I really don't want to cross

Chapter 164 Compatibility?

Chapter 164 Compatibility?

It feels so cold.

This is……

Wood's complexion changed. He couldn't have hung up while falling asleep. Why did he feel so cold all over his body.

Do you still have feelings after death?

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Amid the terrified screams, Wood jumped up from where he was lying. The dazzling sunlight made Wood feel a little warmth, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Yo, did you have a nightmare?"


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, looking at the white snow around him, and then at the snow nest where he came out: "Why can't you find a bigger shrine to sleep in? At least a shed will do."

The shrine they were in was a small shrine with only one worship hall. Although there was a house, the door of this house was locked tightly, and the area was pitifully small.

However, there are a lot of people visiting this small shrine on weekdays, because this is one of the branches of Tenman Shrine, many people will come here to pray, and there are a few people standing not far from where Wood woke up.

They were all taken aback by Wood who suddenly jumped out of the snow, and even a few of them had already walked towards this side. ,

"It's enough to have a place to hide from demons. You can live in a shrine if you want to. If you go to the Great God Society, you will be kicked out by the owner."

Yato waved his hand lazily: "And the small shrine is not so picky, only this kind of small shrine that is often visited by people can isolate the time and drive away the demons, and most importantly... the purified water here is also very effective Oh!"

"That's not the important thing, okay?"

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched. It was because his physique was good enough, otherwise he would have turned into an undead after sleeping in the snow all night.

But he has no other way to avoid the monster. Wood is absolutely afraid to live in the rented house. Who knows if he will be directly swallowed by the monster when he sleeps to death...

Even if he hires Yato to watch the night, Wood is not at ease. This guy is a useless god. If he is not careful, he may not see the sun the next day, so it is safer to choose this kind of shrine.

As for the living environment, Wood just complained casually. Anyway, with his current system, it is so cold that he can't freeze to death.

"Where's your artifact?"

Wood looked around, but he didn't find the accompanying voice, so he couldn't help asking with some doubts.

Yato scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard the words: "Sound thinks it's too cold here, so I went to a nearby convenience store to read magazines."

"... and your artifact, it's really pitiful."

Wood looked at the worshipers who gathered around him, put his big hiking bag on his back and walked out of the courtyard.

After all, in the eyes of these people, Wood was talking to himself just now, and Wood had vaguely heard someone calling the hospital, saying that someone here was frozen and stupid...

Yato didn't stay there either, but left Tenman Shrine with Wood.

"You don't really want to become a god, do you?" Yato asked with some doubts.


Wood gave Yato an angry look: "Didn't I tell you? There is a problem with my soul, and only becoming a god can solve this problem."

After all, Wood frowned. Although it was easy to say, how to become a god is a big problem.

You must know that there are only a few ways for gods to be born in this world, or they are natural gods like Yato who are not born from a mother's womb, but born from human wishes.

Or it is like a god, who was famous during his lifetime, but after being killed by people, because those people are afraid of revenge after death, they worship him and make him a god. The base number of becoming a god through this method is extremely large.

For example, those small shrines by the side of the road, those nameless wild gods, were basically born through this method, or because of various coincidences.

For example, if a person lives in a dry place after his death, and someone happens to worship him for rain, and then it rains by coincidence, he may be remembered by the world and become a god.

So the birth of gods is full of coincidences, but these nameless little gods are also full of instability, because they may disappear at any time because they are forgotten by the world.

For the undead, as long as there is a certain chance and coincidence, it is not difficult to become a god, but it is extremely difficult for Wood, because he is a living being.

Of the above two methods, the first one can be given up directly by Wood, and the second one has a feeling of putting the cart before the horse for Wood. He wants to become a god in order to save his own life, but in the end he has to die and become a person from the other side. glimmer of hope.

The most important thing is... It's all down to luck.

It is absolutely impossible for Wood to bet his most precious life on this.

"You're not going to commit suicide, are you?"

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched: "Let me tell you, gods are not as cheap as you think. Even if you die, you can't become a god without a certain affinity."


Wood was taken aback when he heard the words, what do you mean?
"It can also be said to be a qualification!"

Although it is better to have less contact between this shore and the other shore, but this little ghost in front of him can not only see the people on the other shore, but also transform into an artifact, and even the race seems to be a legendary vampire.

So Yato didn't hide from Wood, but directly said: "There are also classifications among gods, just like I am only suitable to be a war god, and the old man of the gods can only be a god of learning, and only undead with compatibility can become gods." God, and it must be a new phase, and cannot overlap with existing gods."

"Otherwise, even if you are admired by thousands of people after your death, you will be nothing more than an undead." Ye Dou said this, squinted at Wood, and sneered: "If it is so easy to become a god, Gao Tianyuan would have been overcrowded."

And this statement?

Wood frowned. He was still thinking that if he really got to Stranger Road, he would find a way to use money to buy a road for people to sacrifice himself after death, and become another existence to save his precious life.

But hearing what Yato said, this method can already be given up.


In this way, how should I become a god.

Wood pondered for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth: "Give me some of your blood."


Yato was stunned, then swished and hid behind a telephone pole ten meters away, looking at Wood in horror: "Impossible, you monster, monster, pervert!"

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched: "...Forget the first two, where did the last one come from?"

Immediately, Wood took out a 5 yuan bill directly from his backpack, and took down the drinking cup: "Give me a cup, and I will exchange all this for [-] yuan and offer it to you!"

"Yes, thank you for your patronage, here is the fast, cheap, safe, safe, door-to-door Yatogami, please drink to your heart's content, if not enough, I have more here!!"

Yato rushed in front of Wood at a speed beyond Wood's dynamic vision, and before Wood could react, the thermos in his hand had disappeared.

"Money...money...a lot of five yuan..."

Watching Yato with a smirk on his face bleeding with a knife, Wood smiled triumphantly.

did you see?
That's the magic of money!


(End of this chapter)

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