Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 158 The Monarch Appears....

Chapter 158 The monarch appears
Battleships, endless battleships, are slowly moving forward in the void. The thick purple light mist is broken by the huge battleships. Occasionally, many Zergs will fly out, and they will instantly turn into void under the attack of fierce artillery fire.

Annihilation bomb, also see annihilation bomb, wherever there are Zerg infestation, it will be covered by annihilation bomb in the blink of an eye, the hard body can't resist the annihilation attack, and it turns into clusters of extremely compressed void matter in the thick purple flames.

Not only the warships from the Immortal Realm sailed into the void, but also the warships from the Immortal Universe poured into the Dao Void and scattered in all directions. Their vanguard troops would soon reach the Zerg's sphere of influence.

Laojun is in charge of the Heavenly Court and is one of the main persons in charge of the fate plan. Now he has come to the void from the Xianyuan universe, sitting in the ark where Mo Wuxin and others are riding, and greets everyone with a peaceful face. He is not facing a war at all. tension.

"Already prepared for so many years, success or failure, the old man has already seen it."

Mo Wuxin, who has lived for less than 40 years in the past and present, can't understand the ancient gods like Laojun who have lived for hundreds of millions of years, the huge Xianyuan civilization, so easily give up, go deep into the edge of the void, and the plot is nothing is an opportunity.

Everyone was silent, watching the progress of the vanguard team. There was a light screen in the quiet room, which could project the image from the battle star. This is the latest achievement of Heavenly Court. Satellites can observe scenes tens of kilometers away.

The void plane is a three-dimensional space, and there are six directions in the marginal universe. Xianyuan's warships use the fairyland as the reference point and spread in all directions.

I don't know how long the time has passed, and soon the overwhelming insect soldiers swarmed in, and the images on the light screen made people's scalp tingle, even if it was the first time for Qingluan to see the appearance of insects on such a large scale, her pink face couldn't help turning pale , some concerns.

Thousands of zhang-long warships have thousands of muzzles on the top. Rows of annihilation bombs gushed out of the muzzles in an instant, passing through layers of light curtains and flying into the swarm of insect soldiers. Tens of thousands of bug soldiers died, but this number was too insignificant compared with the swarming bug swarm.

I don't know how many miles across, Xianyuan's warships bombarded the insect soldiers fiercely, and saw those voids appearing in the void in blocks, even though the distance between the two sides is still constantly increasing, ten kilometers, five kilometers, one kilometer
Mo Wuxin stood in the ark and stared at the battlefield ahead. The war had been so fierce from the very beginning. The battleship was like the ancient army formations he saw on Earth, holding up the shield and knocking the enemy out step by step.In the void, the battleships were closely arranged and moved forward together. The insect soldiers slapped the shell of the battleship like raindrops, tearing it with sharp claws, biting it with sharp teeth, and tried their best to destroy the battleship.

Each of the six Zerg races has its own characteristics.Devouring Zerg lies in their ability to devour the matter of the main creature world and convert it into energy in the body.The Prophet Zerg can emit destruction rays, and can also destroy all kinds of matter. Even the Void God will be instantly reduced to ashes as long as it is irradiated by snakes and scorpions.

The plundering Zerg are relatively not so perverted. They have sharp claws and sharp teeth, which can easily tear apart the body of a god. Even weapons forged from star gold can be easily shredded by them.Super Immortal Gold is a metal synthesized by Heavenly Court, and it has been tested to resist the long-term attack of predatory Zerg.

The escaping Zerg is good at using space channels, and it is this type of Zerg that should be the most careful when wandering in the void, because it will jump out of the purple light group from time to time. There may be hundreds of escaping insects hidden behind the seemingly calm space. Air Zerg.

Abyss Zerg is the most vulnerable Zerg, they are not as hard as other Zerg, they can be easily killed by star-killing weapons, of course, this does not mean that they are weak.They are the wise men of the Zerg, and they can command other Zergs to fight in a stable and orderly manner. Even if they are far apart, the Abyss Zergs can communicate well.

The most peculiar ones belong to the Meteorites. Their body is just a big bright eye, which can check the genetic data in the cosmic organisms, and can also modify it.

The battle ahead is in full swing, and every time a warship is destroyed, another warship will fill it up behind it.The battleship was moving forward slowly, and the attack of the insect soldiers was immediately blocked by the huge battleship.

"Six Zerg Monarchs, they are here."

Laojun stood up, waved his whisk and a wormhole passage appeared in front of him, smiled kindly at everyone, and stepped into the wormhole passage.

Faint phantoms appeared on the battlefield ahead, and hundreds of warships were squeezed into a ball in an instant, and tens of thousands of immortals fell instantly.The golden gossip array trapped the phantom, and Laojun's figure appeared on the battlefield ahead.Nuoda's golden gossip array protects Laojun, and from time to time, a huge golden array prints on those phantoms, and after a while, the figure of Devouring Monarch appears.

With a body thousands of meters long, huge sharp claws, and a wriggling mouth, the dark gray body is crushing hundreds of warships under its feet, and with a stretch of its claws, several warships are swallowed into its mouth.Laojun's gossip seal is floating in the void, gradually sealing the Devouring Monarch.Through the light screen, it can be seen that the devouring monarch is trapped in the gossip formation and cannot attack the surrounding battleships wantonly.

In the other direction, thousands of Yuan Zun's incarnations surrounded the Prophet Monarch from all directions, and the direction of the destruction ray kept moving, but all the battleships irradiated were instantly reduced to ashes.

Sun Wukong looked at Yuan Zun who was fighting with all his attention, and said, "His ability is similar to my old grandson."

"Yuan Zun, the head of Yuxu Palace. He belongs to the first generation of gods and has a good relationship with the demon civilization. It is rumored that he was once the best friend of the demon king, and he also helped the demon realm after the fall of the demon king." Qingluan explained road:

"Yuxu Palace"

Sun Wukong muttered to himself, and memories of the past suddenly appeared in his mind. On the prosperous Yaowangxing, in the magnificent palace, Yuan Zun and Yaowang sat on the ground, drinking wine made from hundreds of flowers.

"Brother, you really want to fight that Buddhist Tianjiao. Although demons and Buddhas have different ideas, they have the same root and origin, so there is no need to start a war."

"Although this battle is not my wish, I have to fight it. I don't know if my mother will blame me if she finds out. Old Yuan, you came to drink with me today, are you trying to persuade me to stop here?"

"Hehe, of course not. It's just that I feel a little guilty in my heart. It's inconvenient for me to take charge of Yuxu Palace in the battle between Buddha and demon, otherwise I will make a fuss with you."

"Old Yuan, I appreciate your kindness. Let's stop with the matter of the demon and the Buddha. If the Yuxu Palace is involved again, my mother will definitely come forward again. I don't want her to always worry about my affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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