Douluo's God King is in the world

Chapter 134 The 1st Soul Fight!

Chapter 134 The First Soul Fight!
"Why, are you afraid?" Long Youjing teased.

"Afraid? Are you kidding me? I'm still afraid that they will release the water. They are going all out now, which is just what I want." Long Yun grinned, his eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and his hands were itchy.

"I'll see your performance then." Long Youjing smiled lightly, and also looked forward to Long Yun's battle for a while.

Soon Long Yun came to the soul emperor level fighting area and entered the No. [-] soul fighting field. This is the place where he fights today. When he entered the soul fighting field, the audience became uproarious, and many spectators It should have been known that the disciples of the Pope would be fighting spirits here today, so they came here to wait very early, wanting to see what the legendary disciples of the Pope looked like and how strong they were.

The entire venue was full of seats, and nearly a thousand spectators sat around. At this time, after Long Yun entered the arena, they all became noisy. They talked softly with each other, commented on Long Yun, or nodded in praise, or showed envy, and their expressions Not one.

There are also some people who have scrutiny eyes, with a trace of excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes, as if Long Yun is a peerless treasure, making it difficult to look away, wishing to rush to snatch it immediately.

If you observe carefully, you will find that those who look at Long Yun with this kind of eyes are all exuding soul power waves that are not weak, and they all have the cultivation of soul emperors, and they are also strong among soul emperors. The soul power of a few people is even close to the seventieth level, and their breath is calm, they are the best among the soul emperors.

Obviously, they all came here to fight Long Yun's soul. It was a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step. They didn't want to miss it. Since the announcement of the temporary reward order issued by the Pope last night, they had been so excited all night that they couldn't sleep. Rushing to the fighting spirit field to find Long Yun fighting spirit.

Unfortunately, they were unlucky and were not matched for the soul fight with Long Yun, so they came to watch the battle at this moment, to find out Long Yun's methods first, and prepare for the next soul fight.

Looking at the noisy crowd around him, Long Yun felt a little uncomfortable for a while. This was the first time he stood on the stage under the gaze of so many people. Although this was a battle stage, it still made him a little uncomfortable.

"Huh!" Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his heart that was beating too fast, his expression gradually became calm, and he gradually accepted the slightly scrutinizing eyes of the audience around him.

His soul fighting opponent has already been standing on the soul fighting stage waiting for him. Looking at Long Yun's arrival, his eyes are full of light, with uncontrollable excitement, and his whole body is full of enthusiasm. As long as he defeats Long Yun, he can become a holy emperor warrior The squad leader of the regiment now enjoys the honor and status.

Long Yun's gaze also stayed on his opponent. His opponent today is Huang Lin, a strong man in his 40s, with dark skin and a rough appearance. He is over 1.9 meters tall and has strong muscles. The soul power cultivation base of the soul emperor level exudes a faint sense of oppression.

"Lord Long Yun, I'll offend you in a while." Huang Lin cupped his fists and said, obviously he won't hold back for a while. After all, this opportunity is not many. If you miss it this time, you don't know if you will have the chance to meet Long Yun again next time. Fighting souls, so this time he must go all out to defeat Long Yun.

Seeing that the other party had a good attitude, Long Yun smiled slightly and kindly reminded, "I won't hold back for a while, so you have to be careful too."

"Thank you for reminding me, my lord." Huang Lin didn't take it seriously. He didn't think that Long Yun's soul power of level 35 could defeat him, he just thought he couldn't lose face.

Long Yun shrugged helplessly, anyway, I reminded you, don't blame me if you lose money for a while, Long Yun thought to himself.

After the wonderful introduction by the host, the emotions of the audience in the arena were fully mobilized. They all shouted the names of Long Yun and Huang Lin loudly, cheered for them, and looked forward to this competition. The fight begins.

Under the signal of the host, both Long Yun and Huang Lin began to release their martial souls. The pale yellow soul power emerged from Huang Lin's body, and the sound of clothes bursting and bones crackling came from his body. With a bang, Huang Lin's shirt was all gone It exploded, revealing his strong muscles, the skin under the left and right arms surged, as if something was about to burst out, and soon the two giant ape arms burst out from both sides of the sternum.

At the same time, Huang Lin was more than half a meter taller, his muscles swelled, and he looked like a fierce ape in human form. Behind him, the phantom of the four-armed ape emerged, with a ferocious face and red eyes. It was the four-armed demon ape Wu Soul, six soul rings slowly emerged from under his body, and six soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and two black, surrounded his body.

The audience on the field saw Huang Lin's changes without much fluctuation, because their eyes were already attracted by Long Yun, and they all looked at this scene dumbfounded, a little unbelievable, even Huang Lin was the same. Shocked, shortness of breath.

