Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 137 Chapter return of ten thousand years....

Chapter 137 The Return of Thousands of Years
In the vast starry sky, there is such a dim planet. The entire surface of the star is full of yellow sand and smoke, and the ground cracks a huge gap, forming a bottomless canyon.

This is the sphere of influence of the demon realm. This planet was once the residence of the demon king. Tens of thousands of years ago, the demon king fought a desperate battle with the Buddhist rookie at that time, resulting in the loss of life, the planet fell into mass extinction, and many monsters died. No big monster has ever set foot on this planet again.

Buddha has always advocated compassion and saving all living beings. After the start of the god-making project, this concept was instilled in the genes. Many civilizations have been helped by Buddhism.Monsters are violent in nature. The early monsters evolved slowly from animals. The God-making Project did not change their shapes, but only endowed them with more wisdom and abilities. Their innate fighting instinct was deeply buried in their blood. In the genes, after leaving Xianyuan, it was completely revealed.

Fight, keep fighting.Unscrupulously launched attacks on various civilizations, and finally provoked Buddhism. The concepts of the two civilizations were completely different. From the very beginning of the battle, it was extremely fierce.

At that time, there was no committee in the Demon Territory, and the entire Demon Territory was ruled by the Demon King. The arrogance of Buddhism brought the Bodhi gene to the Demon King Star to challenge them. They were all the top immortals at that time. The demon king star was completely disabled.

In the end, Tianjiao of Buddhism died in battle, the demon king mysteriously disappeared, and the Demon Realm Committee stepped onto the stage.The conflict between the demons and Buddhas was settled under the mediation of the Alliance of Civilizations. The combat power of the demons who lost the demon king was not as good as before, and the fighting character from instinct was slightly restrained.

After tens of thousands of years, Monkey King awakened the mysterious power and broke through the barriers of the universe to come to the demon realm, only to reveal the mystery that had been hidden for thousands of years.

The Green Leaf Buddha is an ancient great Buddha, and also the first god of the Buddhist god-making project, only a hundred years later than Nuwa and others.After the battle of the Demon King Star, it came to see the Demon King in person, and the two had a secret conversation. In the end, the Demon King decided to follow Qingye Buddha, devoting himself to practice and trying to find a way to control the nature of demons.

It's just that this walk lasted for millions of years. When he returned to the Demon Realm, he found that the Demon Realm was more harmonious and stable without him. The method of controlling the nature of demons was left to the Demon Realm Committee at that time, and it returned to Qingye Buddha again.

After that, after millions of years, he finally broke through the founding master, yearning for the void battlefield, and accidentally annihilated while exploring the depths of the void, dissipating in the long river of time.

Only when Qingye Buddha was sad, he traveled in time for millions of years, left the collected and broken genetic data on the earth, was found by the God of Time and Teacher Wu, and created Sun Wukong, who defeated the Buddha.

It can be said that Sun Wukong's genetic data contains part of the battle data of the demon king, with the kindness of Buddha, mixed with the fighting instinct of demons.

Ten years ago, Sun Wukong used the power of the newly awakened God King to beat the three Void-level enforcers, and he was defeated without any suspense. At the craziest moment, Ziyun was injured in many places and his arm was slightly broken, and his own injury was even worse. Seriously, dying.

When Sun Wukong was brought back to the Demon Realm Committee, the presiding judge discovered the awakened part of the Demon King's data when he inquired about the genetic data in his body, and the entire Demon Realm Committee was in a commotion.

In this way, Monkey King has lived in the Demon Realm for ten years. With the help of the resources of the Monster Realm and the upgrade of the unique god-making project, the unique living environment of the Monster Realm has completely transformed Monkey King, and he has found the place he has been looking for.

The flames fell from the sky and hit the dry ground, forming a deep pit. Monkey King walked out of it holding a golden cudgel, his eyes glowing with fire to search.

In the thousand-foot-deep canyon, Monkey King stood on the side, looking down quietly, and could not see anything in the pitch black, but the sound of howling and screaming came from the wind.

The dry and cracked valleys, the sandy mountains, and the traces of battles thousands of years ago have long been buried. This place has become a death star, and there are no traces of any living beings.

Sun Wukong's eyes are as bright as light, emitting a strong light to see the bottom, still bottomless, then he jumped into the canyon, fell quickly with the help of a huge impact, and disappeared into the vast and dark canyon.

The bottom of the valley was completely dark, and Sun Wukong jumped down and fell onto a certain boulder. The huge force squeezed into the boulder, causing it to explode rapidly.

Eyes as bright as night pearls emitted a flashlight-like light. Sun Wukong saw that there was nothing he wanted at all when he saw the gravel at the bottom of the valley. The messy data was quickly imported into the genetic system and deleted by the Interrogation Department.

Every time Sun Wukong jumps, he will bring the flames that rub against the air, illuminating the entire canyon in an instant, until he goes deep into a dilapidated stone palace, his body shakes suddenly, and he quickly enters the interior, revealing many reliefs come out.

A woman is depicted on the wall of the Stone Palace. She is dragging a long skirt and standing on a high mountain, and below it gathers all kinds of beasts, tigers, elephants, rabbits, goats, etc. All kinds of beasts gather in the Together, quietly arranged under the mountain, this is the first one.

The second picture is a city, and the statue in the center is also a woman, dragging a long skirt and showing a loving smile.And all kinds of beasts running around in the city can walk upright, whether they look like tigers or like rabbits, they can all live in harmony.

The third picture, this is a splendid palace, with a white jade throne on the top, sitting on it is a monkey monster, its face is full of fierceness, the group of monsters that came to worship His Highness trembled, and they dare not look directly at it it.

The murals are one after another. This is the history of monsters and the inheritance of civilization. Monkey King walked through the long stone palace and only saw the last mural. A bit sad, a bit joyful.

And the woman gently stroked the monkey monster with her jade hand, and she couldn't help chanting some words, her loving eyes didn't fade away, and she was full of smiles.

For some reason, Monkey King looked at the painting in front of him a little sad, or a little sad. For some reason, he could feel that the monkey monster on the mural was very similar to him, and the woman was so kind, just like his long-lost relative. generally.

"Who is she, why my old grandson wants to see her unknowingly."

Sun Wukong murmured softly, stepped forward and put his palm on the mural, inexplicably feeling a burst of warmth, suddenly a white light flashed, and a strange wormhole appeared.


Sun Wukong didn't hesitate at all, he stepped into the wormhole, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, many towering trees swayed with the wind, and a mountain high in the distance seemed a bit abrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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