I really don't want to cross

Chapter 200 Robbery! !

Chapter 200 Robbery! !
Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

In the small courtyard, the sound of falling needles could be heard, and even the wind seemed to avoid this area for a moment because of fear of this person.

All eyes were on the tall figure.

Wood had a fighting look on his face, and a pair of tiger eyes that were only exposed showed a terrifying fighting look. After sweeping around the field, he landed on Bishamon.

This is……

Dahei, who was rough in appearance but extremely delicate in mind, looked at the tattered trousers of the visitor, and a strange look appeared in his eyes, but he had vaguely guessed the identity of the visitor.

But there was one person who discovered this before him.

That was Yato who was lying on the ground. The moment he saw that figure, he had already felt it, because he had used Wood as an artifact several times, and he was very familiar with Wood's breath.



"What the hell are you? You are a human, you can become a vampire, you can also become an artifact, and now you have even become a god. What can you become? No, are you really a living thing?"

"It can also become a 1.9-meter strong man."

"...Don't make trouble, to be serious, I'm really curious about your race."


It's actually true!
Even in this state, the corner of Yato's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Is this bastard really human?
"Who are you!"

Bishamon looked at Wood, and her body tensed up completely. She could clearly feel that the other party was a resident of this shore, that is, the most common human being. But is this amazing oppressive force really a human being?
Wood didn't reply, but looked up at the distant horizon, his eyes full of expectation, which was the desire for fighting.

It was the first time he had existed in this state for so long.

The fighting spirit in his heart is like a tide, and he can't wait to return to the world of One Punch immediately to fight with the strongest person in his eyes!
Bishamon frowned, and being ignored repeatedly made her feel angry, especially when she saw Wood's tall body walking between herself and Yato, the suppressed anger burst out immediately.

"The scorpion!"

The power of the gods is vast, and the two-meter-long giant sword appeared in the hands of Bishamon. Without the control of Zhaoma, the air in the entire area was shaken the moment it appeared, and the cracks where Bishamon was located extended towards the surroundings. Looking down from the sky, one can clearly see an invisible momentum expanding towards the surroundings.


"one person……"

click -

The giant sword that just appeared was directly grasped by the palm that appeared out of thin air. Bishamon saw the tall figure in front of him, and his pupils shrank immediately.

Instinctively drew the sword, but the giant sword itself was not moved at all.

This power...

how is this possible! ?
However, before Bishamon could react, a big hand was placed on her face.

"Not enough to fight!"

The severe pain came from between those five fingers, and Bishamon was suddenly shocked. He looked at Wood's only exposed eyes through the gap between his fingers, and there was only one thought in his mind.

This is impossible!

But before she could utter these words, the terrifying force directly broke through the divine power she had mobilized with all her strength, and then shot out to one side...

The indescribable force spread from the face to the whole body, Bishamon shot out uncontrollably, and even the giant lion that got up and flew out at this moment.


After a bang, Kunshamen and the giant lion under it broke through the wall, but did not stop, but flew back nearly [-] meters, and crashed into a factory in the distance amidst the bang! !

"The scum that was blown dry with one punch."

Wood didn't even glance in that direction, and shook his hand with a bored expression.

All of this happened so fast that none of the people present could react.


Zhaoma's face changed drastically, and he got up and wanted to go to Bishamon, but he was completely unable to leave when he was in the middle of the plucking spell.

How can it be so strong?

The faces of the rest of the people were full of shock, and they stared at the figure standing in a daze.

In the sound of the explosion, all the sand and gravel in the factory rolled up, and the figure of Bishamon appeared in front of everyone again, but he looked extremely embarrassed, his body was covered with dust, and his white and tender face was pale. Incomparably, a smear of blood slid down the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Zhao Ma couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Bishamon's expression was full of horror, but there was still a trace of doubt.

Because she doesn't understand...

The opponent should keep his hand.

Although the moment just now was short, she could clearly feel...at the moment when the turn came out, the opponent's hand paused for a moment in the air, releasing most of the strength; otherwise, even if she didn't die from this blow, she would still suffer Hit hard.

And at this moment...

The sky suddenly dawned, and it wasn't the bright light of the sky, but a golden light that enveloped the entire area below, dispelling the darkness here.

