The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 103 After the War

Chapter 103 After the War
As a rider, Medusa has an A+ level of riding, which allows Medusa to freely control all modern means of transportation, such as airplanes, tanks, and even spaceships.

Not only that, but with the blessing of the treasured treasure knight's rein, she can even control most of the fantasy species, and the Pegasus under her seat is one of the strongest species.

However, the fantasy species that Medusa can control do not include dragon species!

Dragon species, whether in the west or the east, are extremely tyrannical races. In the ancient times of Xingyue World, dragon species were even able to fight against the gods of the heavens (there is an ex-level treasure that seems to summon a dragon.).

"Dragon's blood? Ye Shu? Why is there no name in history? Is it hiding your real name?" At this time, Medusa's mind was filled with various questions, but the movements of her hands were not clear. It's not slow at all.

The snow-white Pegasus flew towards the sky while neighing.

At this moment, many people in Fuyuki City saw a white Pegasus falling from the sky.


The result has long been doomed, even ea can't break through Ye Shu's defense, let alone the reins of riding a hero who only has an A+ level.

On the ruins of Wei Gongzhai.

"Ahem~ I lost!" Medusa coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and said with some difficulty, just a moment ago, Ye Shu directly withstood the impact of Tianma and seriously injured herself, she was simply a monster!Should it be said that he is a berserker!It's just that no one can take care of that child!
Medusa looked at the sky with her eyes out of focus with some regret.

"Don't worry, I will rescue Sakura." Ye Shu looked at Medusa's expression and said calmly. Ye Shu, who is familiar with the history of fate, naturally knew what Medusa was worried about, and immediately assured Medusa.

"Thank you!"

After saying that, Ye Shu sealed Medusa into the "Holy Grail" he had prepared. For some reason, Ye Shu didn't feel happy at all.

To be honest, Ye Shu would really want to let Medusa go if it wasn't for the souls of six servants that must be used to summon the Holy Grail. After all, the fate of Sakura's child is already miserable enough. If Medusa can follow her It should be much better next to you!
It's a pity, but since it's already an enemy, it can only be solved.

"Ye Shu~ are you okay!" The crisp voice of the little girl in the distance brought Ye Shu back to his senses.

"Didn't I tell you to leave, Ilya? Why are you back?" Ye Shu looked at Ilya and complained.

"We met Saber and Archer on the road and wanted to come over to help, where's the rider?" Rin Toban wondered as he looked at the ruined Emiya.

"It's been resolved!" Ye Shu said as he spoke, the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor gradually faded away, revealing a slightly tired figure.

"Hey! Ye Shu, what's wrong with you!?" Ilya suddenly pointed at Ye Shu's head and back and said in surprise, even Yuan Banlin and others looked at Ye Shu in surprise.

Ye Shu touched his head, and at some point there appeared two small but sharp dragon horns.At the same time, his back was gently fanned, creating strong winds around him.

"This is Dragon Horn and Dragon Wing!" Saber exclaimed from the side, while looking at Ye Shu with strange eyes.

As the knight king of Great Britain, Saber not only has treasures such as the sword in the stone, the sword of the contract of victory, and Avalon, but also has a very mysterious ability during her lifetime --- the blood of the red dragon!
Saber's heart is the heart of a red dragon, and the blood naturally carries the dragon's blood factor. In life, simply breathing the air can gather powerful magic power, and it also endows it with powerful power.

To put it simply, it is a humanoid tyrannosaur!
Seeing the half-dragon transformed Ye Shu at this time, he couldn't help feeling a little closer.

Ye Shu felt his own physical condition, grandma's really became less and less human!

"This is the sequelae of overuse of the treasure, and it will be fine after a while!" Ye Shu said helplessly, but he can't appear in front of people casually at ordinary times!
Ye Shu thought helplessly, and at the same time made up his mind to release the evil of this world. Only in this way can he quickly enter the next stage and recover his human form. Minutes are sliced ​​for research!

"By the way, where are Gilgamesh and the others?" Seeing Saber and the others coming back, Ye Shu asked curiously. After all, he hadn't killed Gilgamesh before he left. Seeing that Saber and Red A were intact, could it be that Killed?

"Gilgamesh was rescued by Lancer, and that strange follower seems to have left." Saber explained.

Ye Shu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Saber's words. Fortunately, Gilgamesh was not killed by these two people. Otherwise, if Gilgamesh's soul was absorbed by Illya, he would have to fish out his soul !
However, the pseudo-Holy Grail I made has already stored the power of three servants. I remember that the Holy Grail of the Fifth War seems to be able to be summoned only by the souls of three servants because it was not made a wish in the Fourth War. Then my plan It seems to be able to start!

But before that, there are still some things that should be settled!For example, Red A, Emiya Shiro, and Shinji!

Thinking about it, Ye Shu turned his head and threw a snake-shaped short sword to Hong A: "This is the talisman that breaks all spells. I know you, and you can solve your own affairs now."

Toban Rin looked at all this a little puzzled, why he always felt that something was wrong with his servant.

Red A took the dagger and looked at Ye Shu strangely: "You know me?"

"I was also sent by the suppression force, what do you think? Shirou Emiya!"

Emiya Shiro: "Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Shu: "I'm not calling you, I'm calling this Archer, the future Emiya Shirou!"

Illya Enban Rin and even Saber looked at the stunned Emiya Shirou in shock. After all, this is the first time I have seen the future heroic spirits, and every heroic spirit is a hero!Does Shirou Emiya have the potential to become a Heroic Spirit?
"I think Archer should have a lot to say to you at this time! Why don't you go and have a chat!" Ye Shu said unhurriedly, seeing the surprised expressions on everyone's faces.

Then Shiro Emiya and Hong A walked not far away.

"Aren't you going to take a look? They are going to fight to the death!" Ye Shu looked at Toban Rin and Saber and said seductively.

"Shirou wait for me!" Saber heard Ye Shu's words and chased after her nervously. After all, Emiya Shirou is her Master, even if this Master is the worst Master ever.

"How is it possible! They are alone! How could they hurt each other! Even if what you said is true, there should be no problem with Saber! And you seem to want to send us away!" Yuan Banlin was shocked when he heard Ye Shu's words. A long story has been said.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart!" Ye Shu admitted directly, and then walked towards Shen Er who was tied up. At this time, Shen Er was tied up like a rice dumpling, and his mouth was sealed. Even so, tears and The snot can't help but flow down, and the whole face is full of fear.

If you don't send the other people away, how can you deal with this scum with peace of mind!A demonic smile appeared on Ye Shu's face, making Shen Er tremble all over watching!
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  It is said that there are only more than 60 recommended votes today, and it is really about to explode! !Ask to push.I went out to talk about things today. It’s really embarrassing to not come back until after seven o’clock after coding Chapter 1. Now I’m going to code Chapter 3.

(End of this chapter)

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