Mixed in Marvel to be a master

Chapter 257 Recovering the Dwarves

Chapter 257 Recovering the Dwarves
Except for these long and awkward names that were destined to make the caller want to commit suicide in the future, other work went smoothly, and the results of the spaceship competition came out. Bai Mu won the ship with the strongest comprehensive evaluation.

It has a long and pointed body with an aerodynamic shape, which ensures that it can maneuver at high speed even in the atmosphere.

The surface is painted with a black material, which is light but strong. There is no doubt that the vibrating gold is used, and the vibrating gold will make it have super defensive capabilities!
Even if he walks on the edge of the sun, he will not feel the scorching inside; even if he is hit by a hail of bullets, as long as he does not exceed the limit of endurance or the upper limit of temperature, he will be safe and sound.

After boarding the ship, it can be driven by someone or unmanned, but the AI ​​is obviously much better than humans. It revolves around Nowell's huge head and performs accelerated motion, and its speed-up ability is exceptionally outstanding.

In conventional space, the speed can easily go from relatively static to a few light seconds per hour. Conventional flight is completely sufficient. If you want to go faster, you have to enter unconventional space and sail at warp speed.

So it is equipped with a fusion cold fusion propulsion device and a warp speed engine. With multiple sets of power combinations, its propellant fuel can also be antimatter.

This is an ideal work that can run in the atmosphere, soar in space, and can also travel through wormholes. Although the cost is as high as [-] million star coins, its excellence and prominence make it Bai Mu's new car .


The day of the expedition is approaching, and Hela's fleet is ready.

The battleship is even bigger and stronger, strategic weapons have been installed, and the fleet is heading towards the main gathering place of the dwarves, a space city.

Since the dusk of the gods, the dwarves have also been attacked by ogres and giants. Most of the dwarves' hometowns have been abandoned, but they have mastered advanced technology and have already taken root in the universe.

The location that the information holds is led by the dwarf lord Etri. Because of his uncompromising political issues, he led a group of people to leave the dwarf town early on, but he also claimed to accept the leadership of Asgard.

on the battleship.

The little screw was bragging about how easy it was back then, so it caught a group of black iron dwarves as its slaves, and said that those dwarves were really worthless.

Hal, who has always kept few words, actually said: "If I combine technological civilization with dwarven manufacturing technology, such as the Destroyer, there is a probability that it can be mass-produced."

Mass-produced Destroyer?
Hal's analysis of technology is far beyond the reach of human beings. He expresses magic with technology, lifts the veil of occultism, and digests the technology of the Nova Empire.

Hela said: "The dwarves are very enthusiastic about technical exchanges, and it is also their habit of making friends. I have an intuition that your cooperation will open up a new field."

Hal intends to say so: "I hope that more technical secrets can be revealed."

"When you see them, you will," Hella said.

Those who have never met dwarves, began to imagine the next contact... After sailing for a while and passing through several wormholes, the star map indicated that they had arrived at the location.

This is a star system, on the orbit with the most suitable temperature of the sun, there is an artificial ring world running, but the lights are brilliant as imagined, the splendor and prosperity did not happen, and the ring world seems to be extinguished.

No electromagnetic or quantum signals can be detected in the starry sky, and they are in a state of defenselessness. This makes people wonder-what happened?
"Let's land on the ring world!" After checking that there was no fire threat, Hela decided to take people to the ring world to see what happened.

Those sub-spaceships with dazzling slogans, Ragnaros Flame Invincible, Cain Marko Ironhead Dreadnought, and the name of the spaceship whose 36DD was corrected to 36C...

In short, they rushed to the ring world one by one under the strange expression of the navigator, and landed on the ground under the gravity generated by the spin.

But there are no people around, only empty buildings, abandoned vehicles, as if life disappeared overnight!

"Life detector!" Needless to say, the subordinates automatically activated the scanning tool, and then confirmed that there were still life signs active somewhere.

They looked for it, and then saw the dwarf that everyone had discussed for a long time—"Are you serious? Ragnaros?"

"Why do I think you are a bit wrong."


Everyone looked up at the creature in front of them, a big man three or five stories tall, and rushed forward aggressively to fight them, feeling that he was a dwarf?
Didn't you say that you are only as tall as your waist, a group of happy elves in the mountains and forests, and dwarves who live happily under Snow White's skirt?
"Huh?" Little Screw was a little confused.

Hela said: "This is the correct dwarf in the mythology among you. Dwarfs are relatively giants, but they are still tall compared to humans."

Many people are still a little confused, but Hela's subordinates have already shown their weapons, knocked the crazy dwarf to the ground, and told him: "The ruler of the fairy palace, Hela, the goddess of death, is here! Who are you?"

"Asgardians?" The dwarves who were pinned to the ground struggled and roared, "you promised to protect us! But look at this now! Everything is ruined! Ruler of Asgard! You tell me the answer !"

"Both Asgard and Vanaheim were destroyed in the twilight of the gods. The new order is being rebuilt by me. You are the first subjects I want to recover." Hela walked over.

The dwarf who was being held couldn't believe it, and then Hela said: "I have killed the mastermind behind the scenes, no one can challenge the power of the gods and be at ease! Tell me, who attacked you?"

"It's that crazy Titan! Thanos! He forced me to create gloves for him that can use infinite gems—the one I gave Odin back then, but he didn't give us a way out after he got it, and killed everyone here!"

Thanos again.

And it also attacked the ring world where the dwarves lived first.This extremely high-tech, meticulously built paradise is now a piece of scorched earth.

The dwarf who was pinned to the ground was named Itri, the leader of the dwarves. Hela let him go, and said: "The age of Odin is over, and I am your new master now."

"I only see blood and hate." Eitri stared at her.

"It seems that we have a lot in common. I only see death and destruction." Hela didn't mind his attitude, and Yitri was no threat to her.

Yitri's mood was very unstable: "I don't care! As long as I can get revenge! I will respect you, Goddess of Death Hela! Ruler of Asgard!"

Hela naturally said: "Now I want your unconditional allegiance, and guide me to find other dwarf branches, I want your strength!"

Itri pressed, "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to build me a stronger and more powerful weapon to destroy the world! I want all those who dare to challenge my ruling authority to know the fear of death!"

She turned and left: "Crazy Titan? He will be glad that he was not born in the era when I fought in the Quartet, but I will help him make up for this missing ticket!"

(End of this chapter)

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