Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 46 Supreme Resolution...

Chapter 46 Supreme Resolution.
The battle has been in a stalemate, and there are still more than a dozen vanguard warships in the northern starry sky, plus three main ships.More than 300 of the originally densely packed fireships have crashed, and there are still more than 700 ships circling in the sky, and the ground is full of potholes.

Although Sun Wukong is extremely powerful, his terrifying ability to clear troops also attracts most of the enemy's firepower.At present, at least three vanguard warships are focusing their fire on it, and a strong shock wave spreads over the North Star.

The North Star, which was covered by the protective shield Mo Wuxin built, is now peaceful.

After [-] consecutive hours of fierce onslaught, the energy of the protective cover has become a little thinner, and the golden light has faded away, leaving only a slightly transparent orange halo covering the North Star.

A large number of citizens walked up to the joint, looked up, and could already see through the protective cover how fierce the battle outside was.

Bunches of energy cannons bursting into the sky, deafening roars, smoke and dust filled the sky, and wild sand flying.

"God, please save us." A trembling old man with gray hair and vicissitudes of life walked through the crowd with a cane.Arriving around the square, the old man knelt down on the cement slab, praying to the gods.

Above, Zhixin was strangling a group of gluttonous warriors who besieged her. They rode aircraft and held high-energy radiation laser guns to shoot.

However, the appearance of Angel Zhixin made everyone standing on the street look sideways.Once upon a time, angels, they could also see this kind of god-level creature.

Hulala, the crowd knelt down on the ground like the tide, and murmured: "God, please save us."

Maybe it was because the scene was too shocking, or maybe everything happened too suddenly, and many children cried out suddenly.

"Please keep calm, everyone. I am Jiang Hehai, the commander of the First Military Region. Outside is a super company built by our China Republic with expensive resources. They are fighting fiercely with alien civilizations. They need support. Please Everyone spread out, let our people's army go to the front line, once the protective cover above us is blown away by the enemy, our soldiers will cover everyone to evacuate safely."

Behind the crowd was the People's Army coming out of the First Military Region. Jiang Hehai stood in the front of the armored vehicle, holding the big horn in his hand, and clenched his fists to reassure the people.

Behind the armored vehicle, there is a long line of 20 people, carrying weapons and ammunition, and marching slowly in neat steps.

The citizens of Beizhixing were collectively silent. They quietly watched the soldiers rush to the front line and set off along the long road.At this moment, they seemed to have no fear in their hearts.

The soldiers ran forward until they came to a blue long sword, which was Mo Wuxin's Cyanwood Immortal Sword.

The long sword pierced the ground for seven points, exposing the hilt and a bit of the sword body, and the orange halo was established from here.

"Everyone is there, build fortifications. Emergency combat readiness, once the protective shield disappears, aim at the enemy's battleship and slam it."

Jiang Hehai stood on the armored vehicle and shouted loudly, as artillery vehicles drove up behind him, on roads, in buildings, by small rivers, and in crop fields, cannons could be mounted everywhere, aiming at the sky.

In the Supreme Command of the Central Committee, various senior military officials gathered together to express their opinions around the map of Huaxia, and started a heated discussion on whether to use nuclear weapons.

"Supreme Commander, our coastal area has been completely occupied by demons and gluttonous legions, and their spaceships and troops are approaching our interior. And our weapons, missile weapons, have very limited damage and are easy to be intercepted. Only nuclear weapons can Attack the enemy on a large scale. I suggest that nuclear strikes be carried out on several cities along the coast where the enemy is heavily defending." A middle-aged general pointed to several key cities along the coast of Huaxia, and said:

The words of the middle-aged general resonated with the majority of people, but there were also a small group of people who were worried. Some of them objected: "If we carry out nuclear strikes on coastal cities, a large area of ​​nuclear radiation will be produced, and the lives of nuclear-polluted people will be very serious." Seriously, it will be a barren land for hundreds of years. I don’t recommend using nuclear strikes, we have a company of soldiers that can resist the enemy’s attack.”

"The Xiongbing Company can fight against demons and gluttons, but our people have already suffered heavy casualties. If the Northern Star does not have the protective shield in the sky, what kind of artillery fire will our people and our country fall into. I suggest that by The Central Command authorized the National Defense Nuclear Forces to carry out nuclear strikes." Another general stood up, knocked on the table, and said firmly:


More than a dozen high-ranking members of the Chinese Republic army split into two groups at the Central Command, arguing endlessly.

Sitting next to them were all the commanders of the Central Committee, all of them were frowning, and they also had their own opinions on the two groups of discussions.

In the end, nine central commanders still voted. This is a major matter related to the safety of the country. Everyone should be cautious. If one step is wrong, the country will be ruined and the family will perish.

In the end, 5 to 4, the controversy over the nuclear strike finally prevailed.

The Central Command urgently issued a notice to authorize the national defense nuclear force to give nuclear strikes to the enemy's heavy cities along the coast.

Above the North Star, Mo Wuxin stood in front of a vanguard warship with a sharp blade in his hand, raised his left hand, and formed a powerful space barrier in front of him.

The powerful energy cannon shot at the space barrier, unable to advance an inch at all, the scene was particularly shocking.

Before becoming a real fairy, Mo Wuxin has always been in a state of ignorance, living a leisurely life, flaunting cuteness, pretending to be aggressive, and fighting mobs.

Since the awakening of his Xianyuan gene system, he has realized how heavy the burden is on him.

Demons used to be part of Xianyuan civilization, only because they had different ideas in the battle against the ultimate void.The intention is to control the power of the ultimate void, and then control the entire three thousand universes.

This kind of thinking is not tolerated by most immortals, and eventually there is a disagreement, and the two separate.

Then came the battle of immortals and demons for tens of thousands of years. After the fourth battle between immortals and demons, the guardian of the previous generation of civilization, Jiumai Sword Immortal, fell, and the power of the entire Xianyuan civilization suddenly dropped by three points.

The doomsday war, the battle between immortals and demons, the two-front war, the timely and powerful Xianyuan civilization is also a bit too much.

In order to cultivate a new generation of Jiumai Sword Immortals, Master Nuwa is also the guardian of civilization.According to the usual practice, Mo Wuxin was selected from the blue star of the ancestral land and sent to the super god universe for self-cultivation.

It can be said that Mo Wuxin shoulders not only the responsibility of preventing demons from controlling the super god universe, but also the hope of Xianyuan civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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