I really don't want to cross

Chapter 272 Unlimited Wood

Chapter 272 Unlimited Wood
"That is to say..."

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Wood who was still in a coma next to him: "This guy is not as good as an ordinary person now?"

Nod at the same time.

"...That's really hard work for you."

Yato is actually the person who is the easiest to understand this situation at the moment. After all, Wood's sleepy body is also like this. In a specific environment, there is no way to switch to another body.

"In other words, there is no need to find those monsters called gluttony at all?"

Saitama asked with great interest: "As long as you stay here with Wood, will those stronger monsters come to you?"

"..." Everyone.

Is this the focus?
Are you not curious about such a change in your apprentice?

"Hiss... it hurts, it hurts..."

At this time, there was a groan, but Wood on one side woke up.

Wood only felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and he couldn't move at all.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Saitama's voice came, but he was not worried about Wood at all. This disciple has such a strong desire to survive, and it seems difficult to die: "It just happened to be cooked, do you want to come over to eat?"

Wood suddenly remembered the scene before the coma...

"Must eat!!"

Before the words fell, Wood had already crawled over.

clack clack...

There was a sound of bone breaking and rubbing.


Everyone's lips twitched, including Saitama.

Is this really okay?

On the other hand, Wood is actually quite helpless in his heart. The body of gluttony can be said to have the least impact on his character, but this excessive desire for meat is really irresistible.

Seeing him crawling to the side of the fire, Saitama directly took a piece of meat the size of two heads from the fire and handed it over.

Wood's eyes lit up, and he put his hands on the ground.

Aowu took a bite, and it wasn't too hot, and he began to bite, as if he had been hungry for hundreds of years.

Saitama let go of his hand resolutely, not because he was afraid of being bitten by Wood, but because he was afraid that Wood's saliva would splash on him...

Seeing Wood's devouring appearance, Qiyu was silent for a few seconds: "Well...you should consider moving out, my family can't afford so much meat for you to eat."


Yeto wondered, "Is he glowing?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and looked at Wood at the same time, only to see that there was a strange purple glow on Wood who was eating meat, even the sun could not completely cover the rise of the light, making him look extremely weird.

Strength, stamina, five senses...

As the flesh and blood of this unknown creature merged into the body, Wood could clearly feel that the overall quality of the body was strengthening.

However, this feeling of becoming stronger was directly ignored by Wood, because the incorporation of a gene into his body only made him from the level of 'ordinary human' to the level of 'stronger than ordinary human', even the weakest wolf-level weirdo superior.

But with eating, the rapid recovery of the body shocked Wood a little.

A large piece of meat went into the stomach, and nearly half of Wood's broken bones had healed.

"This feeling……"

Wood stood up from the ground, tried to clench his fist, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"It's inexplicably comfortable!"

Everyone looked at Wood who stood up strangely. Can such a serious injury be cured by eating alone?

Is this guy looking more and more like a monster?
"What was the meat just now?"

Although physical fitness has grown in an all-round way, Wood can clearly feel the changes in his leg strength, hearing, and smell, etc., more significantly.

Qiyu shook his head when he heard the words, and Yato, who was in charge of the barbecue, said without thinking, "It's a giant wolf more than two meters high."

Wood nodded knowingly.

Use the advantages of other biological genes to make up for the defects of your own genes?

Thinking of this, Wood looked towards the large fire surrounded by the crowd, where all kinds of meat were placed.

Wood raised his hand and pointed to two of them: "These two are the same creature as the one I just ate, right?"


Yato looked at the two pieces of meat that Wood pointed at, and couldn't help looking at Wood in surprise: "How do you know?"

Wood thought to himself, Sure enough, although these meats all exude a fatal attraction, although the two pieces he pointed out just now are attractive to him, they are within the controllable range, not like other meats. Pounce on it and wipe it all away.

Although it has been a few days since he merged with gluttony, he is still in the state of groping for his new physique. After all, he has not encountered other creatures except gluttony.

Wood sat by the fire, impatiently took off a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

But he didn't feel that sense of strengthening.

"What kind of meat is this?"

"Dog meat."

This time it was Saitama who answered, "I'm going to save this piece to eat until the end."

"So, the genes of similar species can only be fused once?"

Wood swallowed the piece of meat in his hand, and took another piece of meat and put it into his mouth. This time, purple awns appeared on his body again. is strength.

Before Wood could ask, Yato said, "This is the meat of a black bear."

The strengthening of the overall fitness of the body made Wood's face flash a touch of comfort.

However, he didn't realize that the way his teacher Saitama looked at him became more and more unfriendly...

Because Qiyu now deeply understands a feeling of 'he is very likely to go bankrupt', three pieces of meat the size of the smallest head are in his belly, and this apprentice of his own seems to have no sense of eating at all.

The bear meat was eaten, but Wood didn't go to get the meat on the fire this time.

Because his body is revealing a sense of fullness.

It is not a feeling of fullness in the stomach, but a feeling of fullness in the body.

It was as if the body had reached the limit of continuously absorbing two kinds of genes, and could no longer take in new genes for the time being.

Although it was weak and almost negligible, Wood could still vaguely feel that he was getting stronger little by little.

Taking two pieces of meat that were very attractive to him, Wood felt in his body while eating, and sure enough, nothing changed.

Obviously, before these two genes are completely fused, his body can no longer integrate the new genes.

It should be because his gluttony body is too weak.

That fatal attraction is still there, but it can no longer be fused with genes to become stronger.

"Well... are you still eating?" Wood asked.


"If you don't eat it, what a waste it is to throw it away. I'll eat it all for you."


Hearing this, the six people were stunned for a moment, and then saw an afterimage, each holding a large piece of meat, looking at Wood vigilantly.

To know……

They just watched Wood eat it!


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched: "Do you need such a big reaction? It seems that I will rob you."

He forcibly restrained the urge to pounce on the meat...

Because he weighed his current strength, Wood found that...he couldn't beat those present.

However, this guy's eyes were on the big flesh on little Anna's hand, and there was an extremely gentle smile on his face.

Anna's face blushed immediately, and she directly handed over the piece of meat in her hand.

"How embarrassing..."

Wuming stepped on Wood's head into the soil with one foot, and his pretty face was as black as the bottom of the pot: "I know I'm sorry, so don't reach out to pick it up, Anna, don't spoil him!!"

Everyone looked at Wood with a look of 'scum', has the lower limit of this guy dropped to this level?

It can be equated with the scum who grabs children's lollipops.


(End of this chapter)

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