Everyone looked up, only to see a huge golden cloud coming from afar and staying above them.

And above the clouds, there were figures wearing white robes, covering their faces under the hats.

"This is……"

Bishamon was taken aback when he saw this, "A crusade team from the heavens?"

"what happened?"

Xiaofu's face changed: "It's just the fall of an unknown god, how could Gao Tianyuan be alarmed, what is going on here."

"Master Bishamon, we are here to receive help from your divine weapon!"

In the air, a majestic voice came, but the meaning revealed in the words made Bishamon startled, and asked impulsively, "What are you asking for help?"

"An artifact called 'Luba' under your family said that you were expelling demons from the lower realms, but you were hindered by the force of the newly promoted god 'Sleeping God'. We are here to help you suppress Sleeping God, and at the same time investigate whether it is really related to it. It has something to do with the warlock who faces demons."

Bishamon's face changed. She was not a fool. Not long after she came down, the gods of the heavens received a call for help.

She wouldn't believe it if she said that no one was behind it.


Luba, why are you doing this.

"and many more!"

Bishamon shook his head and dispelled the doubts in his mind. The most urgent thing is not these. Although Sleeping God is very close to Yato, he does not seem to be a person who will collude with the warlock: "I think you should be mistaken. What, I didn't have a conflict with Sleeping God, let alone ask for help; what's more, there is no enmity between me and Sleeping God."

"And I have been in contact with it twice. In my opinion, Sleeping God is not the kind of person who would collude with a warlock."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar among the gods.

No conflict with Sleep God?
Then ask for help...

No one who can become a god is a fool, as long as there is a confrontation, many things will surface.

This made the faces covered under the robes look ugly. No one would like this kind of calculation and replacement, let alone these high-ranking gods.


In the distance, Hiroto Fujisaki gritted his teeth, his face became extremely gloomy.

His original plan had completely failed. Originally, as long as Wood was present and attacked Bishamon with a masked monster, no matter how Wood explained it, it would be useless.

But it turned out that Wood didn't show up, instead, a strange and powerful man who terrified him appeared out of nowhere.

What surprised him even more was that...

Bishamon, who was seriously injured by Wood a few days ago, would actually speak for Wood.


Hiroto Fujisaki glanced at the sky-filled god with eyes full of hatred, and his figure quietly disappeared into the darkness.



Xiaofu and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the discussion between Bishamon and the gods.

It can be said that things have basically subsided at this point.

Then just concentrate on pulling out the scorpion.


"There are so many people, is there anyone who can fight!!"

At this moment, a voice full of excitement and fanatical fighting intent entered everyone's ears.


The faces of Xiaofu, Dahei and others changed drastically.


All the gods in the heavens looked at Wood below, and they couldn't help frowning.

"Who is this?"

"A sleepy god?"

"Is he the God of Sleep?"


The third guard of the Tianshou, Osi, took a closer look at Wood below, and said decisively: "He is not a sleeping god. Although his face is covered, his body and breath are completely different from the sleeping god. He is just a person who can see us. human beings."

"Is the ink over?" Wood raised his head impatiently: "I said...forget it."

"From now on, it's time to rob, hand over all the valuables on your body, and those who don't want to hand over can resist!!"


The whole area suddenly fell into silence.


In such a situation full of gods, a mere human actually looked at them and said robbery?
The corner of Bishamon's mouth twitched, resisting the idea of ​​shouting to make the gods run away immediately, because she felt that if she shouted, the gods would be annoyed instead...


Who is this person? After living for nearly a thousand years, it was the first time she felt that this shore was so dangerous! !


"A mere human being dares to speak nonsense in front of the gods."

"Get back quickly now, I won't be as knowledgeable as a little human being like you."


A haughty reprimand came down.

The terrifying physical power rose again, causing the expressions of all the gods to change, and they couldn't help but stop speaking.

at this time!

Wood bent his legs, and he squatted down like this. The muscles in his legs were agitated wildly, and even the muscles were rubbing against each other.


The moment a loud explosion sounded, Wood's figure was ejected like a rocket. The speed was so fast that everyone around him was blown away, and Wood had already disappeared in place.

Where it was standing before, a huge depression appeared, and spider silk cracks spread around the edge.

next second...
Pfft, full attendance is important...you know...

(End of this chapter)

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