The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 122 Tianhe Navy

Chapter 122 Tianhe Navy
"Hey, hey, where are the gourd seeds! You must be talking nonsense!" Xiaoqing glanced at Ye Shu suspiciously. The four of them had almost turned over the gourd mountain, but Except for some snakes, rats and ants, nothing was found.

"Young master Ye, are those gourd seeds really here?" Even Bai Suzhen, who has always been gentle, virtuous and considerate, was a little skeptical. The specific situation has not been verified yet.

"This, this." Ye Shu also felt a headache from the game. Could it be that he guessed wrong, this world is not the same as the world of Calabash Baby at all? !It shouldn't be!The gourd mountain has come out, why is this gourd baby gone? !

This is doing something!
"Hey, something's wrong!" The robbery power in Ye Shu's body suddenly started to work at this moment. Although the absorbed robbery power didn't increase much, Ye Shu could see clearly that the robbery energy in the world was rolling, as if A catastrophe is brewing!
Ye Shu turned his head and looked at Bai Suzhen dully, saying that he just brought Bai Suzhen out of Hangzhou, and I can't blame me for this matter at all!It's Xu Xian's little boy who didn't show up!

How did this lead to a catastrophe!Is Xiaobai so important?Nonsense!According to Ye Shu's observation, the calamity is even bigger than the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. If a mere snake demon marries a mortal, this calamity can be offset.

Then the people of later generations will probably all be monsters!I am afraid that humans and demons will also become official equipment!
"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

There was a sound of war drums in the clouds, and then soldiers wearing silver armor loomed in the clouds, and a murderous aura came from the clouds. Ye Shu knew that they were a group of veterans from many battles just by their aura.

"Bold evildoer, cholera in the world, his crime deserves to be punished, and he will be arrested quickly." Then a soldier who was clearly dressed in a lot of upscale stood up and shouted at Ye Shu and Bai Suzhen on Calabash Mountain.

He is Bian Zhuang. He met the Confucian sage Confucius in the pre-Qin period and was praised by Confucius. After his death, he became a member of the Tianhe Navy because of his merits. Wan Shuijun.

His life can be said to be very legendary.

The so-called Tianhe Navy is not a fringe army, but one of the most powerful troops in the heavenly court, guarding not a river, but the Milky Way, preventing the extraterritorial demons from the other side of the Milky Way from entering the Three Realms.

So everyone is a veteran of many battles, but this has changed since more than 800 years ago.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and the Tianhe navy was ordered to besiege Sun Wukong outside the Nantian Gate. Although relying on the advantages of numbers and battle formations, it was true that the arrival of the Tathagata Buddha was delayed, but the battle between the [-] navy and Sun Wukong also resulted in more than half of the casualties. .

Coupled with the fact that Marshal Tianpeng and his three generals were also promoted and reincarnated, the strength of the Tianhe Navy was greatly reduced, and even the job of guarding the Milky Way was assigned to Li Jing's Li Jiajun by the Jade Emperor.

The Tianhe Navy also began to decline from that time onwards, but if it wasn't for this, I'm afraid it would not be Bian Zhuang's turn to take up the position of Marshal of the Canopy.

But seeing Li Jing and other gods pushing back and forth against the mission sent by His Majesty in Lingxiao Palace today, Bian Zhuang immediately took the initiative to ask Ying to complete the mission.

Although the atmosphere at that time felt weird, the result was obviously good. His Majesty ordered the Tianhe navy to capture Bai Suzhen and her accomplices and destroy Calabash Mountain.

At the beginning, Bian Zhuang was a little worried that Bai Suzhen and Hulushan were not easy, after all, even Li Jing was afraid of monsters!Although Bian Zhuang is confident that the Tianhe navy is unparalleled in combat power, he will have no problem fighting the Monkey King again.

This is the confidence that belongs to his canopy Marshal Bian Zhuang!

But knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will win every battle, so the first thing to do after returning to the Tianhe Navy is to check the information about Bai Suzhen and Hulushan.

"A mere thousand-year-old snake demon and a calabash mountain that was born less than a hundred years ago made Li Jing and others so afraid. It seems that the comfortable life has made Li Jing lose his spirit!" an idea.

