Chapter 147

However, Spring Beard didn't hesitate for long, and finally gritted his teeth: "I have already asked the headquarters for help, but I am not the opponent of this weirdo alone, can you help deal with him together?"

Wood was taken aback, blinked, and nodded solemnly.

"Of course, eliminating monsters and protecting the world is my dream since childhood."

After that, he took half a step back slightly: "You block in front, how about I take the opportunity to go around and sneak attack."

Spring Beard was overjoyed when he heard the words, and nodded. He really didn't expect this young rich man to be so talkative.

At this moment, the second wave of attacks from the infinite kelp had struck, and Springbeard was confirmed by Wood, so he didn't just sit and wait, but rushed out.

Unlimited Kelp had a sinister smile on his face, and his tentacles danced wildly along an irregular route. The speed was extremely fast, and the whip light that he swayed was as thin and transparent as the wings of a cicada, as if it had turned into countless strips, covering the spring beard like a blanket .

Spring Beard took a deep breath, and the Western Sword was flat on his chest the moment it landed.


On the silver memory alloy sword, dots of silvery cold light lit up in the air, one life two, two beget four, four beget eight, in a blink of an eye, it turned into a sea of ​​swords, swinging all the tentacles attacking around one by one open.

What a fast swordsmanship!
This scene made Unlimited Kelp startled slightly.

However, although he was amazed, Unlimited Kelp didn't care, instead a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Accompanied by a dull impact sound, the last tentacle fluttered and at the same time, Spring Beard sprinted back a few meters, and his gaze towards Infinite Kelp had become extremely serious.

If you look closely, you will find that the hand of the spring beard holding the sword is trembling in a slight arc, and the tentacles seem to be easily caught by him, but he knows the terrifying power carried in the tentacles.

He glanced at Unlimited Kelp in horror. The strength of this strange man's tentacles was comparable to steel, and his swinging speed was extremely fast, yet his power was so terrifying.

So strong!

If he continued to fight, he would be defeated by this strange man in a short time. Now all he could count on was that extremely fast boy, and he had to attract the attention of this strange man so that he could make a sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Spring Beard's face became serious, and he stomped hard on the ground with one foot. The impact formed a turbulent flow around his body centered on his front foot, and a cloud of smoke rolled up.

Unlimited Kelp frowned, looking at the spring beard covered by the smoke, the tentacles on top of his head gradually retracted.

In the next second, time seemed to stand still,
A terrifying impact suddenly struck, and the dust surrounding the spring beard broke instantly, as if being unfolded by a sharp weapon.
A silver glow instantly pierced through the dust area, galloping past like a meteor.

"Take no explosive power!"

The silver light pierced through the light, and in just an instant, the memory alloy sword extended out, stabbing nearly a hundred meters almost instantly, piercing through everything along the way.


At the moment of the stabbing, the figure of Unlimited Kelp disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

He even escaped my Ta Wu Explosive Power?
Spring Beard shrank his pupils, swung his arm, and retracted the [-]-meter sword in an instant, looking around vigilantly.



Wood gave a cheap laugh, and quickly ran towards the distance of the battlefield.

What a joke, I donate money, how can I do the same thing as your heroes, such things as eating, sleeping and fighting monsters should be left to heroes and Bump Man, Brother Wu is the strong financial backing of you great heroes.

That's right, it's money backing.

Wood's expression sank, and he subconsciously stopped.

The sound of explosion came out instantly, and almost at the moment Wood stopped, several tentacles in front of him fell down, splashing sand and stones.

"Give me the title 'Monster of the Ghost Town'!!"

Amid the grinning laughter, more than a dozen tentacles rotated in the air and cut straight towards Wood. Although it was in the shape of kelp, Wood dared not be careless because of the terrifying sharpness it exuded.

At the same time that his figure retreated rapidly, his heart was extremely depressed.

What the hell is this called?

If I had known earlier, I would have called Genos to pick me up...

And what kind of monster in a ghost town, there are monsters with shiny bald headlights, and you dare to call yourself a ghost town monster, I'm afraid I'm tired of living, and I'm really not a ghost town monster.

At this moment, a tentacle hidden in the building suddenly pierced through the wall and turned towards Wood who had retreated here.

Before the tentacles reached his body, Wood's expression changed due to the terrifying strength. He subconsciously mobilized blood energy to gather on his arms, and then felt a burst of terrifying force coming, as if being hit head-on by a big truck.

With a muffled sound, Wood's body rolled out, pierced through a building on one side, and returned to the previous street again. Using his right foot as a fulcrum, his body lost all strength in a round before barely stopping.

"...Why did you come back from behind?" Spring Beard's mouth twitched.

Wood shook his arms without blushing and panting, and said with a very serious expression.

"In order to prevent it from finding out, I'm going to make a big circle."



Why don't you continue to make up, I almost believed it!

"Monsters from Ghost Town."

Unlimited Kelp appeared on the street again, and those bloodshot eyes stared straight at Wood: "This name really sounds good!!!"

"Master Kelp, it's just a title. I'll give it to you if you want it. I'll honor you as a young one. From now on, I'll give you my boss." Wood raised his hands obsequiously, making the spring beard on one side roll his eyes. , the lower limit of this product completely exceeded his estimate.

How shameless! !
"How can I do that? I have to kill you to prove my strength. Only then can I truly deserve the title of monster in the ghost town."

Wood's face turned black, he is already a grandson, you still want my life?
force me?

"I'm really not some ghost town monster."

Wood's tone gradually became calm, the look in his eyes gradually changed, and he entered a fighting state in an instant, his black pupils gradually turned scarlet, and a bloody smell radiated out without warning.


Unlimited Kelp snorted coldly and didn't answer, but his disbelief was clearly expressed in his eyes.

A gust of air suddenly rose up, and an invisible momentum descended on the entire street abruptly.

what happened?

Spring Beard was stunned, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the momentum, only to find that Wood, who was standing beside him before, had disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, Unlimited Kelp also discovered this scene, and started searching around with a cry of surprise.

call out--!
A burst of strength came suddenly, and Unlimited Kelp's expression froze, because the voice came from behind him.

Although he was shocked, his reaction was not unpleasant. Tentacles danced all over his head and intertwined into a shield behind his back.

Amidst the dull crashing sound, the tentacle shield, which was comparable to the hardness of steel, shook suddenly. Infinite Kelp only felt a pain in his back, and his body flew forward uncontrollably for more than ten meters.

Turning around, I saw where he was before, and a figure was standing there, it was the kid from before.

However, his appearance has changed drastically, sharp ears, sharp fangs, no trace of blood on his extremely pale face, but this extremely cruel grin is outlined at the corner of his mouth, which is extremely strange.

"Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you."

During the words, a pair of blood wings protruded from the body, as if being eroded, the sportswear on his body turned into a scarlet blood robe in the blink of an eye, and the blood flame cloak swayed with the breeze.

"Sure enough, my feeling is not wrong, you are the monster in the ghost town!"

Unlimited Kelp no longer had the previous contempt on his face. After Wood turned into a eccentric, a sense of danger originated from intuition, as if dark clouds coming from all directions filled his heart.

This strong!
The shocking changes in the field made Spring Beard's face appear horrified, and he stared at the changes in Wood in a daze.

It turned out to be a monster.

Although the appearance has not changed from the original, but the temperament seems to have changed.

Can you win?
Springbeard wasn't worried about whether Wood would hurt himself. Although he was just an honorary director without real power, he also belonged to the Heroes' Association, but...

So strong, you just wanted to sneak away?

(End of this chapter)

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