I really don't want to cross

Chapter 406 Return to Mezath Mansion

Chapter 406 Return to Mezath Mansion

On the way back, Wood sat in a corner of the carriage and read the novel he picked up.

Nayuki Subaru sat blankly on the other side. Judging from his dazed look, he should have not come out of the previous emotions; Wood shrugged and didn't say much about this, anyway, in Wood's own Come on, I just pushed a cruel family into an even crueler abyss.

It is precisely because of the cruelty of that family that Natsuki Subaru can understand the reality he lives in more clearly... how cruel it is.


For that kind of inhuman family, this guy actually had the idea of ​​risking his life to reset everything at that time, it was really naive and a bit too much.

Such a quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time, and Wood and the two returned to the Mezzas mansion near noon.

Before the dragon carriage arrived, the twin maids who got the news had already greeted them.

Seeing this scene, Natsuki Subaru, who hadn't communicated with Wood, changed his expression. He suddenly remembered a very real problem... that is, he turned the succession ceremony into a genocide ceremony. How would Roswaal react when he heard about it? .

After all, his current identity is just a little servant in Mezas' mansion.

"That scum..."

Nayuki Subaru looked at Wood rather displeasedly and said, "If Roswaal asks, how should I answer?"

"be honest."

Wood replied without raising his head: "Anyway, he should have gotten the news."


"The kind of thing you are worried about will not happen. Even if the two of us have not left the courtyard from the beginning to the end, even if you and I destroy the Merod family with our own hands, Roswaal will not respond to it." How are you?"

Judging from this test, Roswaal obviously also knows the ability of Natsuki Subaru.

The only thing Wood is curious about now is...

How will Roswaal react when things develop beyond his expectations.

Thinking of this, the smile on Wood's face grew stronger.


The corners of Nayue Subaru's eyes twitched slightly, and the bastard laughed...I always felt that something bad was going to happen.

The dragon cart stopped outside the gate of the mansion. As soon as Wood and Natsuki Subaru got out of the car, Ram and Rem greeted them: "It's been a hard journey, Lord Wood."

Wood nodded.

After the twin maids were polite, they ignored Wood, and turned to look at Subaru Natsuki with a worried expression.

However, when she saw Subaru Natsuki, Rem frowned imperceptibly, and made a sniffing motion, then took a deep look at Subaru Natsuki, and then restrained herself, but looked at Subaru Natsuki. But there is a touch of vigilance.

"My lord, my lord, judging from the look on the servant's face, he must have screwed up this mission."

"Rem, Rem, you can't learn from Barus in the future and become Lord Roswaal's servant through kindness, but you can't even do such trivial things well, it's really useless!"


Subaru Caiyue suddenly believed Wood's words, the twin sisters didn't come to welcome them at all, they were asking for guilt...

"Ah ha ha……"

Nayue Subaru laughed a few times, but couldn't help but recall what happened last night, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Now that you're back, let's get to work."

"Since you're back, let's finish all of Ram's work as soon as possible."

"My sis seems to have taken the opportunity to say something terrible."

Natsuki Subaru smiled wryly, then hesitated and asked, "Don't you need to report to Roswaal?"

"My lord, this Mr. Natsuki Subaru has no self-knowledge at all. After failing the mission, he still wants to report to Master Roswaal."

"After all, it's just a mere Barus. Rem, your expectations are too high. Creatures like Barus are actually useless!"

"..." Natsuki Subaru.

The two sisters ridiculed each other openly and ridiculed the other, and the hatred index was simply off the charts.

However, after the taunting by the twin sisters, Subaru Natsuki's depression eased a lot.

It turned out to be exactly what Wood said, Roswaal had already received the news.

Nayuki Subaru turned his head to look at Wood beside him, but found that the place where Wood was standing before was empty. After searching around, Nayuki Subaru found that when he was being ridiculed, the bastard had already walked towards the main building past.

"Is education too much?"

Wood muttered inexplicably, and pushed open the door of the main building, but what came into view was not the hall, but Beatrice's library.

He didn't want to face Roswaal head-on, who knew if that mysterious guy would know that he was behind the scenes.


When he saw the situation in the study clearly, Wood froze for a moment.


Wordless laughter came out, and Aina's young body threw herself directly into Wood's arms, raising her head with a happy expression.

"Brother Wood, when did you come back?"

Buzz was also overjoyed when he saw Wood, and trotted up to him: "I heard from Sister Ram that your trip seems to be going very badly, are you okay?"

"It's nothing."

Wood shook his head, then patted Aina on the head and asked, "Why did you two come here?"

Little Aina blinked, pointed to herself and Buzz, and then pointed to Beatrice who didn't even say hello when she saw Wood come back.

"Lord Emilia sent us here."

Buzz explained to Wood: "Master Emilia said that she is far inferior to Lady Beatrice in terms of healing magic, so she sent us here in order to make us recover as soon as possible."

"Today's treatment has been completed, don't stay in Betty's library any longer, just come here twice at the same time in the next two days." Beatrice looked up at Wood, and gave the order to the two children very unhappy Eviction order.

Buzz and Ina stuck out their tongues when they heard the words, and even the two of them could tell that Lord Beatrice seemed to be very unhappy with Brother Wood.

"do not be afraid."

Wood smiled indifferently, looked at Buzz and blinked his eyes: "That 'Miss Sister' whose age I don't know how old is actually the same as you, with a complaining mouth but a very honest personality .”

"Who is that character?"

Buzz turned his head, and muttered disdainfully: "I'm the kind of person who doesn't say anything."

"It makes Betty very upset that you compare him to a human kid." Beatrice looked at Wood annoyed, but then smiled sinisterly: "Although it doesn't fit my style, I can treat The weakened bodies of these two little ghosts can also completely stimulate the toxins in their bodies."


Wood opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to talk back to Beatrice. The next two children will rely on her for treatment, so it's not a good choice to annoy her.

But are you weak?

(End of this chapter)

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