Mixed in Marvel to be a master

Chapter 221 The Boat of Friendship Will Capsize [45]

Chapter 221 The Boat of Friendship Will Capsize [45]

After listening to the director's arrangement, it was Hill's turn to report the situation. During the time he was away, there were many things going on on Earth, such as people with superpowers causing trouble, hunting down superheroes... one of the more important ones.

"Recently, there is a very troublesome problem. The vigilante behavior of extraordinary people has stood on the opposite side of ordinary people, and social conflicts are very tense."

"What's the reason?" Bai Mu wanted to know.

"Stanford incident." Hill controlled the holographic projection and displayed the picture.

She explained from the side: "This was half a month ago. In order to increase the ratings, a certain TV station was filming a reality show of superheroes. It happened that they were chasing a group of criminals with superpowers and superpowers. During the fight, there was a man named ' Nitroman' used the self-destruct skill."

The picture was also displayed simultaneously, and she continued: "The location of the explosion was next to a school, which caused serious damage to the surrounding area including schools and public places. As many as 600 people were killed and injured. People's demonstrations and protests broke out in major cities. continues to this day."

"After the tragedy, the public directed their anger at superheroes, and there were also attacks against superpowers among the people. The public severely injured a person who claimed to be a superhero and had privileges, which further aggravated the ordinary The conflict between humans and superpowers."

Bai Mu, who watched the live video, felt that the friendship boat of superheroes was destined to capsize. At the beginning, Ultron’s problems were covered by them, but as long as there are superheroes acting as vigilantes, but they do not accept government management and act recklessly, that’s for sure. will disgust the public.

Because even if you act bravely, you have to cooperate with the police investigation afterwards, right?This is the most basic requirement, and superheroes are not!Masked to fight, patted his ass and ran away after finishing. Although the bad guy was caught, who will bear the losses around?

This is the conflict that the people have accumulated for a long time, but because of this incident, it became the fuse. Bai Mu deduced: "So the government is going to introduce a bill to manage it?"

Hill nodded: "Congress has been discussing the superhero registration bill recently, and the president has also consulted my opinion. I think our relevant departments, as law enforcement organizations, should abide by the law and act in accordance with the promulgated laws and regulations. We do not agree with other aspects. Comment."

"You are right."

Bai Mu knows that both parties to the registration or not have their own good reasons, and it is impossible to tell right from wrong.He and the relevant departments only abide by one point, if the people want to implement the law, they will act according to the law.

In particular, the relevant departments known as the "law enforcement police for cases of superpowers" cannot stand in line, and can only reconcile conflicts before they break out, and act in accordance with the law after the law is promulgated.

"Then I guess that in this set of bills, the opposition must be Captain America and Iron Man?"

"They were leaders on both sides," Hill said.

"I understand." Bai Mu thought for a while, "Out of responsibility, we are still obliged to mediate. Don't let them make trouble all day long and let the people complain."

Hill said: "Recently, they also want to seek your opinion and want to know your attitude. Now they can contact Rogers and Stark for a three-way dialogue."

"Okay." Bai Mu also wanted to say a few words. After all, they were good buddies before. It's not worthwhile to mess up the relationship because of the split of positions.

The connection between Iron Man and Captain America was successfully established, and the faces of both sides appeared on the screen. When they saw the long-lost Director Bai, they both sent greetings.

After exchanging pleasantries, Bai Mu also got to the point: "I know you all have your own good reasons, reasons for supporting the bill, reasons for opposing the bill...the reasons are all right, and I don't want to comment."

"But what I want to say is that society tends to favor the interests of the majority. You must at least think about the consequences of your choices from a wider perspective, from the interests of the people and from a social perspective."

The U.S. team was quick to say: "The bill is a violation of civil liberties. This time, superheroes were sacrificed politically. Who knows if there will be more people next time?"

The iron man also has reasons: "Have you seen the pain of the mothers who lost their children in the Stanford tragedy? The people are loathing us. Our selfish behavior has deviated from the people! This is no longer justice!"

"Enough is enough!" Bai Mu didn't want to go into this muddy water. He had a lot of things to do. "Since we keep talking about the people, why not obey the people's choice? Congress conforms to public opinion, and the law represents public opinion."

"If the law is passed, as a citizen, you should obey the law!" Iron Man agreed.

"Even if the law is unjust?" Captain America asked.

Iron Man smiled: "You don't obey the law, so why do you need it? Oh, the law is unfair, so you don't obey it? Then the law doesn't allow you to rob a bank. If you think it's unfair, you can rob a bank?"

The US team shook his head: "You are a fool! The root cause of the matter is that the civil liberties of superheroes are about to be violated! The United States is about to betray the belief of a free country."

The iron man was sharp: "The police enforce the law, who doesn't want the right to enforce the law? Who doesn't want to receive training? The police have done wrong things, and they have to review! If they do bad things, they have to be tried by the law! What about superheroes? They disappear without saying a word!"

Bai Mu sighed: "Hey! I say you! It really takes a fight to decide the male and female! Anyway, I don't care about my opinions. I am a law enforcement officer. I obey the law, and I will act in accordance with the law in the future."

"Whether your actions are right or wrong, that's up to the judge, that's the jury's business! I'm only responsible for arresting people, arresting all those who want to violate the law!"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Bai Mu directly disconnected the video, and then said to Hill, who admired the sense of justice, "Keep an eye on them! After the bill is introduced, whoever breaks the rules will be arrested!"

"Yes!" Hill took the order.


Bai Mu, who didn't want to wade into the muddy water, went home.

He also has a lot of troubles. The main aspect is the structure of the earth. He always feels that there are people with malicious intentions everywhere in the starry sky. With the technological level of the earth, he has no ability to protect himself at all.

There is also Hela who has the slogan "Protect the people of Midgard". Bai Mu has no objection to her wanting to be king, anyway, she was originally.

Even human beings don’t necessarily think so, you say you are the Lord of the Nine Realms?Opposition, resistance and even war came.Human beings who think they are powerful meet Hela's army of undead, isn't that going to die?
He had witnessed the battles at Ragnarok for all to see. They were so intense that they were unprecedented. The fragile genes of the people on Earth didn't even require her to dispatch troops.

Whether it is facing the pressure of aliens or the rule of Hela, the conflicts are far greater than the heroic civil war...a headache!Let the outsiders settle first, he has to have a serious talk with Hela!

(End of this chapter)

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