Sword Immortal System of Super Seminary

Chapter 77 The crocodile vs. the czar, who is stronger...

Chapter 77 The crocodile vs the czar, who is stronger.
In the room, Mo Wuxin, Lena, and Monkey King sat quietly in front of Thornton, listening to Thornton's story about the origin of the golden civilization and Tsar Azma.

Thousands of years ago, there used to be a group of super-soldier-like human beings on the earth. They called themselves mages and could control wind, fire, thunder, electricity and other natural energies.They are the masters of the earth ten thousand years ago, possessing superb wisdom and tyrannical strength, but the more tyrannical mages are, the more curious they are about their own strength.

The mages began to study all kinds of strange natural energies, and it happened that one day a powerful old mage passed by the desert and was very curious about the sand element, trying to master new natural energies.One year, two years and ten years passed, the old mage still got nothing, couldn't stand the washing of time, and finally died in his own experiment.

But the research did not stop, the disciples of the old mage inherited his last wish, after 30 years, they will finally successfully use the energy of the sand element, and become the leader of the faction among the mages.Unwilling to succeed, the disciples began to study and create creatures of sand elements.

Until one day, Azima, who was covered in golden armor, was taken out of the research institute by the mages, and established a civilization belonging to the sand element in the desert, calling himself the golden civilization.

Azima's ability to summon sand elemental warriors and immortality made the mages excited and proud, but also deeply afraid.

He likes deserts, and intends to turn the entire continent into deserts, wantonly destroying forests, and finally creating today's Sahara.

His reckless behavior unnerved the mages, and eventually led tens of thousands of mages to the desert, sealing Azma and his golden civilization in the heart of Sahara.

Because of this, nearly [-]% of the mages fell, and finally the mages died completely because no one advanced.

After Mo Wuxin finished listening, it felt like listening to a fantasy story. Magic belongs to natural energy, and a mage is a human being with a gene that drives natural energy. Just like Ge Xiner, strictly speaking, she is an authentic mage .

"A group of indigenous people who can't even get out of the atmosphere can actually create gods. It's really amazing." Leina crossed her legs, shook her head and said:

Mo Wuxin shrugged, and said helplessly: "Maybe it's a coincidence, let their blind cat meet a dead mouse, and it succeeded."

"How do you know that god?" Sun Wukong asked:
God Crocodile Thornton rubbed his scalp and said with a smirk, "Hey, he and I are neighbors."

"Okay, let's go to visit in a few days. Since you know Thornton, come with us!" Mo Wuxin patted Fat Crocodile on the shoulder, got up and walked out of the room.

Lena kicked Thornton with her feet, and asked happily: "Hey, little crocodile, can you beat him?"

"Hmph, if I couldn't beat him to death, I, Thornton, would have leveled him long ago." Thorn stared at the crocodile's eyes, patted his chest and said:
"Okay, it's time for you to go up and practice your hands." After Leina finished speaking, she left with Monkey King.

Three days later, Shenlongtian descended in the very center of the Sahara. The weather here was so hot that Leina frowned.

Mo Wuxin, Wa Ni, Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Sun Wukong, and the crocodile god Thornton, a total of seven gods, appeared directly in front of the Golden City. The thousand-foot-long dragon made the soldiers guarding the tower panic. An array of soldiers appeared directly in front of the seven of them, and a murderous aura filled the air.

"Hey, cute crocodile, go and beat him up." Reina's combat boots stepped on the sand, making a creaking sound, the breeze blew, and her hair fluttered.

Before Thorton strode forward, he stood in front of the formation, moistened his throat, and said, "Hi, that...little yellow chicken. You, Uncle Thorton, are back."

Whoosh, the wind and sand blew past, and a cold voice came from inside.

"Hmph, you are courting death."

Holding a battle gun, Azima rushed over from the wind and sand, and stabbed Thornton with a single shot.

"Hi, long time no see, little yellow chicken." Thornton opened his mouth wide and laughed loudly. He played with the double darts in his hands, opened and closed the war gun.

"This is unscientific." Mo Wuxin activated the void ability to analyze Azma's genetic data, and what he got was a mess of messy codes, with no rules at all and no research value.

Shivani was also slightly taken aback when she saw the data, her eyes were a little surprised, and she looked at Tsar Azma curiously, how could she become a god with messy genetic data.

"What's the situation, what are the dense dots of light?" Ge Xiaolun looked at the data on the light screen and asked strangely:
Liu Chuang shook his head frantically, scratched his scalp and said, "I don't know, what the hell is this?"

Mo Wuxin looked at those soldiers again, and what he got was still gibberish genetic data. After pondering for a while, he said: "Behind the gibberish codes must be hidden the secret of eternal immortality."

On the battlefield, Azma and Thornton fought together, but as a bystander, it was very clear that Azma was not strong in individual combat ability, was severely suppressed, and had no ability to fight back at all.

On the contrary, Thornton threw a handful of darts from time to time, smashing Azima's body into yellow sand.

The Tsar means the emperor in the desert. Every grain of sand in the Sahara Desert is the raw material for Azma's reunion. He can appear anywhere he wants.

After several attempts, Azima couldn't bring any harm to Thornton, so he had to gather the troops under his command to besiege together. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded Thornton, leaving no gap at all, and rushed towards Thornton desperately. As long as it can hurt Thornton, it will be a big profit.

Mo Wuxin was observing the data, and suddenly found that the data jumped unexpectedly. Looking up, it happened to be a soldier who was beaten back to his original shape by Thornton.

"There seems to be something wrong with this fluctuation." Shivani murmured:
Ge Xiaolun grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and discussed with Liu Chuang, "I don't understand how this sand turned into a human being."

"I don't know how to go about this, you have to ask Leina, or Wuxin." Liu Chuang shouted holding an ax:
Mo Wu had a thought, and a possibility sounded, and he just operated on the light screen, and soon the garbled characters began to be arranged, and the neat and orderly genetic code recorded the state of the soldier.

"If so?"

Mo Wuxin tried to change a string of genetic codes, and a soldier who was about to attack turned into yellow sand.

"What's going on here?" Azma tried several times and found that he had completely lost contact with the soldier under his command and could no longer revive him.

Seeing this, Thorton smiled and said, "Little yellow chicken, there is no way to revive it."

After all, he rushed forward and beat all the fighters back to their original form, causing Azima to lose more than 100 fighters in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you, and what are your needs when you come to the Golden City?" Azma did not let the soldiers under his command die, turned to look at Mo Wuxin and the others, and said coldly:

Mo Wuxin frowned, stretched his waist, stepped forward, and said: "The Tsar, Azma, the god of the golden civilization, how about making a deal."

"What if I don't want to do it?"


(End of this chapter)

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