Chapter 126
Dark clouds gathered one after another, covering Xi and Chunri, and the spring breeze gradually became violent, rolling up dust and whizzing towards it, and the towering ancient trees swayed unsteadily, as if they would be pulled up from the ground in the next moment.

A huge vortex condensed in the sky, lightning flashed and thundered for a moment, and the rumbling sound was deafening. The beasts had already noticed that the situation was wrong, and fled out one after another.In an instant, the scene of thousands of beasts galloping was truly spectacular, ranging from small rabbits to mammoths, all fleeing towards the edge of the vortex.

A howl of a wolf resounded on the mountain in the distance, and a figure nearly two meters high appeared there. It was shaped like a human, with scarlet eyes, sharp claws, and dark gray wolf fur. It had a wolf head and claws, and could walk upright. .

The demon, a civilization that was once separated from Xianyuan, relied on its own strength and wisdom to climb from the lowest civilization to the highest civilization step by step.

The vortex in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and the werewolf standing upright on the peak is still roaring, trying to declare its sovereignty to the things coming out of it.

A light blue energy device appeared in the werewolf's claws, with a cold light in his eyes, he threw it into the vortex, and exploded violently, causing lightning fluctuations.

In an instant, thunder flashed wildly, and a long metal stick protruded from the vortex, which happened to act as a conductor, and a huge lightning bolt was transmitted along the metal stick.


Painful screams emanated from the vortex, a smile appeared on the face of the wolf demon, and then it froze for a moment. As a wolf, its eyesight must be excellent. Just now, the black shadow flashed by and flew out of the vortex. It even made it unable to lock onto the enemy.

The wolf demon suddenly sensed someone behind him, opened his sharp claws and rushed backwards, but saw the giant metal club coming, and immediately whipped it away.

Sun Wukong knocked it flying with one blow, and came to the wolf monster in a flash. He pointed the golden cudgel at the wolf monster and said, "What are you?"

"I am the master of this land. You have violated the rules of the demon realm by illegally invading my territory." The wolf demon speaks in Chinese.

"Hey, you can understand what I'm saying." Sun Wukong was startled, a little curious, put away the golden cudgel and let him stand up.

The wolf demon was very strange, and said: "You are speaking in Xianyuan language, why can't I understand it."

Xianyuan language is the lingua franca within the Alliance of Civilizations. Of course, each civilization also has its own language, just like Buddhas have Buddha language, dragons have dragon language, witches have professional witch spells, and only demons generally use Xianyuan language.There is a reason why Xianyuan language is the internal circulation language of the alliance. Compared with various languages, Xianyuan language occupies the least amount of data, which can reduce the genetic system memory.

"Xianyuan." Sun Wukong muttered twice while carrying the golden cudgel, then turned around and asked, "What is this place?"

"Demon Realm"

"Yaoyu, where is it?"

"Whether you are a demon or not, you don't even know the demon domain."

"My grandson is a Buddha, not a monster." Sun Wukong waved his golden cudgel and said with a cold face:

Who knew that when the wolf demon heard the Buddha, his benign expression just now became extremely angry.

"Bah, traitor! There is no Buddha here, please leave."

The wolf demon knew that he was not his opponent just after the fight, and he was very angry when he learned that Monkey King claimed to be a Buddha. After venting his anger, he immediately turned and left.

Sun Wukong looked at the wolf demon's leaving figure indifferently, and jumped into the sky. Countless big monsters blocked the way along the way, and only one stick from the beginning to the end solved them all.

There is only one ruler of the demon universe, the demon realm.

After Sun Wukong searched this planet, he traveled through the wormhole again to go to other demon stars. In the demon realm hundreds of millions of light years away, he has received messages from many big monsters. looking for something.

The Demon Realm Committee consists of three founding masters and three hundred Void Gods.

"A monkey demon who claims to be a Buddha disturbed the demon realm, Ziyun, Jiguang, Xueyu, you three go for it." In the huge temple, the yawning fox demon ordered:

"Yes, presiding judge." The rat demon, horse demon, and rabbit demon turned into streamers and came to the temple, bowing down to salute the next trial order transmitted from the fox demon.

"Don't make too much conflict, drive it away immediately."


The Yaoyu has its own set of rules, and it is this set of rules that guarantees the Yao to stand at the forefront in the vast civilization of the stars.

Monkey King travels from planet to planet in the Demon Realm, searching for places in his memory. For some reason, he always feels that he has buried important things in this universe.

In a certain demon star, Monkey King saw three demons in front of him as soon as he landed.

Ziyun carries the Ziyun mouse gene, and after several generations of god-making projects, he has successfully entered the ranks of Void Gods, and his combat effectiveness is extremely good.

"Hello, Buddha from the unknown universe, this is the demon domain, please leave." Ziyun's body is very thin, only ten centimeters high, and his voice is very high-pitched and thin enough for Monkey King to hear clearly.

"Who are you?" Sun Wukong has long learned from those big monsters that there is a force called the Monster Realm in this universe, but he doesn't know how powerful they are.

"A subordinate member of the Demon Realm Committee, you have violated our rules." Ji Guang said with a cold face and disgust:

Sun Wukong waved his golden cudgel and said with an inexplicable smile, "If you want me to go, if you beat me, I will leave."

As soon as the words fell, Ziyun disappeared in place and escaped into the void.

Sun Wukong cautiously held the golden cudgel, and swung it backwards, just hitting the place where Ziyun escaped, and the huge golden cudgel directly smashed it into the void.

After Ziyun was smashed into the void, she escaped from the void again, her claws went straight to Monkey King, and the claws collided with the stick.

Sun Wukong felt a burst of force, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, while Ziyun flew hundreds of meters away, and his body suddenly fell to the ground, smashing apart on the ground.


Ziyun made an angry sound and his body suddenly became huge. The original ten centimeter body slowly grew to one meter, and the sharp teeth dug deep grooves on the ground.

Transformed into purple light, he attacked Sun Wukong, and the huge impact knocked him back hundreds of meters.

The golden cudgel was inserted into the ground to counteract the impact. Seeing the opponent attacking again, Monkey King roared angrily, kicked his legs suddenly, turned into flames and collided with Ziyun.

The two fought fiercely on this demon star, and for a while, stones flew randomly, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

Ji Guang and Xue Yu just waited quietly, without any intention of making a move.The monster domain is too calm, and monsters love to fight by nature. It is rare to meet such an evenly matched enemy, so how can we not have fun.

"The genes of this monkey monster are perfect. It would be great if he could join our demon domain." Ji Guang's soft and beautiful face showed a hint of admiration.

Xueyu said in disgust: "A traitor, you are not worthy of joining the Demon Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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