Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 289 Search

Chapter 289 Search
Hearing this, Yun Tian looked at Hai Bo Dong curiously, and asked, "Why?"

"Because it is close to the depths of the Tagore Desert, Queen Medusa can feel the breath of any human beings entering her territory. Although I don't know what your hole card is, but if you meet the terrifying Medus Queen Sha, I don't think you have much chance of escaping." Hai Bodong said with lingering fear.

Yun Tian chuckled disapprovingly: "Really?"

According to the understanding of the original book, Medusa is at best a Dou Huang peak cultivation level, which is not enough in his eyes.

Seeing that Yuntian didn't take it seriously, Hai Bodong didn't continue to talk about this topic. He said to Yuntian: "Now that I have recovered my cultivation base, I should go back. I owe you a favor this time. You can do it next time you come to the imperial capital." Find me at the Mittel family."

Faced with Hai Bodong's initiative to show his favor, Yun Tian couldn't help being startled, yes, he almost forgot Hai Bodong's identity, he was from the Miter family.

The main reason for coming all the way to the Tagore Desert this time was to make things easier for Ya Fei, but in the end he forgot Hai Bodong's identity.

The corner of Yuntian's mouth twitched lightly, and said: "After you come to the Mittel family, help me take care of a woman named Yafei, she is from the Mittel family!"

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Hai Bodong showed an expression that any man could understand.

"That's it, I'm leaving, old man Hai!" After Yuntian finished speaking, he raised his right hand slightly, and a white light immediately wrapped him, and Yuntian disappeared in place.

"Damn it, it's a good thing I'm smart, otherwise I must have died wronged just now. Where did this little monster come from? It actually has the means to fight saints!" Hai Bodong exclaimed.

Hai Bodong rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead, he repented of the key just now, he probably really fell today too.

Think again about the disapproving attitude shown by the other party when I reminded him to pay attention to Queen Medusa.

Now it seems that he is a clown, Guang Yuntian's method, is Medusa still afraid of using it.

"It seems that we must take good care of that woman named Yafei after we go back, otherwise this little monster will be in big trouble if he gets angry!" He took off the wings of Dou Qi and flew in the direction of the imperial capital.


After a while, Yuntian has appeared in another huge city in the east of the Tagore Desert, Shimo City.

Compared with the cities inside the empire, the cities in the desert are more plain and heavy. Perhaps because of the special geographical location of the stone desert city, the defense here is also much stricter than that inside the empire.

In the city, heavily armed soldiers can be seen patrolling everywhere.

The purpose of Yuntian's visit to Shimo City this time, or the purpose of Yuntian's trip this time, is the Motie Mercenary Group, because there is someone in the mercenary group that Yuntian wants to subdue, and that is Qinglin.

The Motie mercenary group was formed by Xiao Zhan, the two sons of Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li.

During the six years that Yuntian lived in the Xiao family, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li would basically return to the Xiao family for the annual test ceremony.

Naturally, Yuntian was acquainted with them.

As for Qinglin, she is the queen of humans and snake people.

Since ancient times, human beings and snake-human races have often broken out wars because of their race differences. Finally, the snake-human race and humans were driven out of the environment they depended on for survival. They came down to the Tagore Desert and took root in the depths of the Tagore Desert. .

In the Great Tagore Desert, there are occasional incidents of human women being defiled by the snake-human race. Under extremely low chances, women who have sex with the snake-human race will become pregnant and give birth to offspring.

But these babies with human and snake-human bloodlines are generally difficult to live past two years old, but Qinglin is a special case, she lived to be thirteen or fourteen years old.

It's a pity that for mixed-race people like Qinglin, both humans and snake people regard it as a curse, and they can live so many years without being stared at and ridiculed.

In the original book, Qinglin came to the Motie mercenary group and became a maid. Although she became a member of the Motie mercenary group, when the Motie mercenary group faced Qinglin, they would still fight with the snake People's blood hatred and evil words are against each other.

But Qinglin has the number one pupil in the world, the Green Snake Three-Hua pupil.

The Jade Snake Three-Hua Pupil Command appeared among the offspring of humans and snake people.

It is the nemesis of all snake-shaped monsters, except for the very few snake-shaped monsters with pure ancient blood levels, it can control them.

Humans and other monsters cannot be controlled, but they can pull out their souls and seize control of the opponent's body.

This is also Yuntian's real purpose in coming to the Great Tagore Desert. Qinglin with the Jade Snake Three-Hua Pupil will be of great help to his power in the future.

As a hybrid of snake and human, Qinglin has been bullied since she was a child, which made her a timid character. She is polite to anyone she meets. Once someone finds the snake scale on her wrist , she will apologize one after another in fear.

At this time, she was not discovered by other big forces.

Because of this, Yuntian wanted to find Qinglin earlier and train her, and there was no need to worry too much about her loyalty.

However, now Yuntian is not sure whether Qinglin has joined the Motie Mercenary Group.

Because the timeline at this time was much earlier, Yun Tian and Xiao Yan were the same age, and when Xiao Yan came to the Motie Mercenary Group, he was probably around the same age.

In other words, the current time is about eight years earlier than the time when Xiao Yan met Qing Lin in the original book.

After asking passers-by, Yun Tian quickly found the location of the Motie Mercenary Group.

Yun Tian didn't immediately enter the Motie Mercenary Group, but at the side of the station, he released his spiritual power to find out if Qinglin existed.

Soon, a look of disappointment appeared on Yuntian's face.

"Sure enough, it's too early!"

Yes, Yuntian didn't discover the existence of Qinglin. After all, it was eight years earlier, and many things were not carried out as in the original book.

Yun Tian thought for a while, since he has come to the Great Tagore Desert, he should look around, maybe there will be unexpected gains?
Yun Tian, ​​who has always been optimistic, began to look for Qinglin's whereabouts in this stone desert city.

An hour later, Yun Tian was already not so optimistic, and now he didn't even bother to release his mental power.

Because Yuntian searched almost all places in Shimo City where Qinglin might exist, but still found nothing.

Disappointed, Yuntian walked aimlessly on the street and continued to search. At this moment, he suddenly saw a group of people gathered in front of him, and Yuntian curiously went up to see what happened.

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(End of this chapter)

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