Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 156 Good Fortune Jade Plate...

Chapter 156 Fortune Jade Plate
Once the prosperity is gone, only endless loneliness is left.

The Xianyuan Universe, which hosts hundreds of millions of immortals and gods, has gradually become unfamiliar.Thousands of fleets moved slowly, staying in the starry sky, and countless fairy gods left from various ecological planets, boarding battleships to prepare for the final decisive battle.

But in just a few days, dozens of nebulae with hundreds of millions of years of civilization history in Xianyuan were completely abandoned, and rows of battleships were scattered in the starry sky, stretching endlessly for tens of light years.

The preparations for the decisive battle began millions of years ago. Heavenly Court spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources to build hundreds of battle stars. This technology was traded with the Yuangu Zhanmeng. Withstand the power of the void and use it to build a command system in decisive battles.

The chaotic battlefield is increasingly showing the role of the command system. There is a special research institute in the heaven, which is dedicated to manufacturing and researching the role of battle stars in the void, and finally creates a battle star with both offensive and defensive capabilities. In the future, it can also build an indestructible command system.

There are pavilions, towers and castles everywhere, and now the buildings are empty, and the habit of intense discussions in the palace of truth on weekdays has disappeared, leaving only empty palaces.

Laojun, as the ruler of the Heavenly Court, is extremely busy.The decisive battle was too sudden, even if it had been prepared for a million years, it would be a little caught off guard.

The Creation Jade Plate is the artifact of Xianyuan's clan, and it has been kept in the small world of the Heavenly Court.But now, Laojun is wearing a Taoist robe, embroidered with black and white gossip arrays, swaying his whisk, and solemnly staring at the constantly rotating jade plate in front of him.

Warm and smooth as jade, with a white and flawless brilliance, jade plates of different sizes float in mid-air.Stretching for hundreds of miles, there are all those white jade discs, spinning continuously like a roulette.It was pitch black outside the first time, only this small area was bright.

After a long silence, Laojun waved his whisk to urge the creation jade disc to evolve the universe model again.

In an instant, the jade plate released a ray of light that completely submerged Laojun, and a model of evolution appeared in his mind.The void as a whole comes to mind, and its edge is covered by a thick purple light curtain. In the area surrounded by the light curtain, the four basic particles collide with each other, forming a singularity by accident, and the violent explosion rapidly expands its interior, forming the initial With the evolution of time, the main biological plane and the secondary biological plane gradually separated, and the collision of dimensions gave birth to particles.

Particles aggregate into elements, matter soon forms in the universe, gradually nebulae, stars, planets, life, civilization.
Every expansion and contraction of the singularity is the destruction and rebirth of the universe.Singularities are everywhere in the void, and the speed of civilization evolution is accelerating, primitive civilization, low civilization, medium civilization, and high civilization.When creatures like gods spread throughout the universe, the void began to show its ruthless scene again, the light curtains of the marginal universe gradually shrunk, and the passing singularities quietly disappeared, reduced to a huge void, and were swallowed by the light curtains.

In the end, the marginal void swallowed everything, and the brilliant cosmic civilization died out completely.

The light faded, and Laojun woke up again. Even though he had seen it many times, he still couldn't change this result. The development of the civilization of the universe still couldn't escape the end in the end.Even the void-level civilizations that already exist cannot escape the engulfment of the marginal void.

"No matter how many times you try, the solution is doomed, and civilization cannot escape the end of its destiny." Laojun sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"So you have succumbed to fate, Dao Yin." Nu Wa stepped out of the darkness, her long skirt trailing the floor slowly.

The old gentleman smiled wryly, and said: "Hehe, the old Taoist has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and he can't remember his original name for a long time. Unexpectedly, Nuwa still remembers it clearly."

"Even for hundreds of millions of years, I can still vividly remember the scene at that time, just like the scene of yesterday. Daoyin, you and Emperor Xi went to Wuse Mountain to invite me to come forward and lead the Xianyuan clan out of the ancestral land. Now, hundreds of millions of years have passed. However, what can you think of at this moment and this scene." Standing in front of the good luck jade plate, Nu Wa showed a complex look in her eyes.

Laojun shook his whisk and said: "It's been too long, I can't remember the scene at that time, Shennong has fallen, and the gods who walked out of the ancestral land, now there are only a few of us left."

"It's time to end. We have come to the end of this road. The development of civilization has not escaped the arrangement of fate in the end, and it is still lost in its hands." Nuwa sighed softly and murmured:
Fate, in this scientific world, is simply a mysterious concept.It is more abstract than time, and it is impossible to determine its concrete existence.As early as the beginning of civilization, natural disasters continued and resources were scarce, so the development of Xianyuan was very slow, and the god-making project could only be carried out under extremely crude conditions.

The god-making of lower civilizations only uses simple natural energy, just like the mage who once appeared on the earth, relying on the limitations of his own strength, accidentally created the silicon-based life Azma, relying on his own characteristics to obtain immortality.

Xianyuan is just luckier than mages. In some ancient rituals, there are warriors who accidentally control the energy of thunder and lightning. Their genes can match the energy of lightning under certain conditions, and then they can release high-power lightning.

Subsequently, it caused the research of many wizards and scholars. During this period of time, the technological system developed very rapidly. Flames, ice and snow, and strong winds
Various natural energies were gradually controlled by human beings, and the concept of God was proposed at that time. Nuwa was also a god at that time, possessing the power to make trees grow rapidly.

While possessing great power, the gods have not forgotten to explore the starry sky, and interstellar colonization is also rapidly carried out with the support of the gods.Nuwa has a high reputation among the gods. At the invitation of Laojun Daoyin and Shennong Xihuang, she raised her arms and shouted to quickly gain the support of the gods. Xianyuan collectively walked out of the ancestral land and started a new civilized life.

In the process of civilization progress, wars have never stopped, and social forms have been advancing all the time, such as Shennong, Pangu, Sui, Haotian, Zhurong, Gonggong, etc., all came from the ancestral land at that time. The god who came out and evolved to the highest form, the void god.

But when the Zerg invaded Xianyuan, all of them fell into the starry sky, and now only Nuwa, Laojun, Yuanzun, and Zhenyuanzi are left.

Eternal life is often accompanied by eternal loneliness. Surviving alone in this universe is sometimes a kind of pain.

"The good fortune jade plate, let the bearer pass it on to protect the ancestral land." Nuwa waved her jade hand lightly, and all the jade plates in front of her disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the place became darker and darker.

The wormhole flashed by, and Laojun and Nuwa returned to Tianji Mountain. The paintings on the walls of Wa Palace had long since disappeared, replaced by neat and smooth stone walls.

"It's time to end."

Nuwa's voice resounded on Tianji Mountain, countless towering ancient trees below trembled, and took off into the sky. Green light flashed, and the shadows of the trees had disappeared. .

(End of this chapter)

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