

In the next half an hour, Wang Anyuan had the cheek to finish the meal under the surprised eyes of the people in the Quanquan Museum, and then quickly dragged Xia Xia away.

Seeing the figures of Wang Anyuan and Xia Xia go away, the two men sitting diagonally across from them also stood up.Checkout, go out.

"Boss, what do you really want to do?" The fat man looked around cautiously, and then asked in a low voice.

The slightly thinner man lit a cigarette for himself, took a big puff, then slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and said harshly: "Damn, of course. The police came before we got the money from the bank robbery. Anyway, we Now that they have been wanted by the whole city and have nowhere to go, they simply do something big, make a fortune, and then fly away."

The fat man thought about it carefully, and nodded vigorously: "Okay, people are dead and birds are in the sky, and they have been rich and honored for thousands of years. Boss, I will listen to you."

The thin man threw his unfinished cigarette on the ground, stepped on his feet twice, and shouted in a low voice: "Go, catch up with them, don't get lost."

Next, Wang Anyuan was dragged by Xia Xia to the amusement park, played wildly there all afternoon, and finally had dinner at a western restaurant.

By the time the two of them walked out of the restaurant, night had fallen and the lights had just come on.

"I'm so full, let's go back." Xia Xia rubbed her belly and suggested with a pout.

"Okay." Of course Wang Anyuan had no objection.

Xia Xia happily took Wang Anyuan's hand. She has done this action many times today, and it has become familiar and smooth.

On the side of the quiet road, under the dim street lights, Xia Xia took Wang Anyuan's hand, and stepped on his shadow mischievously as she walked like a child.

Wang Anyuan looked at Xia Xia's hazy and graceful figure under the street lamp, lost his mind for a moment, and felt that she was as beautiful as an elf.

At this moment, Wang Anyuan even had a hope that this road would never end.

"Wang Anyuan, do you believe in fate?" Xia Xia suddenly stopped her childish game, tilted her head and looked at Wang Anyuan steadily.

"Ah?" Wang Anyuan was stunned by her thoughtless words.

"I just believe it." Xia Xia didn't care about his answer, but raised her head slightly, and slowly opened her palm towards the sky, as if holding the whole moon in her palm.

"The world is so big, if grandpa didn't want me to go out with him that day, if it didn't happen to meet you, if it didn't happen that you knew medical skills and saved grandpa. Then we might not be standing here together now. "

Xia Xia looked at the moon and said a lot of things that Wang Anyuan found inexplicable, and then turned her head to look at him with a sweet smile: "If there is one missing here or it just happens, we will not know each other."

At this moment, the atmosphere changed somewhat, and a trace of ambiguity spread under the warm yellow light.

A shy look appeared on Xia Xia's face, and an imperceptible hint of pink appeared on the crystal earlobes.She lowered her head and looked at her feet, and said in a low voice: "Although my mother and uncles disagree, I still want to tell you, Wang Anyuan, I..."

"Be careful." Just as Xia Xia was about to say the last few words, Wang Anyuan suddenly pulled her over and stood in front of her.

Xia Xia was in a daze, not knowing what happened.Then they saw five or six youths holding sticks coming out of the two.

A young man in the lead walked up to the two of them with a sneer on his face, and said, "Wang Anyuan, you are living a good life. Oh, and you have such a beautiful girlfriend."

Wang Anyuan looked at the young man in front of him coldly, and said slowly: "I said, why do I always feel that someone is following me. It turned out to be you, Fang Hao."

That's right, it's Fang Hao.With regard to Fang Hao's temper of vengeance, how could Wang Anyuan beat him up and destroy the IOU book, so how could he not turn around and trouble him.

"Wang Anyuan, let's count the principal with interest today. Brothers, do it for me." Fang Hao stared at Wang Anyuan with resentment, and gave a low drink.A few young people next to him immediately grabbed the sticks in their hands and rushed forward.

"Ah." Xia Xia screamed in fright, but at this moment a big hand held her in his arms.

"It's okay." Xia Xia heard Wang Anyuan's voice ringing in her ears, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart.She tried her best to shrink back inside, as if, as long as she hid here, nothing would hurt her.

After Wang Anyuan was reborn, although he did not cultivate, he had already reached the realm of three flowers.The quality of the body has greatly improved. Although it is only one hand, it can still easily beat the craps of several young people, leaving Fang Hao alone.

Fang Hao looked at Wang Anyuan's cold eyes, and couldn't help taking a step back in fright.

And at this moment, in a corner not far from them, there were still two people hiding and observing everything here.

"Fuck, it's so easy to wait for them to come to this secluded place, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by these bastards. Forget it, Ma Qiu, I'm ready to do it." The thin man cursed fiercely and made up his mind.

"Boss, what about those two men?" the fat man asked.

"What else can I do, let's do it."

Fang Hao was backing away in panic, when suddenly he saw Wang Anyuan on the opposite side and shouted in shock: "Be careful!"

careful? !Did you tell me?Before the thoughts in Fang Hao's mind settled down, he felt a piercing pain coming from his heart, and then there was endless darkness in front of his eyes.

Wang Anyuan watched Fang Hao being stabbed to death by a thin man, and his expression changed drastically.At this time, another fat man stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

Xia Xia in his arms turned pale with fright, and kept shrinking into his arms.Wang Anyuan glanced at Xia Xia, thinking that he was invulnerable anyway, so he simply resisted.

As soon as he turned around, he abruptly blocked the knife with his back.

"Boss, I can't get in."

"Then use the gun, quick, someone is coming."

"Oh, good."

Wang Anyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he was startled suddenly.But before he turned around, he felt a tremendous force penetrating from his left back, rushing straight into his heart.

Wang Anyuan fell back powerlessly, Xia Xia's pale face mixed with horror and grief was in his blurred vision.

He felt that the whole world was slowly getting dark, and he was constantly sinking and sinking.

Grass, I didn't expect to die from a bullet, I haven't lived enough yet.

It was the last thought on his mind.

 Did it catch your eyeballs? Don't worry, there are still many wonderful plots in this book that have not yet unfolded. How can our Uncle Wang die so easily.

  And I am very responsible to tell you that Uncle Wang is going to Nirvana, going to be awesome, and going to blow up the sky!

  By the way, there is no recommendation today, and it looks like I will run naked next week.Please comfort~

(End of this chapter)

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