I really don't want to cross

Chapter 260 Really Boring

Chapter 260 Really Boring

a few minutes ago.

"Do you want to come down and fight?"

The plain voice with a little expectation echoed under the boulder and was clearly heard by everyone in the field.

On the top of the boulder, Hao Qiang lowered his head, his dead eyes locked on Saitama.

"your name."

During the speech, Hao Qiang slowly stood up from where he was sitting, and looked down at Saitama.

"Master is up?"

This scene caused a strange look to flash in the eyes of everyone in the field.

You must know that the corpses lying below, from the beginning to the end... are not even qualified to let Hao Qiang move.

But now, that ordinary-looking little bald man just said a word, which actually made Hao Qiang stand up.

Everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to Saitama, but no matter how you look at it...

Nor did they see any difference in the man.

The expression is dull, and there is no aura on the body, the whole person stands there as if it is the background, from head to toe is a passerby character.

There is no sense of aloofness in him,
Not to mention the arrogance of the two-headed werewolf,
The only thing that catches the eye is probably... Even in this kind of scene, the expression is still extremely dull.

"I am the strongest in the world, powerful."

Hao Qiang's red hair is calm and automatic, obviously not exuding any aura, but the atmosphere in the field is inexplicably condensed: "I have walked all the way, and I have obtained the strongest strength in the world. This also made me find when I looked up... …I have no opponent in front of me; so to fill that void, I am here."

Saitama's dull face changed a little the moment these powerful words came out.

"I think so too..."

During the speech, Qiyu took a step forward slowly, and there was a trace of trance in his plain voice: "Overwhelming power is really boring."

"..." Everyone in the field.

I don't know why, but just a few sentences of dialogue easily aroused their dissatisfaction...

"My name is Saitama."

Taking another step forward, Saitama said softly, "You are the one who challenged me, right? Do you want to fight?"

Ask again?

Haoqiang glanced at Qiyu in surprise, there is no need to ask whether he wants to fight such a thing, because everyone here is an enemy.

But the person below who can feel the unfathomable power seems to be a challenger who has really heard the news, rather than coming here with the purpose of destroying the enemy.

"Of course."

After finishing the words, Hao Qiang stepped forward from the edge of the boulder, and put his toes on the boulder that he had stayed for a few days.

call out!
A sharp whistling sounded immediately, but when Hao Qiang stepped out, the huge rock that looked like a mountain peak under his feet slammed towards Saitama.

This gigantic boulder was hundreds of meters high, and it collapsed at this moment, and the faces of those who saw its whole picture changed. The flat fracture, the whole boulder was obviously a peak that fell off a certain mountain.

I don't know what kind of power the boulder has been endowed with, and it's toppling over is astonishing, and the vigor is soaring that the faces of all the people around it turn pale, and they scattered in all directions while being shocked in their hearts.

And just as the boulder approached with a bang, the powerful figure followed closely behind, and chose to attack first without hesitation.

This scene changed the expressions of his disciple and the teammates he had found, and they scattered around.

The boulder fell, and the powerful approached.

Qiyu did not dodge, but raised his right foot and stomped fiercely towards the ground. With this stomp, his whole body suddenly galloped up from the ground, like a long rainbow bursting from the ground, vertically Going straight to the boulder thrown from above.

Its speed is so fast that it will collide with the boulder almost in the blink of an eye.

A majestic pressure descended, but this pressure did not change Qiyu's face in any way.

With a calm expression, he raised one hand when he rushed into the air, and suddenly pressed it to the top of his head, touching the toppled boulder.

The moment the boulder touched his left hand, a horrifying scene happened.

The huge boulder that was pressed down with terrifying force fell steadily in Saitama's hands, and he lifted it up with one hand with a single leap. The him under the boulder was inconspicuous.But it was this inconspicuous Saitama, with a slight movement of his arm, the boulder was thrown out casually.

With this throw, the sharp roar was like the roar of a beast, and the [-]-meter boulder rushed towards the distance like a shooting star.

