Mixed in Marvel to be a master

Chapter 210 Selling Screws [35]

Chapter 210 Selling Screws [35]

The collector's eyes were firmly attracted by the fire elemental creature, and the little screw was lying on the glass counter in a very inconspicuous manner, staring at something in a daze, and the flames of the upcoming adventure were surging in his eyes.

Well-informed comments from collectors: "This is the purest flame, an extremely rare life form. Pity my long years. Only in the oldest period of the universe did I get a glimpse."

"Ragnaros!" Bai Mu covered his face to keep him from losing it, "Just stare at it, what's the point of opening your mouth?"

"This smells great!" said the little screw eagerly.

The collector stepped forward: "Are you willing to sell yourself to me? Of course, after you die, I am willing to pay a large price to ensure your prosperity and wealth during your lifetime."

"Really?" Bai Mu and Xiao Luosi said in unison.

Hela looked at the two of them, and the question they immediately asked was: "How much?"

She couldn't help shaking her shoulders a few times—you should never overestimate someone's integrity.

Bai Mu has long had a headache for this little screw with a growing appetite.Small screw is fed up with the status quo that he has been poor all the time. If he can sell it for money, it will be a good relationship!

Collectors wanting to wait until the little screw hangs?Not to mention how long the eternal fire can burn, how long will the solar energy burn?To some extent, as long as it is not destroyed by external forces, it is eternal and immortal.

And with the character of these two cheaters, is it you who sells it to you?Years later, how can I not remember?Why do I have to pay back what I cheated?Have you asked me about my fist?

What is tacit understanding?What is gang crime?With just a few glances and no need to communicate with their mouths, they have already completed a set of procedures.

"How much do you want?" The collector asked back, maybe it's been so smooth all these years, rich and powerful, he never thought that anyone would dare to cheat him.

"One hundred million!" The little screw shouted out the maximum number (one hundred million) that he could pronounce most easily.

"Deal!" The collector dropped the hammer instantly.

"Xie Te!" Bai Mu and Xiao Luoluo said in unison, losing money!
But a business is a business. If you set the price yourself and the buyer agrees to the price, then there is nothing to say.When the collector turned around and told the maid to get the money, Bai Mu and Xiao Luowei stared and smacked their mouths and wiped their necks.

Bai Mu hates iron but not steel: "Learn from me, one-billion, one billion!"

The little screw is also very dissatisfied: "I used to say give me one thousand one million (billion), but you said no, there is no such thing!"

"What the hell do you want a thousand 100 million nuclear fuel rods from me? There's a ball!"

"Ah!" Little Screw was about to rush over to fight him.

"Gentlemen!" Hella reminded them to pay attention to their demeanor.

"[-] million star coins." The maid brought a lot of cards and placed them on the table one by one.

Before coming here, Bai Mu has been popularized by science. Of course, the currency of the interstellar era is not gold and silver. These things are everywhere and worthless.

After the long-term development of civilization, currency has developed into a kind of intelligent transportation law, and the quantity increases with the degree of civilization and trade, but it is the most balanced one under the economic law.

It can be regarded as the smart version of "Bitcoin" in the interstellar era, which is more advanced and convenient.Star coins are stored in these cards.

How strong is the purchasing power of 20 million star coins?You can have a good meal with three star coins, you can buy a small house here for 50 yuan, and a small spaceship is only [-] yuan.

A destroyer of the Nova Empire is about 8000 million star coins, [-] million is really very rich, but I feel that the collector promised too happily, and should call [-] billion.

But the little screw can't remember so many expressions, thinking that calling out one hundred and one million would be awesome... In the end, it is still an education issue, and the importance of reading is self-evident!

Of course, no one would dislike the free money. Originally, Hela planned to sell treasures, pawn equipment, or even use force to get a vote. Now selling children is a one-step process.

When preparing to sell the contract, the little screw pointed everywhere: "I want to eat this!"


"And the round one."


"And that set of energy batteries."


Hela finally looked away from these two unscrupulous people. I am afraid that she is the only one who still remembers the purpose of coming here: "We are here to buy some information."

Collector said: "What message?"

"Don't you have intelligence dealers under you? Tell them, get the wormhole leading to the earth, provide information, 100 million; find someone to come to the door, 500 million."

The collector bowed gracefully: "I am willing to serve Your Majesty!"


With [-] million star coins in hand, the posthumous sale contract was also signed, and he also cooperated with the collector's request to let Xiaoluo act as a model for a while and took some pictures for him.

Because you can't let people be empty-handed and don't even have a thought, right?The collector specially filmed the documentary of the small screw, carefully and carefully from all angles.

The little screw is also coquettish, on stage he moves better than a bodybuilder, we are handsome, we are cool!It also did not forget to remind: "After I transform, I still have those flame wings, so handsome!"

"Show me." The collector was interested.

"Look at it!" The big screw transformed, but the collector regretted it in the next second!Although the store is huge, it is still difficult to accommodate the [-]-meter-high Ragnaros.

When its stature skyrocketed in an instant, the whole store began to shake and began to release flames, and when it proudly spread its flame wings, the deadly flames ignited the surrounding objects!

"I buy it!" Bai Mu knew it would have this effect, the big screw directly lifted the roof of the house, just to show its invincible demeanor.

"Fire! Put out the fire!" The collector yelled in a distorted voice.

Accompanied by thick smoke and alarms, the fire-fighting robot was busy up and down, and the world was turned upside down. The little screw and Bai Mu ran away in desperation, leaving the collector with a dull expression. I really regret this deal!
But Hela has already become a witness. If the collector repents, he will not only be ridiculed for breaking the rules, but also face her revenge.

Others may not know Hela, but collectors who have lived for so many years know that this is Hela who has always been ruthless and was once rumored to be an outstanding terrorist?Dare not dare.

In case the terrorist tycoon was to be angered, she sent a death squad to carry out a biological and chemical weapon attack on Nowell. Even if the collector's family had a big business, he would have to vomit several liters of blood. The key point is that the other party did not do it.

So the transaction was happily concluded.After a few years, after Ragnaros, the god of fire (the name written by the little screw himself), burps, collectors can send people to collect the specimens.

But now, the little screw earns a lot of money for the family, and it is very face-saving, so the sunglasses and the big gold chain are all used, but all the fingers that can fit the ring are put on!

It showed the appearance of a gentleman, pointing to the casino that looked the busiest: "It's a filthy place, full of sins and despicable degenerates!"

"What a dirty and shameful place!" Bai Mu couldn't hide his criticism of it.

Then Hela proved that they were like-minded: "Let's go inside and play!"

(End of this chapter)

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