Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 140 It's Infinitely Good In Spring....

Chapter 140 It's Infinitely Good In Spring.
Mo Wuxin walked side by side with Yan, staring at the cyclone above with a solemn face, the air flow in the sky is too violent, it has surpassed the scope of the king of gods, and is moving towards the supreme god.

Qiangwei stood beside her, clenched her fists together, and murmured, "I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend."

With a flash of light, Yan had already taken out the glazed crystal sword, and the white and flawless wings slowly unfolded. His eyes gradually calmed down and observed the cyclone above. She walked out of the Qinglian Star and hadn't touched it yet. This is definitely a good move. Chance.

"Is this the Flaming Sword?"

Zhi Xin looked at the glazed crystal sword with some familiarity. Although the appearance on it had completely changed, the familiar feeling of being in harmony with the genes did not disappear because of this.


In an instant, Yan disappeared on the spot, flying high in the air, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed straight at it, and the invisible fluctuations flew into the cyclone.

A hundred-foot-long iron pillar protruded from the strong vortex, and the antimatter energy wave hit it and heard a violent cracking sound, and then saw Monkey King flying out of it, holding a golden cudgel and rushing towards it.

"Brother Monkey! Look at Brother Monkey!!"

"Fuck, what a dead monkey."

"He's not dead, I thought he was dead."


For a while, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Qilin, Qiangwei and others talked non-stop, all were surprised by Monkey King's return.

"Hey, then why are they still fighting? Who is going to tell them to stop?" Rui Mengmeng pointed to the sky and asked everyone:

Mo Wuxin smiled indifferently, and said: "It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't done anything for a long time, I just want to warm up."

"You are quite calm. If the dead monkey accidentally hurt the angel, I will feel sorry for you." Leina walked slowly in front of him with her head held high and a smile.

Mo Wuxin shook his head for a while, and said: "No, Sun Wukong has a sense of proportion, and it's really hard to say who will hurt who in a real fight."

"How did Sister Yan's strength increase so much? Where did she learn her fierce swordsmanship?" Zhi Xin's fair and pink face showed surprise, the sky was overflowing with light, and silent antimatter energy waves blocked Monkey King in all directions. battle space.

Reina's beautiful eyes flowed, and the battle in the sky intensified. Monkey King relied on his own strong physique, directly ignored the anti-matter energy attack, and rushed towards Yan holding the golden cudgel high. "The dead monkey has also become much stronger, and it is immune to antimatter energy attacks. It is really scary."

Mo Wuxin quietly watched the battle above, and the surprise that Sun Wukong, who had disappeared for ten years, brought him was not small. The infinitely perfect fighting gene, crazy fighting style, and the inheritance from the demon realm had already appeared on him. The river battle armor also has a few high sides, faintly glowing with purple light, which can help him remove the attack of antimatter energy.

Yan continued to attack Sun Wukong according to the speed in the sky. Several fights ended in vain. The antimatter energy could not help him at all, and he began to try the hidden power of order from his body vaguely.

Both order and chaos belong to the power of the main biological plane, and the abilities of the two are very different. If chaos destroys all rules, then order makes all rules.

"God said, let there be light in the world, so there will be light."

In an instant, the earth suddenly fell into darkness, and a moment later, a round of light rose from the east, quickly lighting up the whole world.

"Fuck, what is this?"

Ge Xiaolun shouted exaggeratedly. The darkness at that moment just caught people off guard, and the battle above had gradually begun to shake everyone's nerves.

The white wings on Yan's back began to glow with golden light, and he said solemnly, "God said that power has its own rules, and those who break the rules will be punished."

In the cloudless sky, a streak of clear sky suddenly flashed, directly raising the hairs all over Sun Wukong Dian's body, which looked very funny.

Sun Wukong yelled, the golden cudgel in his hand began to extend, and suddenly swung it at Yan.

"God said that all things cannot violate the majesty of God, and those who do this will be reduced to dust."

I saw that the part of the extended golden cudgel that was about to touch it disappeared strangely, which was extremely strange.

"What kind of power is this?" Qiangwei was shocked, her world view had already been subverted.

Cheng Yaowen kept silent, and suddenly asked: "I remember that the king of angels used some mysterious power to completely destroy the entire dark nebula. Could it be this kind of power?"

"No, there is a clear difference between chaos and order." Mo Wuxin shook his head for a while. Fighting on the plane of the main creature is very unfair to Sun Wukong. The power of order in Yan's body has been completely controlled. Fairy Qinglian is the founding master. The time has already been able to completely dig out the power in Yan's body. At her level, the angle of seeing the world will be completely different.

Of course, Ge Xiaolun still has a long way to go from the founding master. Without tens of millions of years of insight and research, it is difficult to break through.Rewriting the world is only the first step, and the further you go, the more difficult it will be. The real master can rewrite or even create a universe by himself, but of course it must be created in the void.

A strong air pressure formed in the air, squeezing Sun Wukong from all directions, making him unable to move, and the superimposed space wormhole in the space under his feet also disappeared, and he fell from midair.

Since then, Yancai slowly fell from the midair, and with a light wave of his jade hand, all the traces of the battle just now disappeared, and the golden cudgel whose top was cut off appeared again, and white clouds appeared in the blue sky.

Just when Monkey King fell to the ground, a figure rushed out from behind, quickly ran over and hugged him, sobbing uncontrollably, and the sound of crying reached everyone's ears.


Sun Wukong's thoughts were in chaos, looking at the white and tender arms around his waist, most of the strength in his body was removed.

"Let's go, let's go drink with my brothers." Seeing the scene, Liu Chuang immediately greeted Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin, and waved to Cheng Yaowen and Mo Wuxin.

"How is it?" Mo Wuxin asked while walking, Yan beside him looked very dignified.

"There is a very strong force in his body, which is likely to be chaotic, but he didn't use it for fear of hurting me."

"Void, anti-void, chaos, order, origin, what will happen when the five forces gather in the void."

"what's up?"

"Who knows, let the two of them get together first, and talk to the monkey later."


On the other side, Rui Mengmeng pulled Qilin and Weilan and said, "Don't look, let's go, just in time for the holiday, let's go shopping together."

"Shopping, I want to go too." Ge Xiner's ears were very sharp, and when she heard about the shopping, she immediately ran over and yelled to follow.

"Alas, Ari waited for ten years to bring Sun Wukong back. You said that this monkey is really real. He didn't even say hello when he left."

"Sister Qilin, don't gossip. Besides, Brother Wuxin didn't leave without saying hello. I remember you swore that there must be a reason for him to leave. Hey, sister Qilin, why are you blushing?" Ruimeng Meng straddled Qilin's arm and Ge Xiner's arm at the same time, shouting loudly:

"Her, spring is here." Wei Lan covered her mouth and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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