I saw the soul power surging in Long Yun's body, his height reached two meters, his muscles bulged, his expression became colder, and his fighting spirit surged, making the surrounding air much more depressing, and the spirit of the god king emerged behind him Standing in the sky and looking down at all living beings, a sense of insignificance surged into everyone's hearts, as if facing a god, with an indescribable oppression.

The three soul rings below him slowly emerged, yellow, purple, and black. The three soul rings covered all the light and became the only bright spot on the field, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone gasped, the 2000th year, the 3th year?Everyone wiped their eyes, for fear that they might be wrong.

Even if some people knew about Long Yun's soul ring in advance, they still couldn't help but feel horrified when they saw it, and a complex look flashed in their eyes, with a hint of envy and admiration.

"You really deserve to be a disciple of the Pope!" Everyone secretly praised in their hearts.

Huang Lin's eyes gradually became dignified, he is not a fool, how can he not have the slightest eye if he can reach the soul emperor?Naturally, according to Long Yun's soul ring and the aura emanating from his body, it is not easy to judge Long Yun's strength. If he is careless, he may really lose to him today.

Moreover, just looking at Long Yun's martial soul made his heart tremble a little, this kind of martial soul is a bit too strong!However, he had experienced a lot of battles, and soon he suppressed the horror in his heart and calmed himself down.

As the host began to fall, Long Yun and Huang Lin started to move at the same time. Both of them were attacking soul masters. Melee combat was their most basic and favorite way of fighting.

The two jumped a few meters, and within a few steps they met head-on. The two giant fists blasted out at the same time, and the soul power surged above the giant fists, bringing strong winds, and they collided brazenly.

"Bang!" The sound resounded like a boulder colliding on the field, and the strong wind of soul power scattered in all directions. Long Yun and Huang Lin retreated a few steps at the same time. What is shocking is that Long Yun retreated a few steps less than Huang Lin. Obviously, in this tentative collision, Long Yun was slightly better.

All the spectators were shocked, and Huang Lin, who had stabilized his figure, was even more horrified. He didn't expect Long Yun to be so powerful. You must know that the four-armed demon ape is good at strength. With his 63-level soul power cultivation Because, how strong is that power, how can this soul master Long Yun be on par with him?
Long Yun was quite satisfied with this blow. After stabilizing his figure, he stepped on the sole of his foot without any pause, and rushed out like a tiger descending the mountain, as if he wanted to tear the yellow forest into pieces. The momentum is fierce.

Not to be outdone, Huang Lin shouted loudly and went up to meet him. The soul power on his body soared, and his four arms swung out quickly with strong power. In the blink of an eye, countless fist shadows formed and rushed towards Long Yun.

Long Yun's gaze was slightly focused, not daring to slack off, the soul power gathered in his hand, and a divine ax appeared in his hand, and a fierce and heavy aura immediately permeated the field.

Holding the divine ax in his hand, he slashed towards the roaring fist shadows. He couldn't catch these fist shadows, so he had to avoid their sharp edge and use an offensive to defuse his attack.

Sure enough, Huang Lin felt the oncoming sharp aura, and his face changed. The sudden slash of the ax made him feel a little palpitation, and his skin tingled. It won't be good.

"Huh!" With a soft snort, the third soul ring on Huang Lin's body instantly flashed, "The third soul skill: Hand of the Demon Ape!" Huang Lin shouted.

Following this, the four arms were covered by a layer of yellow light, and the yellow light was fleeting. Huang Lin's original two human arms more than doubled in size, turning into demonic ape arms similar to those on both sides of the sternum. As if turned into gold and stone, it is extremely solid.

The hand of the magic ape, turning its own arm into a magic ape arm, increasing its defense and strength by 60.00% at the same time.

After releasing the soul skill, Huang Lin's offensive remained unchanged, and countless fist shadows attacked Long Yun.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The sound of gold and iron colliding sounded on the field, and a huge force came from above the axe, which made Long Yun's arms slightly numb, and he backed away violently.

Although Long Yun was pushed back, Huang Lin didn't feel well either. The severe pain from the back of his hand made him grit his teeth, and with a glance, he saw bloodstains on the backs of his four hands. It was wounded by the axe.

Suppressing the severe pain from the back of his hand, Huang Lin's face became ruthless, and he stomped on the ground to chase Long Yun, obviously not wanting to give Long Yun a chance to breathe.

 Today's second update, please forgive me for coming a little late, please recommend tickets, please subscribe, please ask for monthly tickets, I hope everyone can support me a lot, thank you!
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(End of this chapter)

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