The snake demon who has cultivated for thousands of years seems to be very strong, but only a team of heavenly soldiers can eat her to death. As for Calabash Mountain, if it can be born for more than a thousand years and is connected to the local veins, Bian Zhuang may still be able to survive. Be afraid of one or two.

After all, after being connected to the earth, this mountain is related to the creatures of a region. If it is destroyed rashly, the karma it will suffer will not be small, but after all, Calabash Mountain only fell more than 800 years ago.

It will take at least one or two hundred years before it can be connected to the entire Qingcheng Mountain range. At that time, it can be called a mountain. As for now, although it is called a mountain, it is at best a huge rock.

It is not difficult for Bian Zhuang to level such a stone.

Then Bian Zhuang arrogantly brought the [-] Tianhe navy down to arrest Bai Suzhen.

That's right, you read that right, it's the [-] Tianhe Navy!Bian Zhuang felt that it was rare for the Tianhe navy to be mobilized once, so it would be better to bring all of them to let others see the majesty of the Tianhe navy!Also let His Majesty know the combat effectiveness of today's river water army!Although it's just a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

But this effect is what he wants, Bian Zhuang wants His Majesty to know that the Tianhe Navy is the sharpest sword in His Majesty's hands!Standing on the clouds, Bian Zhuang looked at a man and three women below, and recognized the two snake spirits at a glance.

"Bold and evil, I am Bian Zhuang, Marshal of the Canopy! In the name of the Jade Emperor, I will arrest you and bring you to justice. If you dare to resist even the slightest bit, you will be killed!" The cloak behind Bian Zhuang fluttered in the wind. , His words resounded through the entire Mount Qingcheng like thunder with the sound of drums.

"Who is this guy? Do you know him?" Ye Shu turned his head to look at Bai Suzhen, blinked his eyes and asked suspiciously.

Why does Mao always feel that this person seems to be a bit of a dick!Is it an illusion?
"No, I don't know each other." Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing had been frightened a little bit weak by the overwhelming divine power, and they just barely answered Ye Shu's words at this time.

"Then he's a ball!" Ye Shu pouted, Marshal Canopy?What the hell, look at Zhu Bajie's performance during the Journey to the West, and you will know that the so-called Marshal Canopy is a parallel importer, and if we pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, who will give this bastard confidence!
Although Ye Shu is far away from Bian Zhuang, what is Bian Zhuang's identity?immortal!Naturally, he heard it clearly, and his whole face instantly turned purple with anger!Although the Tianhe navy is indeed a lot worse than before, but you humiliate the Tianhe navy in front of me, it's something that uncle can bear, and neither can aunt!
"Put in battle!"

"Yes!" The voice was uniform, and the soldiers quickly changed their formations. Tens of thousands of Tianhe water troops changed their formations in an instant. As the battle formation was completed, a huge blood-colored dragon floated above the Tianhe navy. .

A colossus covering 8 people, Ye Shu and others are like an ant in front of this colossus, can you imagine a scene where every eyelash on the opponent is as tall as you?
Not only that, but the powerful power emanating from the huge body can even make ordinary true immortals terrified.


The dragon roared, and the gusts of wind caused Ye Shu and the others couldn't open their eyes. Some fragile animals were even directly shaken by the dragon's roar, so that their seven orifices bleed!

"It seems to be a little too big!" Ye Shu was a little dumbfounded looking at this huge monster. At this moment, Ye Shu just wanted to slap himself and make your sister's mouth cheap!
 Two updates today, really two updates.I'm going to Hangzhou for an interview this Thursday morning, so I have to save some manuscripts and post them that day.

  And the tricky thing is that it will be on the shelves this Friday, so I have to save some manuscripts.

  I know that many people will abandon the book as soon as it hits the shelves, but I still sincerely hope that I can read the original version as much as possible. After all, writing a book, in the final analysis, is to support the family and make some extra money.

  Finally, I would like to thank Xia Qiong Dark Cloud, One Sword Cut, and Star Trace Flowing Fire for rewarding 100 starting coins.Thanks to Feng Qianmo for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to the 388 book coins rewarded by the heroes of the book city in troubled times.

(End of this chapter)

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