Douluo's God King is in the world

Chapter 159 7-bit 1-body fusion technique!

Chapter 159 Seven-in-One Fusion Technique!

"Of course, if you can beat us, I can let you go, but it's basically impossible." Long Yun jokingly said, Tang San wants to win them?It may not be enough for one person to rise to ten levels.

"Can we start now?" Tang San said as he sank into the water, his fists clenched tightly, obviously Long Yun's words had already angered him a little.

"Of course." Long Yun shrugged with a smile, looked sideways at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Don't hold back Zhuqing for a while, don't leave any regrets for yourself."

Zhu Zhuqing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "You too!"

Long Yun nodded, and then looked at the referee. The latter understood and immediately announced the start of the game. After the game started, the personnel of the two sides quickly separated, and the distance was more than 50 meters.

On Shrek's side were the six Shreks and one Tai Long, Xiao Wu did not play, she watched the match silently in the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy, feeling guilty and worried.

If I can play, the third brother and the others should have a better chance of winning. After all, after absorbing and advancing to the Soul Sect a few days ago, my soul power has reached level 41, which is much better than Tai Long, and the cooperation with the third brother and the others Definitely better than Tyrone, just
"Third brother, you must win!" Xiao Wu clenched her hands and sweated, her heart tensed up.

On the competition stage, after Tang San and the others backed away, they looked at each other, nodded solemnly, and then the formation changed, Ning Rongrong and Oscar clasped their hands, the soul power on their bodies flowed, Oscar's body began to emit pink In the colorful light, Ning Rongrong's body exuded seven colors of light, gorgeous and dazzling.

The two kinds of light blended with each other through the arms of the two people, fused into one, and circulated back and forth in the two people's bodies, as if they were accumulating and brewing something.

Tang San and the other five also made movements, forming a circle around Ning Rongrong and Oscar, and began to take the same steps, moving around them, the steps were strange and rhythmic, as if they were paintbrushes. The soul power is Mo Zai and outlines a strange picture.

Everyone sitting in front of the Pope's Palace saw this scene with a trace of doubt in their eyes. They looked at each other for a few times, and they all saw puzzlement in each other's eyes. All the title Douluo present did not understand for a while. What is Shrek Academy doing, including Bibi Dong.

But although I don't know what the Shrek Academy is doing, I am not an idiot who can cultivate to this level, and I can still guess what kind of big move Shrek Academy should be brewing, and people with sensitive perceptions have even noticed that everyone in Shrek The peculiarity of this formation reveals a thoughtful look.

"Madam Young Master, can you see what the Shrek Academy is doing?" Du Bushi couldn't help but asked Long Youjing beside him, he had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

Long Youjing's expression was a bit dignified, with a worried look on her face, and she ignored the poisonous immortality. According to the law of the flow of soul power in Shrek people, she already had the answer in her heart, and she was a little worried about whether Long Yun would be able to deal with it.

Seeing Long Youjing's expression, Du Bushi already knew the answer, and there was a hint of worry on his face.

Bibi Dong's originally relaxed expression became a little more serious, and there was also a trace of worry in her heart, "Xiao Yun, don't get hurt!" Bibi Dong thought in her heart, although she still couldn't see what Shrek Academy was all about. What the hell is she doing, but she can vaguely feel the extraordinaryness of this big move brewed by Shrek Academy.

"Xiao Yun, I feel a little bad." Hu Liena frowned while watching this scene. During the gap between them releasing their martial souls, the Shrek Academy came up with this strange trick.

Yan and the others also felt a little uneasy. Their rich combat experience told them that it was best to interrupt the formation of the Shrek people immediately, otherwise something bad might happen.

Long Yun's expression was also a bit dignified, he naturally knew what everyone in Shrek was doing, the seven-in-one fusion skill!Seeing them forming a circle, Long Yun had a conclusion in his mind.

"I forgot that they still have this move." Long Yun whispered, then shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's too late to interrupt them now."

Hu Liena and the others were startled, and before they could say anything, there was a huge movement in the distance, "Boom!", and the light gathered on Ning Rongrong and Oscar finally exploded, forming a beam of light that soared into the sky. He jumped up and pierced the sky.

With Tang San's loud shout, Shrek's lineup changed, the circle instantly changed into a vertical line, Tang San was at the top, Oscar was at the bottom, the spirit power gathered by the previous seven people twisted into one at this moment, Oscar hugged Ning Rongrong, pouring all the pink soul power into Ning Rongrong's body, passed it to Zhu Zhuqing through Ning Rongrong's fusion ring, and finally converged on Tang San one by one.

As soon as the huge soul power gathered by the six people was injected into his body, Tang San's body shook, his muscles swelled a bit, his face flushed red, and his momentum soared. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented strength in his body, as if he possessed As if he had endless power, he couldn't help but want to vent it.

