I really don't want to cross

Chapter 109 Meeting Satomi Rentaro Again

Chapter 109 Meeting Satomi Rentaro Again

However, that kind of power just now?
Sumire Muroto frowned slightly, and glanced at the wall vaguely. Although the house was dilapidated, the wall was obviously not that kind of partition wall.

As far as the human body is concerned, it is impossible to say that there is no such thing as being able to penetrate walls, but it is absolutely impossible for a weak kid who looks only 15 years old to possess such power; if the other party is the cursed child, she will not be so confused.

Transform soldiers?
Sumire Muroto shook her head slightly. As one of the founders of the reformed soldiers, she still has the vision to see whether a person is a reformed soldier.

Moreover, she remembers all the reformed soldiers she created. As for the reformed soldiers created by another sage, she also has some information. The most famous of them is naturally the former general of the Osaka theater, and now the president of the Osaka branch of IISO, Kujo. Shingen.

Not a cursed son, and not a reformed soldier.

Is it possible...

Androgynous shemale?
Wood frowned, for some reason, the way Sumire Muroto looked at him gave him the urge to punch him.

"So, stubborn little brother, where are you going to take me?"

"Osaka District." Wood replied without raising his head.

Sumire Muroto was startled, and stared blankly at Wood for a while: "I won't go."

Wood stepped forward with a stick.

Sumire Muroto's pretty face turned pale immediately: "You don't need to hit me..."

"Don't worry, the first time is raw and the second time is familiar, I will be gentle."


Looking at Sumire Muroto who passed out again, Wood immediately felt a lot more comfortable, and tied her up with a rope. Wood took out some money from the backpack and walked out of the room.

The days of the nationwide blockade should not be long, but it will take a few days anyway, so Wood is going to buy a set of quilts in a nearby commercial street at dawn, not for his own use. There is no problem sleeping in it.

It would not be good to freeze the cocoon girl Sumire Muroto to death. After all, whether the academy city can be built depends on this mad scientist.

Although the commercial streets in Tokyo are extremely prosperous, Wood is not in the mood to go shopping, mainly because he has no money...

After buying a set of cheap luggage, Wood was ready to leave, but when he was walking back, Wood found a human wall built in front of him, and there were swearing voices coming from time to time, and even Wood felt a wave of crowds of onlookers. The murderous aura issued.

"—Grab that guy!"

There was an angry roar, and almost at the same time, a girl broke through the wall and rushed out, holding several canned food in her hand.

The girl was wearing a tattered linen dress, but just like her dark face, it hadn't been washed for an unknown amount of time, and there were patches everywhere.

Looking at the girl's red pupils, Wood sighed and was about to step forward.

The little girl was blocked by a man and a woman who passed by unintentionally. The little girl looked at the little girl who was the same age as her among the two, and her expression was slightly startled, as if she knew each other.

Wood's footsteps walking this way were also paused, because he knew the man and the woman, and the high school student dressed as Rentaro Satomi just met this morning, and the little girl beside him...

It was the opponent's initiator, Aihara Enju.

At this moment, countless hands stretched out from behind the dirty little girl, interrupting the long staring between the two sides.Several adults held the girl's back and roughly pushed her down, and the shrill bone rubbing sound could be clearly heard.

"let me go!"

The girl's face was pressed against the asphalt road, and her immature face was distorted due to the pain, baring its teeth and claws like a wild cat, but no one in the audience showed any sympathy for her.

"Thief, rubbish in the Tokyo area!"

"Well done! The damn gastroenterologist."

"Stop screaming, this murderer."

"If you 'red eyes' hadn't killed all my relatives..."

"'Red Ghost' go to hell!"


Rentaro walked over and patted someone on the shoulder: "What's wrong with that guy..."

"This kid stole something, and the guard just called out to her, and she beat him up."

Rentaro frowned, and glanced vaguely at the eyeballs beside him. Judging from the thief's reaction just now, he should know Yanju. As he expected, Yanju beside him was trembling with a livid face. .

no way.

Rentaro pulled Yanju behind him. He has seen this kind of mass lynching with a lot of enthusiasm, and he can't stop it alone. among.

Seeing Rentaro's movements, the girl had despair in her eyes, which caused Rentaro's hands to tremble uncontrollably. He turned his head to look at the crowd, intending to distract himself, but then he was taken aback.

