I really don't want to cross

Chapter 494 He is here!

Chapter 494 He is here!
The silver brilliance was like a daytime meteor, with an extremely ear-piercing sonic boom, it appeared over a wasteland far away from the city in the blink of an eye!
Almost as soon as he appeared above this wasteland, Bliss slammed Wood towards the ground.

The incomparably sacred holy power suddenly erupted, and Wood, who was wrapped in this holy power, felt like he was stuck in a swamp, and he couldn't break free even with all his strength.

Almost instantly, Wood's whole body crashed to the ground, making a huge depression on the ground, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

With his landing point as the center, circles of ripples crazily spread towards the surroundings. With the violent vibration of the air, the wanton ripples appeared without warning like a storm, and the billowing dust and smoke waves pushed away towards the surroundings.

The silver-white and holy energy on Bliss's body boiled wildly around him, distorting the sky where he was, as if it would be completely torn apart by the silver-white energy in the next second!
He looked down at the smoke and dust rising below, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Although I don't know what conspiracy and tricks you want to play, but... don't pretend, if you just die from that blow, then you don't deserve to be called a 'heretic'! What's more, after you I won't let you die so easily until you pay the price for what you have done!"

Bliss has gone through countless battles and encountered all kinds of enemies in his life, but no one has ever made him so angry.


At this moment, Wood's cold laughter sounded in the smoke.

The smoke and dust rolled up gradually fell, revealing Zhongwood.

When Wood completely appeared in Bliss' sight, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, not because Wood was unscathed, but... At this moment, Wood looked too embarrassed.

Looking around, his body was covered with blood, the sportswear of Xiongying High School on his body became tattered, and the exposed skin was even more bloody and bloody, just like a porcelain doll that was smashed by force.

what happened?

Looking at the extremely embarrassing figure below, Bliss suddenly felt an ominous feeling inexplicably rising in his heart.

Having confronted this heretic once before, he at least has a certain understanding of this person's strength. It is impossible for him to cause such great damage to him just now.

"Ahem... then... thank you for your mercy."

Wood's already pale face was already as white as paper, and a sense of weakness was clearly revealed in his intermittent words.

This is not pretending, because at that moment...

Wood forcibly restrained his urge to switch to another body, but withstood Bliss's flick with his body. If it weren't for the blood energy of the vampire in his body and the recovery power of gluttony that were constantly working, Wood would probably have stood still by now. Can't even stand up.

Brisbane's strength is so powerful!


But he was smiling, a weird smile that blended madness and rationality, as if he was mocking Bliss's innocence, but also as if he had already controlled everything.

The uneasiness in Bliss's heart was raised to the extreme at this moment, but after all, Bliss was only one in ten people who survived countless battlefields, and he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart in a blink of an eye, and his expression gradually returned to calm.

"It seems that your brain has been smashed just now. If you can only display this kind of strength now...then go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, Bliss's face was full of murderous looks. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wood Gourd, things changed later, and Bliss didn't want to continue talking nonsense with this lunatic anymore!


Wood suddenly smiled: "To be honest...although I look down on heroes, I don't actually hate heroes. The reason why I look down on them is entirely because... I know from the bottom of my heart that I can't be a hero at all; but...justice will eventually prevail Things like evil are nothing more than fairy tales after all, and reality is often cruel!"

"so what?"

Bliss sneered: "Whether it is from the current situation or from the analysis of the strength between you and me, you are the only loser in this battle now, so what's the use of trying to talk?"

"Do not…"

Wood shook his head slightly: "I won this game!"

A sneer flashed in Bliss' eyes, and he didn't take Wood's crazy words to heart at all. Instead, he was a little annoyed, annoyed that he would be afraid of such a mentally ill person.

"Evil and justice only exist under the rules, and the rules are made by the victors. This is the simplest principle of victory and defeat." Wood's mouth slightly hooked: "So in my rules, the struggle between life and death has never There are rules of evil and justice, and everything is based on survival, so as long as I want to survive, I can do anything."

"But a hero like you can't do that, so you're doomed to be a loser!"

Wood paused for a moment, with a complex look on his face: "You must know that in this world... only a person with the power to break all rules can become a hero. Even if he talks about his interests every day, he is still a well-deserved hero. ; and you are indeed strong, but not strong enough to break all the rules, and even less strong enough to break all conspiracies with your fists."


Bliss uttered two words coldly, raised his right arm and swung it to the side, bursts of dazzling silver lights burst out from the palm of his right hand, forming a silver circle, extending along his arm towards his body, on the right hand A silver glove was condensed on it.

However, the silver circle didn't stop there, and continued to spread upwards, forming a set of silver hooded cloaks on his body in the blink of an eye.

Touching his forehead with his left hand, and pulling it down, the familiar striped mask appeared on Bliss's face.

"I've heard enough of your crazy words. If those words just now are your last words, then you can die now!"

Almost at the moment when his words fell, there was a loud buzzing in the atmosphere.

And amidst the buzzing sound, a dazzling silver light burst out from Bliss' fist, even if it was still not condensed, it would make the surrounding void tremble, which shows how terrifying the power of this fist is.

A punch fell, and there was a series of air explosions in the void. The impact visible to the naked eye took the fist as the origin, and it moved loudly, making Wood's expression below freeze.

boom boom boom...

The terrifying punching wind seemed to be the end of the world, as if under this punch, everything would come to naught.

Wood couldn't help clenching his fists, and the oncoming blow didn't frighten him.


he came.

"never mind!!"

Without warning, an extremely angry roar echoed across the battlefield.


Never be late.

As I said just now, Wood has never hated heroes, and he despises it just because he despises the dedication of the idealist, because it is simply a silent mockery of the self-interested spirit of a realist .


(End of this chapter)

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