I really don't want to cross

Chapter 113 Because it is rare, it is precious

Chapter 113 Because it is rare, it is precious

Wood is often like this, and he can always be cold-blooded and ruthless towards other people.

But when it comes to people he cares about, even if he knows what to do is right, even if it is what he has said, he is more impulsive than anyone else.

Because there are very few people who can make him care, no one can imagine how precious this is to Wood.

As he once said of himself.

i'm selfish

——Being more selfish than anyone else! ! !
Because he can use the lives of innocent people to achieve his goals for the people he cares about, even if he will be reviled or even hated by his friends...

"Is Anna there?"

Wood asked in a complicated tone.


Xiaoya replied, and handed the phone to Anna beside her.

"Wu...Wood...Brother...Brother..." Anna's voice trembled, and the self-blame in her tone could be heard clearly even through the microphone.

Wood opened his mouth, and various words flashed in his mind one by one, but finally turned into a sentence,
"Don't blame yourself."

On the other side of the phone, Anna was startled, her lips gradually began to tremble.

"You didn't do anything wrong." After saying these words, Wood also went all out, with a bright smile that had never been seen on his face, which made Sumire Muroto who was watching here couldn't help being stunned.

"Brother Wood~~~"

There was a crying voice. After all, it was a child who had just turned ten years old. Although he had tried his best not to cry, but as soon as he was comforted, all the grievances were vented with tears.

"Now is not the time to cry. Before I go back, the gathering place will be handed over to you. Then you will do as I said, and I will rush back as quickly as possible."


"Find out all the mobile devices of those six people, pay attention to sufficient power, never let those mobile phones be turned off, and then find some tinfoil to wrap those mobile phones completely, so that the calls cannot come in. It should never have occurred to me that six people were dead."

Thoughts flashed one after another in Wood's mind, all the gathering place has to do now is to delay the time as much as possible.

Qi Wu Xuanzong should not be able to pay too much attention to the gathering place. According to Wood's prediction, it will take at least half a month to completely suppress the public opinion war he set off in Osaka District. What to do is...

Shorten this time.

Forcing Qi Wu Xuanzong to put all his attention on governing the Osaka area, although the time left for Wood will be greatly reduced and sacrifices will be increased, but he has no other choice now.

In order to delay the time as much as possible, we can no longer let the public opinion develop naturally, but push it behind.

"You take a few people into the residential area, pick out those who are in the front row of the parade and those residents who have the right to speak, and arrest them in batches without being discovered, and kill them all in the first six times."

"The seventh time you pretended to be unintentional and let a person go. You must not let the person let go see your figure and appearance, hear your voice, you know?"

"Two days is enough, don't overdo it, or it will make those people fearful, just push the entire Osaka area to the limit of madness and the edge of fear... Well, just in case, it's best to cover their heads with a black cloth bag .

"Remember absolutely, absolutely not to be soft-hearted, no matter how they beg for mercy; it is necessary to strengthen the resistance consciousness of the people in Osaka to the highest peak in the fastest time."

"It would be best if a conflict broke out and the residents of Osaka District went crazy, so that Qi Wu Xuanzong could not care about the gathering place and carry out bloody suppression."

"When necessary...forget it!"

Wood was silent for a while. He wanted Anna and others to attack the relatives and children of those leaders when necessary. This is undoubtedly the easiest way to arouse hatred, but in the end he gave up this option.

It's not that he couldn't bear it, but because...for Anna and the others, it was too cruel.

Although the current level can be said to be cruel to Anna and others, and they may even have feelings of resentment towards Wood in the future, but Wood really has no one else to call.

"When Kujo Shingen, the president of IISO, was killed by me, the president I took was stuck in the first drawer next to my bed. Take that card and take someone to the branch of IISO. The second building is the armory."

"You need to transport IISO's weapons back to the gathering place as much as possible without being noticed. Safety is the first priority. You need to pay attention to the people of Qi Wuxuanzong. Let little Irene take bats to guard, and Xiaoya to explore the way , armed with concentrated combatants, in response to a possible accident."

Wood gave out the orders one by one very quickly, completely forgetting about the other person in the room.

Sumire Muroto didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the more she heard it, the more she felt something was wrong. At first, she thought that this brat was just impulsive, because she felt pity for those cursed children, so she didn't know what to do.

But what happened to those extremely cruel orders just now?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that these words came from a 14 or 5-year-old child.

And the two names he said just now...

Qi Wu Xuanzong?

Kujo Shingen?

What a joke, these two are high-weight existences in the Osaka area, how could they have a connection with a kid.

Kill civilians, inspire hatred, public opinion war...

Sumire Muroto's face changed, and she suddenly remembered a video not long ago that was only circulated among the upper echelons of various regions. It was a speech about the Osaka District that was immediately blocked by the leaders of various regions.

It was even rated as the speech of 'the world's number one anti-human terrorist' by various regions...

Is it...

Sumire Muroto swallowed her saliva as she looked at Wood, who had a stern expression, a faint red light in his eyes, and who spoke extremely fast but did not mess up the plan at all.

suddenly found out...

This kid doesn't seem to be a whim in his imagination.

Those extremely cruel orders made Sumire Muroto's heart tremble. This seemingly harmless little ghost in front of her was far more dangerous than she had imagined.


This is definitely a lunatic. If the other party's plan is successfully implemented, how many people will be killed.

Hanging up the phone, looking at Sumire Muroto with a pale face, Wood was slightly taken aback, and then reflected.

But Wood didn't say much, no matter what the woman thought, she had to go with herself.

But what can I do after I go back?
Wood's face became more and more gloomy. This accident completely disrupted his previous layout.

When he lowered his head, Wood saw the suppression ray on his wrist, frowned, and looked up at Sumire Muroto and asked, "If this kind of ray is spread around the city, can it produce an effect similar to a megalithic monument?"

Sumire Muroto was startled when she heard that, with a look of thought on her face, and she finally nodded: "If you can grind the metal made of oysterium into an extremely thin lens, it should be possible. According to previous experiments, this kind of lens that can suppress, It even prevents the recombination of the DNA rays by killing them, plus the glass lens. As long as the density is high enough, it can completely produce the same effect as the monolith."

Wood nodded upon hearing this.

But the most important thing now is how to return to Osaka as soon as possible?
It is absolutely impossible to continue to wait for the development of the plot. You must go back before Qi Wu Xuanzong finds out that the gathering place is strange or calms down the public opinion.

Now I have two options in front of me, one is to take Muroto Sumire and fight back from the unexplored area; the other is to grab the Qixing relic in front of Hiruko Yingyin and give it to the Holy Son of Heaven.

After hesitating for a moment, Wood decisively chose the second option.

The unexplored area, as the name suggests, is an area that humans cannot enter. Outside the barrier of the giant stone monument, there are gastrulations almost everywhere. Stages [-] to [-] are not just one or two, but tens of millions!
In this case, Wood may be able to use his own speed to protect himself, but he may not be able to save Sumire Muroto, and even though Wood's speed is fast, it is not as fast as the plane.

Let’s just do two shifts today. I fell asleep for a long time after taking the IV drip, and when I lowered my head, I felt a terrible pain.

(End of this chapter)

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