Because just at the front of the other side of the crowd, a teenager in a navy blue sportswear was standing there with a gloomy face.

An emotion called 'fear' immediately filled Rentaro's mind. For some reason, he vaguely felt an extremely cold aura quietly covering the entire area.

The feeling of deja vu reminded Rentaro of the other party immediately, and he also felt this kind of breath in the morning; it was just that when he saw it in the morning, the breath was very weak, but now the terrifying aura is like a rope around his neck, and he can feel it at any time. Put people to death.

"What are you guys doing here~~"

At this moment, a police car drove over, and the words of the two police officers quieted the crowd. At the same time, Rentaro noticed that the cold aura on the boy opposite him seemed to have subsided.

Cold sweat slid down his forehead, Rentaro looked at Wood, feeling terrified in his heart, what was that breath just now?
At the same time, he is also relieved, because the arrival of the police can end this kind of collective lynching, and now he just wants to take Yanzhu away from the young man who looks extremely weak.

The two police officers glanced at the crowd and the girl on the ground, seemed to understand the whole situation, and nodded indifferently.He didn't ask about the situation at all, but directly picked up the girl on the ground, handcuffed her and brought her to the police car.

Was the officer really sure what the teenage girl had committed?
Rentaro frowned, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

After the girl was taken away, the audience discussed and dispersed in small groups, while the boy in the navy blue sportswear walked directly in the direction of the police car.

This scene made Rentaro startled, but thinking about the horrifying aura just now, Rentaro shook his head secretly, and stretched out his hand to pull Enju beside him.

"Why didn't Rentaro save that girl just now!"

Yanju's eyeballs turned light red, Rentaro was taken aback by her yelling, and then hurriedly covered Yanju's eyes, pulled them to the alley between the shops, and smiled wryly: "I can't help it, Yanju. In that state If you are also exposed, you will also be lynched."

"I'm not omnipotent, and that guy did something wrong! No matter how bad the living environment in the outskirts is, you can't steal!" Rentaro added again.

"That's just an excuse! If Rentaro wants to help her, there must be a way. Rentaro is a partner of justice, and there is nothing Rentaro cannot do!"

Rentaro sighed when he heard the words, especially after seeing Yanju's appearance of suppressing tears, he couldn't help asking: "Yenju, don't tell me...you know that girl?"

"When my concubine lived in the outlying area, I met her several times. Although I haven't spoken to her, that girl seems to remember her."


Rentaro gritted his teeth, thinking of the weirdness of the two police officers and the terrifying young man in his mind, he had already made up his mind: "Enju, can you go home alone?"

Seeing Enju nodding in surprise, Rentaro scratched his head, searched left and right, and used the authority of the police from a young man riding a light motorcycle to requisition the light motorcycle of the other party.

The car with the humming engine turned 180 degrees, turned around and headed in the direction the police car had just driven away.

Fortunately, because of the heavy flow of people in the commercial street, the police car didn't drive very far when he was talking with Yanju. Rentaro followed behind on a motorcycle, but his pupils shrank immediately.

Because he saw the boy in the navy blue sportswear again, who was jumping on top of tall buildings, just following behind the police car.

This made Rentaro more sure that the aura he felt before was indeed emanating from the opponent.

At this time, the police car drove out of the commercial street, but Rentaro frowned in the direction he was heading.

Because the direction of the police car was not to mention a large police station, not even a small police station. If he remembered correctly, that direction seemed to be an unmanned factory area that was being remodeled.

After driving out of the commercial street, the police car began to speed up, and Rentaro also turned the accelerator of the motorcycle to the bottom.

That boy should be dumped, right?
Thinking of this, Rentaro looked towards the roofs of the surrounding buildings, but was shocked to find that the boy was still jumping between the buildings, and his speed was not slower than the speed of the police car.

How...how is it possible?


As we moved forward, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians around, and finally the policeman stopped outside the abandoned factory in Rentaro's memory, and the two police officers violently pulled the girl into the factory.

After the locomotive stopped, Rentaro followed quietly, poking his head out of the corner, and saw two police officers standing with their backs to him, and not far away was a girl with her back against the iron railing and had nowhere to escape.
There are two more chapters, I am checking for typos, wait a few minutes...

(End of this chapter)

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