Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 152 The Road to the Future...

Chapter 152 The road ahead
"This war is too fast for us to take any precautions."

In the meeting room, Lianfeng looked sad, and sat on the chair next to him. The meeting room, which was originally not big, was full at the moment.

"War, war. You don't see that this is not our war at all."

Ge Xiaolun's expression was a little crazy. In the battle not long ago, the 1st company of the army led by him was wiped out. Except for him, no one survived, and all of them became a delicious meal for those bugs.

In the small conference room, Ge Xiaolun was the only one roaring there, his mad expression made people frown, and Qiangwei who was standing beside him kicked him down.

"Don't be ashamed here, isn't it just a few people killed in battle, we can still fight again."

"Fight, then what to fight."

"Whoever lives, yours or mine. It's theirs. Why did you save me?" Ge Xiaolun whimpered a little. Even though the matter had passed for a long time, he still couldn't get out of the shadows.

Because Lieyang, Angel, and Styx's lairs were destroyed during the war, all of them stayed on the earth for the time being, waiting for the next counterattack.

As a summit meeting, Kesha is naturally indispensable. She sat on a dark red chair, her legs crossed, her white dress dragged on the ground, and she sighed softly: "I didn't expect the power of the galaxy to look like this after so long , Is this how your Super Seminary trains people? As a god, even this thing is unacceptable, I think this should be a disaster for your galaxy civilization."

"Ragnarok, sinking into endless death, what a wonderful time." Karl swung his blue robe, and the death scepter emitted a faint light, making everyone present drowsy.

Keisha immediately let out a cold snort, awakening the person who was addicted to the illusion, and said with a pretty face: "Karl, you really think that you can not die, there will be no next time, otherwise you will really be able to witness the eternal demise."

"Understood, respected holy Keisha." Karl smiled a few times, and then stopped talking.

In the meeting room, Lianfeng, the commander-in-chief of the heroic company, Kaisha, the king of angels, Karl, the god of death, and Pan Zhen, the guardian of the fierce sun, are discussing matters related to war. Now that the Zerg is raging, all major civilizations are in danger of being swallowed up, and the two powers have no time to take care of them .

In the bedroom of Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao, the two were lying in front of the square table, staring at the World Orb in front of them with bated breath, it was constantly rotating in mid-air, the speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

"Zhi Xin, what is this? Baseball, table tennis, or something."

"I don't know either. Sister Yan asked me to keep it safe before leaving. If there is a crisis that even Kaisha can't solve, open it."

"Then what is this thing?"

"do not know."

"Have you seen it with the eyes of insight?"

"Unable to read internal data."

"So do you know how to open it?"

"Sister Yan left behind the start-up procedure."

After inquiring for a while, Xin Zhao felt a little bored. He stepped forward and grabbed the World Orb on the injured side. He checked it over and over again, but found nothing. He hesitated and said, "Why don't we open it and try..."

"However, Sister Yan told me that you must wait until a critical moment to open it." Zhi Xin hesitated for a while, then shook his head lightly. When Yan handed it to her, his expression was extremely serious. I have never seen her like this since we got along for so long. Seriously, this bead must have important meaning.

"Well, when is the crisis moment?" Xin Zhao thought for a while, tilting his head and asking:
Zhi Xin replied seriously: "Things that Queen Keisha can't solve are even in times of crisis."

"Now that the Zergs are attacking, don't you angels have the same problem? As for your Queen Keisha, she was defeated in the face of those huge giant bugs. Now, the earth is in crisis, but we have nothing to do. The universe is everywhere We are all at war, but we can only hide in the back, and we can only hide everywhere. Xiao Lun claims to have the power of the Milky Way every day, and this **** fight is also completely defeated."

"Sometimes I think I'm so incompetent, what else can I do except run fast."

Xin Zhao was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his voice full of helplessness.

"It's not your fault, you are the gun of the German star, the bravest male god in the universe, I believe in you." Zhi Xin stepped forward to take Zhao Xin's hand, and comforted softly:

"Sister Yan left me two procedures before, the other is the activation procedure, and the other is the sealing procedure. She said that as long as the sealing procedure is not activated, basically there will be no major problems. Then let's start it and try it out. The Zerg and Queen Keisha have nothing to do, the power gap between the two is too great, and our angels have suffered heavy losses."

Zhi Xin stood in front of the World Orb, and a lot of data drifted out of her eyes, which were transmitted to the World Orb.

"Verify the identity, the identity verification is passed, and the wormhole is opened."

Xin Zhao and Zhi Xin disappeared in their own room in the blink of an eye, and reflected in the vast starry sky in front of them, the entire universe full of stars is full of this loneliness and indifference.

"This seems to be the place where Wuxin fought Brother Monkey last time."

"Then what is this place?"

"I don't know!"

"Zhi Xin, can you hear me?"

All of a sudden, pleasant figures came from all directions, dots of light converged to form Yan's shadow, a phantom as bright as light, and the wings behind him could be vaguely seen.

"Sister Yan"

Zhi Xin cheered, flapped her flawless wings and flew up to the starry sky, coming to Yan's side.

"Hey, didn't you go to the void with Wu Xin and Brother Hou?" Xin Zhao was a little confused, suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder, turned around and saw that it was Mo Wuxin's figure.

"Wuxin, you didn't leave." Just as Xin Zhao wanted to step forward to pat Mo Wuxin, he saw his hands directly passing through Mo Wuxin's body, and what floated in front of him was like a ray of light, which could not be touched at all.

"Don't bother, this is the phantom we left behind, the next thing is what we leave to you, you must keep it in mind."

Zhi Xin looked around the starry sky, and nodded slightly to indicate that she was ready.

"This is a universe. A universe created by the two of us is used to leave the inheritance for the angels and the earth." Yan waved his hand lightly, and saw a nebula millions of light years slowly moving. Formation, countless stars are gathering, and the basic conditions for the birth of life on the planet have been initially formed.

"After we leave, it is impossible to return again. There will be a catastrophe in 90 years, but all the universes and civilizations will be involved, or die, or be promoted. But according to the current situation, the possibility of extinction should be accounted for. It’s a big part. And this universe is the way out for you.”

"This universe is not in the void. The catastrophe will not cause too much harm to this place. The nebula has just formed and has a long lifespan. Angels and the earth can all leave the inheritance of civilization here, waiting for the return in the future." With a swipe of Mo Wuxin's hand, a huge nebula was separated, and the distance between the two sides was quickly shortened, hundreds of millions of light-years apart.

"Zhixin, wait until Ani Cid becomes an angel, bring the inheritance of angels to this universe, and let justice spread to this starry sky again."

(End of this chapter)

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