Raising the left hand, the soul power in the hand surged, and suddenly a hammer appeared in the hand. The hammer was completely black, with strange patterns on it, exuding majestic and domineering power. The moment the hammer appeared, the surrounding air became extraordinarily It's oppressive and dull, as if the space can't bear its weight, which shows its extraordinary.This is exactly the Clear Sky Hammer, known as the world's number one martial soul.

Simultaneously with the Clear Sky Hammer, four pitch-black spirit rings emerged from under Tang San's body, attracting everyone's attention on the field.

Bibi Dong and other strong men who were sitting there stood up in shock when they saw the seven-in-one fusion skill used by everyone in Shrek Academy. At this time, they were even more shocked when they saw Tang San's four black spirit rings. shocked.

The titled Douluo on the side of the Wuhun Palace all became serious, with killing intent flashing in their eyes, twin spirits, heirs of the Clear Sky School, what a Clear Sky School!
After seeing the seven-in-one fusion skill, Ning Fengzhi first showed shock and ecstasy. He knew the power of the seven-in-one fusion skill. Although it was not as powerful as the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, it was still extremely powerful. Well, with this trump card, the winning rate of Tang San and the others will be greatly improved, maybe it is really possible to defeat Wuhundian Academy.

But after feeling the murderous intent of these Title Douluo, he was startled, the previous ecstasy and shock turned into worry, Tang San might be in big trouble this time.

The master looked satisfied with the situation on the field, and then looked at Bibi Dong and the others who got up in shock, with an indescribable joy on their faces, secretly satisfied in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Hu Liena and the others were shocked, they felt a strong threat from Tang San, how could this be possible?Long Yun didn't have many surprises, his eyes shone brightly, and there was a trace of madness on his face, that madness for fighting.

"I really want to see how powerful your seven-in-one fusion skill is!" Long Yun thought to himself, keeping his eyes on Tang San's position, and said without looking back, "Sister Nana, Yan, Xie Yue, don’t you think this battle is boring? Now it’s starting to be interesting, everyone be careful in a while, don’t get hurt,” he said to everyone in the last sentence.

Hearing Long Yun's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all smiled, so it's interesting!Otherwise, the direct crushing would seem a bit boring, and soon everyone restrained their smiles and began to enter the fighting state!
On the side of Wuhun Hall, Long Yun, Yan, and Xie Yue stood at the front, Hu Liena was in the middle, and the auxiliary system soul master was at the back, with Ding Can and Zuo Junbo guarding her side.

The three of Long Yun looked at each other, and then they took action. They stepped on the soles of their feet and rushed out at the same time. Long Yun was in the middle, and Yan and Xie Yue surrounded them from both sides. The speed of the three of them was extremely fast. The distance is rapidly narrowing.

When Long Yun was charging forward, purple light flashed in both eyes, and the soul bone skill attached to the eyes was activated!The speed at which the surrounding soul power converged towards Long Yun's body accelerated, which made Long Yun's own soul power recover at least twice as fast as before.At the same time, the soul power of the six people behind Tang San was being devoured by Long Yun.

Long Yun knew that his soul devouring would not have much effect on Tang San, after all his own soul power was nine ranks higher than his own, and the soul power in his body skyrocketed to the point of a soul sage through the seven fusion skills. The level of soul power is too high, and its effect is negligible, so Long Yun cleverly targeted the six people behind Tang San.

Soul Devouring can only get the desired effect on them, extracting their soul power is equivalent to extracting Tang San's soul power, as long as their soul power is insufficient, the seven-in-one fusion skill will naturally be dispelled automatically, when Tang San Third-class people are nothing to worry about.

Except for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who are drawn 5.00% per minute, the others are drawn [-]%, which is quite a lot of soul power. You must know that the soul power consumption in their bodies at this moment is huge. Being drawn in large quantities, I am afraid that it will not be long before the soul power will be exhausted.

Zhu Zhuqing and the others were startled when they felt the soul power in their bodies being drawn uncontrollably, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

The moment they set off, Zhu Zhitong's auxiliary buff fell on the three of them, boosting their speed, strength, and defense respectively. Although Zhu Zhixi's buff effect was not as good as that of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, after all, the difference in martial spirit was No, but her boost effect is also very good, otherwise she would not be selected to participate in this competition.

The first soul skill boosts speed by 30.00%, the second soul skill boosts power by 30.00%, and the third soul skill boosts defense by 30.00%. They are all fixed boosts. Unlike the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the effect of the soul skill increases with the level of the soul power. Ascension and ascension.

Therefore, when the level was low in the early stage, the auxiliary ability of Zhu Zhixi's martial soul was not weaker than that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and even surpassed it. Of course, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda was more dominant when the soul power level exceeded forty. Otherwise, his title of the world's number one auxiliary martial soul could be changed.

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(End of this chapter)

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