Chapter 45

Bai Mu slowly recalled that in the story of Warcraft, the elemental lords were the subordinates of the ancient gods. During the journey to corrupt the universe, they were the generals who opened the way for the ancient gods. If he used the power of the ancient gods, it should obey.

Thinking of this, Bai Mu felt relieved, what's the rush!Go take a shower first, then have a meal, watch the news and listen to music, wait until your mental strength is almost recovered, and then clean up the situation as a behind-the-scenes boss.

Don't be in a hurry when the burden is gone, he is not Ultraman, and he has no responsibility to sacrifice himself to save the island country.From a certain point of view, he wanted to see how much trouble the Flame Demon King could make.

The monster already exists, where is Ultraman?The battered Japanese government did not see any hope. After destroying Fuji, tearing up Mount Fuji, and sucking up the flames, the army of flames continued along the volcanic mountains.

The army took preventive measures, but they were really powerless in the face of this supernatural force. Missiles and artillery shells had extremely limited effects. When the Balrog climbed a mountain and headed for the next city, they called in armored troops.

All kinds of armor-piercing and high-explosive bombs fired thousands of rounds at it, and almost all the tanks in the nearby military base were dispatched, but this number was still a ridiculous struggle for the bugs in front of the Fire Demon King.

It hit the ground with a hammer, and Sufras hit hard!The shock wave oscillated in all directions, overturning countless tanks, and the ensuing lava wave engulfed the pile of steel.In the end, the flame army killed the past, and all human beings were gone.

"Conventional weapons can't stop it at all. It's still 35 kilometers away from Tokyo, and it's expected to be contacted in an hour and a half." The battle command was noisy, and countless clues showed that the flame army would sweep the capital sooner or later.

The prime minister is also under tremendous pressure, his assistants are constantly reporting the situation, the army of flames is moving eastward, the number is increasing, and another city is about to be destroyed by them...

The Prime Minister couldn't hold it anymore: "Get me the President of the United States!"

After a discussion on the international hotline, it was finally decided that in accordance with the U.S.-Japan security treaty, the U.S. military would provide strategic protection against Japan—providing more deadly weapons, including nuclear bombs.

Bai Mu, who is at the US military base, has already learned that the mission will be initiated by a B-52 bomber carrying nuclear cruise missiles, and will launch an attack immediately before the flame giant approaches Tokyo.

The U.S. military prepared extremely quickly. The escort fighter jets took off first, followed by the B-52. Two nuclear missiles were hung under the wings. The pilots who performed the mission looked serious. They represented the ultimate power of mankind!
"I don't know if this guy can resist nuclear bombs." Looking at the screen, Bai Mu thought for a while, and always felt that this was the most powerful weapon on the surface of the earth.

He wanted to inform the Fire Demon King, but his mental strength was not enough, and the result of contacting it in a normal way would only be ignored. When Bai Mu was mentally prepared to observe a moment of silence, the nuclear bomb was allowed to launch!

A cruise missile broke away from the launcher, ignited and chased after the target. The early warning aircraft provided a precise guidance route. With the missile technology of the US military, if you want to hit your window, you will not hit the balcony next door.

The missile flying at subsonic speed quickly reached the Flame Demon King. This inconspicuous thing did not attract its attention, but the next moment, all the monitoring screens turned pale.

In the light filter mode, you can see that the nuclear bomb hit the Fire Demon King and exploded. The deadly high temperature, shock wave and radiation replaced everything in an instant. The extreme light made the surrounding sky seem to be reduced to night.

After that, the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across all directions, followed by the loud noise of exploding eardrums. Facing this devastating force, all creatures and buildings along the way were blown away.

In the core area of ​​the explosion, after the dazzling light dimmed, everyone stared at the screen intently, their breathing and heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, but when the results of all this were about to be revealed, countless people widened their eyes!
" is this possible!"

The unbelievable words were uttered in different languages. The footage captured by the reconnaissance plane showed that after the core force of the explosion dissipated, the burning flames were not extinguished. The flame giant knelt on the ground, but quickly stood up again!
The high temperature of the nuclear explosion did not cause any harm to the fire elemental lord!Nuclear radiation is also equivalent to nothing for elemental creatures, only the shock wave has dealt a heavy blow to it!
The armor of the Fire Demon King has been cracked, and the red-hot skin is cracked in many places. Hell magma spurts from the wound, and the deadly flame ignites the earth. It roars, swings the hammer, and is furious!

"Now it's your turn! Damn bugs!!"

The Firelord was furious again, Savras slammed the ground, and the Son of Fire rushed to him, causing the Nova Sign, the earth cracked, the volcano erupted, and the city was engulfed in flames and lava.

The volcanic energy in the ground was driven by the power of the Fire Demon King, triggering a terrifying wave of energy. In addition to the terrifying eruption, it also brought the most difficult and preventable disaster-a major earthquake!

At that moment, the ground shook, and the underground energy spread along the mountains, shaking the most prosperous metropolis in Asia all the way to the east. The road cracked, the buildings shook, tilted, and collapsed continuously, and countless people screamed and fled.

Then B-52 launched a second nuclear bomb, which continued to explode on the Balrog. After the dazzling light faded, the Balrog stood still, but everything around it turned into a sea of ​​flames!

The crowd in the news footage, some shouted about the end of the world, even crawled and fled for their lives, and some even ignored their family and friends, and some extreme people even committed suicide... This scene was broadcast live by crazy cameras and captured by the whole world. See.

The audience was also stunned, today's scene completely exceeded the limit of human imagination!
Flame giants that crawl out of the ground suddenly, flaming doomsdays that destroy cities, creatures that are not afraid of nuclear bombs, and doomsday demons that cause major earthquakes!

Everything that happened in Japan on this day has subverted people's inherent worldview... Fortunately, this is the Marvel world, and human beings have relatively strong nerves. Although they are shocked, most of them are not scared.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Bai Mu, the summoner, couldn't believe it: "It can withstand the blow of a nuclear bomb, it's amazing."

"But it seems to have caused harm to it." Lingdie pointed out with sharp eyes.The Flame Demon King's armor has been rotten, and he is currently in a state of desolation, and the cracked skin is still leaking magma.

"If there is no damage, it will be the end of the world." Bai Mu felt that it was still within the tolerance range, but he did not expect that the boss who could be easily flattened in the later stage of the game would be so terrifying in reality.

But it's no wonder that the balance of the game is inevitable, and the player who appears first must take care of the player. If there is no deliberate improvement in the later stage, I am afraid that even the small bosses that appear later will not be as good.

But in reality, there are no rules of the game to limit it. This is its powerful state of breaking through the elemental plane and coming to Marvel, tearing the earth, destroying mountains, and the terrifying power of nuclear bombs.

But it may also be its swan song. After being shocked, the U.S. military issued another strike order: "Continue to carry out nuclear strikes and prevent it from approaching the city!"

Now Bai Mu couldn't take care of his seriously exhausted spirit, and quickly activated the ancient god mode, and the powerful evil god power was transmitted to the Flame Demon King through the function of the signal amplifier——

"If you want to save your life, quickly hide for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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