I really don't want to cross

Chapter 250 The So-called Assassin?

Chapter 250 The So-called Assassin?
"That... Saitama-san..."

In the dark of night, a large bonfire lit up the night sky, and the light of the fire could be seen from a long distance away, which made the corners of Yedou's mouth twitch.

Those who participated in this competition are not careful, is it really okay for us to be so arrogant?
Yato originally wanted to ask this question, but after seeing Saitama pull out the corpses that had been cleaned up in the river, Yato swallowed this sentence consciously, and asked instead: "Mr. Is it really okay to eat this?"

As for why he said that, it was entirely because of the image of the creature...

It was a large, muscular creature with a long neck.It has strong limbs, huge wings, a sensitive tail, and a body of fiery red scales.Even though he was lying there with no breath at this time, the terrifying pressure on his body still existed, and a sense of majesty permeated the surrounding area.

Thinking of the invincible attitude of the other party when he first appeared, Yato couldn't help swallowing.


Qiyu turned his head slowly, and said flatly: "What can a big bird with wings not eat, it just happened to help light the fire."


What happened to your eyes when you saw food? ?
Is it really okay to eat this thing?

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched, and this guy said he was a 'Fire Dragon' when he first appeared, did you just ignore it?

And most importantly...

Even this kind of mythical creature can be done in just a few minutes, and it can be scraped and ignited, how embarrassing this god is! !
Thousands of words of complaints came to my lips, but they turned into bowing.

"Master Saitama, please give me a mouthful!!"


On the other side, under the darkness of night, Wood was not in a hurry to hurry.

He could feel that apart from himself, Ana and Wuming had gathered together, and Yato and Saitama-sensei had also gathered together.

The survivability of the two should be much stronger when they are together, so Wood is not so worried.

Especially Yato, this guy has already hugged his most wanted thigh, his sense of security must have exploded...

This made Wood envious and jealous.

And this stuff definitely slowed down Saitama-sensei.

But Wood also muttered in his heart that he was very happy that Yato could meet Saitama.

After all, there is no magic weapon in hand, only Yato, who is barely physically fit, may not even be able to beat the two little girls Wuming and Anna...

Wood didn't get too entangled in this point anymore, and now there are more important things in front of him.

That's how to communicate with the deaf man.

If you don't have a good communication with this bastard, Wood is really a little uneasy.

This is not to blame for Wood's timidity. If there is a person behind anyone who is full of murder and staring straight at you, you will feel uneasy.

Wood has not figured out until now where the murderous intent of this dead deaf man came from.

It doesn't matter if you look at Omaha on the side, after all, the two hit each other earlier, but what do you mean by looking at me with this look? ?

I didn't mess with you, did I?
Not to mention Wood, even Ohama was watched several times by the deaf man touching the big sword behind his back. Seeing that posture, he felt like he was looking at you and chopped you off.

Wood pondered for a long time, and finally let him find a way to communicate with the deaf.

After he discussed with Omaha, Omaha's eyes lit up, he found a branch and wrote a few words on the ground. Although Wood didn't know the words, he knew that the words should be something like "Do you know the words?" .


The deaf man gave Ohama an angry look: "Are you underestimating me? My master said that as an assassin, you must have various assassination skills, and imitating handwriting is the foundation of the foundation. "


You don't even mention assassination.

Wood didn't bother to complain, and said directly to Omaha: "Ask this bastard, what does he keep looking at us with that murderous look?"

O'Hama did as he was told.

The deaf man was silent for a while after seeing it, and his ordinary face suddenly became solemn.

"My master said that a successful assassin..."

"No matter who you look at, your eyes must be full of killing intent!!"

Wood: "Huh?"

Omaha: "..."

"Just because of this, you actually stared at me (my mother) all the way with this kind of gaze that kills my father and my enemy?"

Wood and Oma couldn't hold back, and said nonsense at the same time.

"Are you praising me for being handsome?" the deaf man looked smug.

Omaha: "..."


It's so weird.

What kind of assassin is this?

And you are sure about a secretive, silent killing profession... Is it okay to have murderous intent in your eyes?
Normally speaking, shouldn't a qualified assassin not disturb others even when killing people, and not show any murderous air from the beginning to the end?
This assassin is really...

Wood couldn't help asking: "Ask him, is his master still alive?"

He was really curious, at least with such a good temper, Wood had the urge to kill this guy countless times along the way.

"What do you mean!"

The deaf man glared at Wood quite annoyed: "My master is a famous assassin, of course he is still alive. If it wasn't for observing the target when he was young, and inexplicably breaking his legs by someone other than the target, my master would have already Has become the world's number one assassin."

Wood immediately felt comfortable, and nodded in agreement: "I'm really not surprised that my legs were broken. I'm just surprised that the man has such a good temper that he didn't kill him."

"I think it must be a conspiracy among colleagues, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence that a stranger jumped out suddenly and broke the teacher's legs." The deaf man looked angry.

"..." Wood.

If you think too much, it's definitely just a coincidence.

An assassin who mainly focuses on assassination, looks at everyone with such dangerous eyes... It's really surprising that only his legs were broken.

"The assassins I have seen may all be fake assassins."

Omaha looked at the deaf man in 'shock'. Let alone this kind of assassin, he had never heard of it before.

The appearance of the deaf man broke her perception of assassins...

O'Hama wrote on the ground with a branch and said, "But your murderous eyes are easy to be exposed when sneaking into the assassination target, right?"

Hearing this, Wood raised his head and looked at the deaf man. He was also very curious about this question.

But the deaf man gave Omaha a disdainful look, and said proudly: "As long as all the witnesses are killed, no one will know that I sneaked in."



Wood and O'Hama looked at each other. This... seems to make sense.

"Unfortunately, I can barely be regarded as a second-rate assassin now."

The deaf man looked at the full moon in the sky with a sad face, and said softly: "The teacher said that there are three levels of assassins: third-rate assassins, kill their targets; second-rate assassins, kill everyone who finds themselves; first-rate assassins, kill Kill everyone I see. Now I can barely kill all witnesses without being discovered."

"... Strictly speaking, you obviously can't use the words 'without being discovered'." Wood grabbed a handful of hair to express his "lying on grass" mood.

Then he said to Omaha next to him, "Ask him who he learned lip-reading from, and how did he become deaf?"

Oma was also not angry with Wood's command, because that was what she wanted to ask.

"Of course I learned lip language by myself. It's so easy to learn this kind of thing. As for how I'm deaf."

The deaf man sighed: "It's all my fault for not being good at learning. Last month, the master had an accident while researching magic shock bombs. The master was very responsive. I was deafened because of not being good at learning. I was scolded by the master afterwards." A meal."


Can lip language be self-taught?

And you have just been deaf for a month, that is to say, you have just learned a dumb language for a month. Who gave you the confidence to make you wantonly interpret other people's words?

Um? ?

Wood was stunned, and asked with some hesitation: "Your master who broke his legs is sensitive? Are you deafened??"

How strong is this master.

Without his legs, he could hide in the first place. It seems that what the deaf man said earlier, "If his legs hadn't been broken, my master would have already become the world's number one assassin" is very likely to be true. .


The deaf man nodded in admiration: "When I found out that there was something wrong with the magic shock bomb, my master immediately dragged me to him. I think he must have wanted to test me with the magic shock bomb. It's a pity that I'm not good at learning, so I didn't react immediately."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched: "... this first reaction alone is not worthy of being called a master."

"This master..."

Ohama looked at the deaf man with a strange look on his face: "I think you should 'destroy relatives rightly'."


(End of this chapter)

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