A strange color flashed in Yato's eyes when he saw this, the boulder collapsed just now, if Saitama avoided it, considering the power carried by the boulder, many people should have died under the boulder; and if the boulder was lifted At that moment, Saitama threw the boulder at the scattered crowd, which also saved a lot of effort.

But Saitama didn't choose these two obviously easier options, instead he threw the boulder out.

Is it intentional?Or unintentional?

Thoughts in Yato's mind turned rapidly, but it was only a split second in the arena.

After the boulder was thrown out, Saitama's jumping speed did not decrease at all, and his whole body appeared in the vision of the falling hero in an instant.

Hao Qiang looked at Qiyu who suddenly appeared, his body was still blurred, feeling the pressure coming towards his face, he couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment.

Not shock, not fear.

But in the experience!
Feel the oppressive feeling that I haven't felt for a long time.

One punch!
Saitama's fist gradually expanded in Hao Qiang's eyes, but the not-so-big fist seemed to cover the entire sky in his perception.

There is no way to avoid it! !
This punch alone is enough to prove...

There was nothing wrong with his senses.

this man,

It is worth fighting for everything by yourself.

The fluctuations in Haoqiang's body rose up, and the lonely face was full of fighting spirit at some point.

The next second—

There was a loud bang, and the air began to vibrate.

A layer of ripples, at this moment, spread rumbled in all directions.

Wherever they passed, the trees were uprooted; wherever they passed, people who hadn't evacuated spit blood and flew back; wherever they passed, the ground of the plain was torn open, and the green grass was barren in the blink of an eye! !
Even the beam of light in the sky collapsed at this moment.


Yetou's face changed drastically, but then he was taken aback.

A figure appeared in front of him at some point, with a bright bald head and a white cloak fluttering in the gust of wind.

The sweeping ripples blew past the two sides of this figure, but they didn't affect him at all.

Yato looked at this scene in shock, this kind of energy crazily spread due to the battle was almost unavoidable for those who got close.

And it is even more impossible for one of the people who caused this energy to come to him before the energy.

But the person named Qiyu in front of him did it.

After punching out, did you use the opponent's strength to fly back?

It is only possible that this scene will appear.

The ripples caused by the collision gradually subsided, and the barren battlefield was faintly filled with gunpowder smoke, but the powerful figure went nowhere.

"Try to stay here and don't move around."

Saitama's voice came suddenly, and Yato couldn't help being stunned for a moment, some didn't understand the meaning of the words.

But at this moment, there was a strange noise, and the ground in the distance suddenly swelled up, like a balloon being blown up, and with a bang, the entire area collapsed.

"You are really strong."

A powerful voice came out, and the sand and soil in the collapsed ground shot up into the sky, and the fiery red hair fluttered in the wind.

The tall figure walked out step by step, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

how come?

After Yato saw Haoqiang's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but fell into a daze.

Haoqiang's slightly embarrassed appearance and the situation in front of him completely broke his previous guess.

Saitama didn't use the strength of the opponent to fly back at all, but while punching the opponent away with a punch, he returned to himself to help block the impact.


Hao Qiang's body suddenly tensed up, the muscles on his body rolled up, and a terrifying sense of strength erupted.

"It's not over yet."

The red hair fluttered, and there was a kind of brilliance in the powerful eyes that made it difficult to look directly at. His body disappeared in place the moment the words fell.

At the same time, Yato only felt a blur in front of his eyes.

Qiyu's figure has disappeared, everything is so sudden, as if Qiyu has never appeared from the beginning to the end.

The roaring sound came out at the same time, and the violent energy overflowed.

The two figures collided somewhere, and Yato could clearly see...

Fragments of powerful attacks and Saitama's blocking appear from time to time.

It was afterimages left in his field of vision, but he didn't understand why the afterimages of Saitama were just blocking from the beginning to the end.

But he understood what Qiyu said earlier.

The battle between the two was full of vigor.

However, the energy spreading in his direction was canceled out the moment it appeared.

The strength controls the precise terror.

This level of fighting did not affect him at all.

Well, I will make up for yesterday's chapter first.

Pfft... my face hurts so much, the last chapter and this chapter said that I slapped my face crazily...

But it's after midnight...

(End of this chapter)

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