Chapter 341 Hans
"It seems that we need to finish the matter here as soon as possible."

Wood looked at the knight guarding the mountain pass and frowned. He was about to leave this world in [-] hours. Before leaving, he wanted to go back to the item store and explain to Barnier about the various matters after he left, because Now it is different from before, if he wants to come back, he can come back anytime.

He didn't want to be dragged by a prodigal son to manage a loss-making store when he came back to play.

While planning the preparations to be made before leaving, Wood walked towards the mountain pass.

"Who are you?"

Sure enough, as soon as he came near the mountain pass, several knights greeted him.

Wood nodded secretly when he heard the knight's words, so Sato Kazuma and the others had already gone up first.

"My lord knight, I came to investigate the source together with the four people before."

"The previous four?"

The leader of the Knights was slightly stunned, remembering the four people he had put in earlier.

Originally, he didn't plan to let four people in, because those four people were obviously not locals, and there was also a high priest of the Axis Order among them, but he never thought that the blond knight among the four people would be The eldest daughter of the Dustines family.

Thinking of this, he looked at Wood suspiciously, hesitated and shook his head: "Sorry, I can't confirm whether you are Lord Dustinis' companion right now, so I can't let you go." He said He was also extremely measured, and if the young lady of Dustines pursued him, she wouldn't be able to find anything wrong with him.

There was a flash of surprise in Wood's eyes, and he suddenly understood how a few idiots passed here.

"That's right, I'm really sorry."

The knights were stunned, and before they could understand the meaning of these words, they saw the teenage kid in front of him suddenly start to grow up, turning into a handsome young man with black hair in the blink of an eye.

A pair of eyes covered with dark spots, like a bottomless pit, made everyone focus their attention on the past.

If anyone was present, they would have noticed that the original bright eyes of these knights dimmed in just a few seconds. As Wood moved forward, several knights stepped aside one after another.

"Lord Dustinis, the mountain ahead is the habitat of monsters. If you and your teammates are going there, please be careful."

Wood didn't answer, but walked straight along the mountain road, because these words were not addressed to him at all, but to Darkness who was 'beside' him, at least in the eyes of several knights.All he did was modify the memories of several knights, adding his own existence to their original memories.

This is the ability of the succubus to modify memory.

It is quite practical for ordinary people, but it is useless for magicians with strong mental power or strong willpower. In short... it can only deceive the weak, and the modified memory loopholes are too If there are too many, people will feel a sense of disobedience.

Closer to home.

Although Wood does not have a map of the mountain, in order to transport the hot springs from the source to the town, six two-meter-thick pipelines have been erected on the entire mountain. As long as you follow these pipelines, you can find the six sources distributed on the mountain.


"It seems that there is no need to find them one by one."

Looking up, I saw a white light shining in the direction about one kilometer away from Wood, illuminating the entire area.

Looking at the light, Wood felt a wave of disgust from the bottom of his heart.

Not because of anything else...

Rather, that divine power is no different from a nemesis to Wood under the body of the succubus.

After hesitating for a while, Wood turned back into a human body, because Akuya's mentally retarded person doesn't care if he knows someone or not, and often before the devil shows up, a holy exorcism will be smashed down on the head, without giving the devil a chance to defend himself .


" hot..."

At the same time, a certain goddess who caused this scene was hissing and screaming.

Sato and Shinji stood aside, with worried expressions on their faces, and directly in front of them, Akua stretched his hand into the dark spring that kept gushing water.

You must know that this is not the hot spring that has been dispersed below, but the source of the hot spring.

As we all know, when the hot spring water is underground, it will be affected by the crustal pressure and can reach a high temperature of 150 degrees. Although it flows out of the ground, the water above 100 degrees will immediately boil and vaporize.

But even if the moment of boiling and gasification does not reach 150 degrees, it must be much higher than 100 degrees, which is far beyond what the human body can bear.This is Akuya. If it were someone else, she would probably be able to smell the aroma of boiled meat.


Sato Kazuma kept releasing the low-level magic of the ice system, and wanted to lower the temperature of the spring, but because of the limitation of magic power and the fact that adventurers had no career bonus, his freezing couldn't do anything at all.

"Idiot, if you can't do it, stop and find another way. No one would put their hands directly into the spring of the hot spring."

"No ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly That pretty face was so painful that cold sweat came down, but she was not ready to pull her hand out at all.

"Freeze Gust"

A voice came without warning, and the expressions of several people in the field couldn't help but tense, but then their faces showed joy.

Immediately, a gust of cold wind came out of nowhere, causing several people in the field to shiver.

Unknowingly, the surrounding air was already covered with countless fine ice dusts, which were blown over the spring by the cold air current, and a layer of ice crystals instantly formed on the surface of the hot spring that exceeded [-] degrees, which made Akua's face involuntarily twitch Change: "'s too cold!"

No one responded to her words, because the cold air did not stay above the spring, but went straight to the bushes beside the hot spring.

clack clack-

A layer of ice crystals formed on the surface of the lush green bushes almost instantly, followed by a groan.


No matter how unresponsive they were, they understood this scene. Following Sato Kazuma's reminder, Megumin and Darkness took out their weapons and guarded Aqua by the spring's eyes.

"Has it been discovered?"

A slightly hoarse voice came out, and then a man with slightly dark skin and short brown hair came out of the bushes; there were some ice crystals hanging on his body, and he looked directly past Sato Kazuma and the others, towards The magic came and looked in the direction.

A mere mid-level magic can actually cause damage to him, which made Hans' eyes flicker.

You must know that his body is a mutant of the deadly poisonous slime. Physical attacks are basically invulnerable to him, and he is also extremely resistant to magic. It is precisely because of this that he ranks among the cadres of the Demon King's army for the amount of bounty offered. front row.

But such a self was actually injured by mere intermediate magic, who is the other party?


(End of this chapter)

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