Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 103 1 Sword moves, sword dance.

Chapter 103 One Sword Moves, Thousand Swords Dance.

Above the sky, countless beautiful angels rushed into the black mist, slashed their fiery red swords, and sent skulls flying one after another. Countless skulls were wrapped in thick black mist, fell to the ground and opened their mouths, Showing steely teeth.

Everything was not so smooth. Facing the golden skull, those vanguard angels were bitten off without paying attention, and disappeared.

"Zhi Xin, are you okay?" Yan appeared in the sky, his crystal eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyes shone like pearls, and his holy wings fluttered gracefully.

"Sister Yan, we are fine."

Fifty miles away from the forest on the west coast, Zhixin faced thousands of skulls, struggling to resist, especially those golden skulls, he could only dodge, but could not make an effective attack.

At this time, the sky had turned into a battlefield, and angels and skulls fell to the ground from time to time, and nearly [-] of the [-] angels fell in one encounter.

The phantom in the sky was still there, and the rumbling sound sounded again.

"It's really a pity that such a beautiful figure just disappeared."

Yan appeared in the sky and laughed, "Oh, you perverts who play with bones all day long will also appreciate beauty."

"Each civilization has a different definition of beauty, and others cannot understand the world of the dead."

"These bones are beautiful to you perverts, beyond comprehension."

"I can give you a choice, surrender. I can save the angels from being exterminated." Di's voice was a little cold, and thousands of golden skulls rushed out of the thick black mist again, forming an array Standing in the sky, the golden luster of the stars shines on the sky.

Yan clenched his fists and replied with his head held high: "Life is born and died, and only then can justice be done. Submission is a great shame for an angel."

Di regretfully replied: "It's a pity that such a beautiful civilization has been reduced to cosmic dust."

As soon as the words fell, more than a thousand golden skulls rushed towards the angel army. In an instant, a large number of angels fell, and their beautiful bodies fell to the ground.

In the inconspicuous corner of the battlefield, Mo Wuxin became more and more violent, each sword released half a meter of antimatter energy, cutting the ground into a huge pit tens of meters long.

"Is the energy in his body unlimited?" Di You resisted tremblingly, with many sword wounds on his body.

The Red Flame Sword became more and more tyrannical, and it glowed red for a while, and the surrounding hundred meters were instantly covered in flames.

With a cold face, Mo Wuxin moved freely in the flames, every sword hit the staff, making it tremble.

Time passed by second by second, Mo Wuxin's aura rose to a critical point, he raised the red flame sword high in one hand, and slowly slashed down, the invisible antimatter energy slashed over.

The sound of the staff breaking was heard, and Di You had no intention of fighting anymore, and hurriedly retreated and fled.

Mo Wuxin didn't chase after him, his figure soared into the sky, and he stood in front of Di You with his hands behind his back, more than 50 miles away, looking at each other from a distance, full of fighting spirit.

"You can't change anything. Angels will perish, and you will die too. The Nine Meridian Sword Immortal who was once admired by all gods and gods is no longer." Di's voice was very soft, and every note echoed between heaven and earth.

Mo Wuxin raised the sword in his hand and said proudly: "You don't know anything about the power of the sword."

"Oh, let me see what your so-called power is." Di said calmly, standing on the sky, with countless skulls gathering under his feet.

Although a large number of skulls rush out every moment, there are still countless skulls gathered there.

"Yan, I need to borrow the flame sword."

"Okay, I will transfer the call data to you."

Facing the death of his sisters in battle, Yan had no choice. The angel was not without emotion, but he was more rational when facing emotions and the overall situation. The attitude of a little daughter's family.

After accepting the data called by Lie Yan Zhi, Mo Wuxin waved his sword and pointed at Di, and asked an inexplicable question.

"Di, once the god king of the undead clan, do you know why Jiumai Sword Immortal must use nine swords."

Di Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously. "Why?"

"Nine is the extreme number."

"Load the flame sword data."


Suddenly, red lights rose from the ground, and countless flaming swords flew from the ground, straight into the sky, and stood beside Mo Wuxin.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine flaming swords surrounded the city in a huge circle, and Mo Wuxin stood in the center holding the red flaming sword.

"A swordsman can be proud of all heroes with one sword, but I am the only one with nine veins and one school with nine swords."

A sword was swung out, and the swords responded, circling and flying, sweeping hundreds of golden skulls.

Ding Ding! ! ! !
A little bit of crisp sound.

The skull made of star gold actually exploded out of thin air, causing Di's gaze to freeze and his fingers to tremble slightly.

"It's amazing power, it really surprised me."

Mo Wuxin looked coldly at Di in the sky, and said: "If your so-called reliance is these star gold, then everything will end here."

Another sword was swung out, and the sword turned into a mad dragon swept away, and another skull exploded in a moment.The wild dragon roared and rushed towards those ordinary skulls. In just a moment, tens of thousands of ordinary skulls turned into dust and fell to the ground.

"I let you escape last time, but this time I'm not so lucky." Di took out his scepter, and his figure flashed in front of the swords that turned into a wild dragon.

Di tapped lightly with his scepter, and a light shield with a radius of ten meters blocked the mad dragon's way.

Ding..ding..ding! ! !
All of a sudden, the mad dragon scattered, and the Lie Yan Sword flew back to Mo Wuxin's side again.

Mo Wuxin's figure flashed past, and rushed towards Di with the red flame sword in his hand. The sword in his hand slashed fiercely, and the invisible antimatter energy rushed away, followed by the nine hundred and ninety-nine bar flame sword, which circled upwards with clouds .

Ding.! !
When Mo Wuxin's red flame sword pierced the light shield, cracks instantly spread all over the huge light shield.

Di Weiwei frowned, pulled back hundreds of meters, the scepter shook slightly, and the golden skulls flew out of the huge black mist behind him, arranged neatly, like a big net blocking Mo Wuxin's way.

Above the sky, the fire dragon with thick flames and the golden dragon with thick black mist are fighting together, neither will let the other, just stand there in a stalemate.

Under the sky, the angels spread out and strangled the skulls individually. The vanguard angels avoided the golden skulls that could easily bite off their bodies, while the guardian angels fought with the golden skulls. They could not destroy the star gold, but their own Strength can protect itself.

Xin Zhao and Zhi Xin united and entangled five golden skulls, plus a hundred ordinary skulls.

Ge Xiaolun chopped off a golden skull with his sword, his eyes sparkled, he flapped his wings and rushed into the sky, and plunged headlong into the thick black mist.

PS: In the last Mathematical Modeling Competition, our team won first place in the province and will defend in a few days.Ho Ho, it has been updated recently, and the author is full of classes every day, which is also helpless.I will work hard to update it later, and strive to get full attendance.

(End of this chapter)

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