I really don't want to cross

Chapter 91 Breakthrough Successfully

Chapter 91 Breakthrough Successfully
After the blessing of blood energy, Wood's strength has reached the point of terror.

The combat power that erupts with one punch and one kick is completely comparable to the top-level tiger-level monster, or even the lowest-level ghost-level monster. Facing these ordinary people in front of him, almost no one can block his punch without dying!
His fighting instincts and skills inherited from vampires were fused with the bloody slaughter at a very high speed. From the initial unfamiliarity to the current proficiency, the speed of his progress is frightening.

And in this state, his fighting instinct is terrifyingly strong, often before his brain responds, his body has already started to act.

After rushing all the way, in just a few minutes, he rushed more than tens of meters in this densely packed self-defense team, and he was about to rush out of the area surrounded by the self-defense team.

Is this still human?
All the people who participated in this siege couldn't help being a little dazed.

At first, I thought that the higher-ups were making a big fuss, and so many people from the Self-Defense Forces were gathered here just to arrest one person.

But now it seems that the threat of this person is no less than that of gastroenterology.

Because of the initial contempt, the Self-Defense Forces did not display their real combat effectiveness at all, and they were killed by Wood, and nearly half of them died. If they knew this mysterious man was so terrifying from the beginning, they would not just take it Come here with a gun.

Even if fighter jets and tanks do not arrive, they will definitely bring some heavy firepower, instead of being killed by people chopping melons and vegetables like they are now.

But even if it was too late to regret, they could only watch helplessly as the monster killed all the way through them like a bloodthirsty demon.

The police on the other street looked at each other, but did nothing in the end.

They will gather here, purely for that high bounty.

But compared to the high bounty, one's own life is the most important thing. Didn't you see that those well-trained self-defense forces were killed by their lives?

They went up, maybe the initiators of the partner could stop the monster, but there was no difference between these facilitators and those self-defense forces.

"Delay time, let everyone go forward to delay time until the SDF arrives."

The chief in charge of the self-defense force, Qi Wu Xuanzong's voice came from the earphones, making his face a little livid.

This order is entirely to let them use their lives to block the monster's footsteps. Now the loss is enough. In just a few minutes since the start of the war, nearly half of the self-defense force of [-] people has been lost.

How could it be so easy to delay until the support arrived.

Thinking of this, the chief of the self-defense force had a gloomy look in his eyes, and he took off the earphones and threw them on the ground and crushed them.

Although he came here following the order, those self-defense soldiers didn't know anything, but he watched the live broadcast on his mobile device, and the truth about what Wood said...

Even his heart was shaken.


Anyone who watched the live broadcast will have the same question in their hearts.

——Original enterovirus!
How was it born?

The silence of the Self-Defense Force officer caused the entire Self-Defense Force to lose its backbone, and the formation suddenly became chaotic; and this chaos, the morale of the army also became slack, and the fearful soldiers avoided to the sides one after another, not daring to stand in Wood's way. superior.

For these people, Wood didn't pay attention to them, but rushed out straight away.

If there is one, there are two. When it was found that they would not be attacked by avoiding the road, the self-defense forces blocking the road spread out to both sides.

This scene made Wood feel relieved.

Although it was only a few minutes, he could clearly feel that his blood was rapidly evaporating under the constant urging of blood energy. If he was delayed, even if he killed him, he would consume a lot of physical strength.

Looking up, the end can already be seen, Wood is about to rush out of the containment here, thinking about the next move.

It is absolutely impossible to rush directly towards the 27th district, not to mention that it will lead people to the gathering place. There are 27 districts to pass through from Osaka Castle to the 26th district. Wood does not believe that Qi Wu Xuanzong will not be prepared in advance on this road.

Although Osaka Castle is the center, other areas are not without self-defense forces guarding them.


Wood still underestimated Qi Wu Xuanzong, and almost at the moment when he was about to rush out of the encirclement of the Self-Defense Forces, there was a sudden low-pitched boom in the air.

Wood, who is extremely sensitive to five senses, heard the sound first, looked up to the sky, his expression changed instantly, and he ran forward like crazy, but compared to the two 'air-to-ground missiles' that dropped from the sky, he Not long after running, the two missiles had already landed.


An orange fireball rose up like a swollen sun, igniting the night.

The terrifying shock wave instantly swallowed everything around, including buildings, self-defense forces, and Wood.The scorching air wave swept out, causing the glass of the buildings around the street to shatter.

The fire lights up the night!
Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene. The policemen on the periphery all opened their mouths wide, shocked and fearful at the same time. If they had just joined in, they would definitely become members of the self-defense team that was instantly engulfed by the fireball .


"Your Excellency?"

A group of officials looked at Qi Wu Xuanzong in shock. What was broadcast on the screen in the White Fort meeting room was the image transmitted by the satellite. No one thought that in order to kill that person, Qi Wu Xuanzong would choose Let thousands of self-defense troops be buried with them.

"Immediately ask the media to quell public opinion by saying 'an anti-human terrorist who spread false information and instigated hatred, has now been killed'. Monitor network trends at any time, delete all video resources immediately, and find the uploader and execute them in public."

Qi Wu Xuanzong coldly glanced at the people in the meeting room: "Strengthen the defense force of the White Fort and the street patrol personnel, anyone who openly discusses and spreads the content of tonight's live broadcast will be directly killed, and the impact will be limited to the smallest possible range .”

Riots are bound to happen!

In order to seek the so-called truth, driven by the hatred for gastrulation, what kind of things the residents of Osaka District would do, even Qi Wu Xuanzong could not imagine.

But there is one thing that Qi Wu Xuanzong can be sure of. The results of his hard work for so many years are likely to collapse with this speech.

Obedience and silence must be broken under hatred.

Even Qi Wu Xuanzong didn't notice that his fists had been tightly clenched together at some point.


Outside the ruins of the YGN building.

A scorched black hole appeared on the street, almost affecting the entire commercial street. The glass of those shops was all shattered, and the buildings near the center of the explosion collapsed. rise.

A group of policemen looked at this scene with livid faces. You must know that not only the Self-Defense Forces died under the two missiles, but even those shops and houses were affected.

There are definitely not a few ordinary people who died among them.

But no one saw it. Amidst the billowing smoke, a figure quietly hid in the darkness. Covered by the thick smoke, he quickly left the scene without anyone noticing.

The vision in front of him had become somewhat blurred, but Wood didn't dare to stay for a while, and he didn't dare to fall into a coma, otherwise he might never be able to open his eyelids again.


The voice of resentment came out, and Wood never expected that Qi Wu Xuanzong would let the bomber launch air-to-ground missiles under such circumstances. The viciousness of this old thing once again refreshed Wood's perception of him.

If it wasn't for the strong five senses, the missile was discovered in advance, and it ran out of the center of the explosion, the terrifying missile was enough to turn him into ashes!

Even so, the shock wave of the explosion still caused him serious injuries. The severe burns on the body surface were still trivial, and the damage to internal organs made it difficult for Wood to breathe.

If it weren't for the vampire's self-healing ability and the gastroenteric regeneration ability, he would have died long ago!

Wood didn't know where he was going, but he just walked through the dark alleys, trying to avoid all the monitoring facilities.

The drowsiness continued to hit, making Wood wish he could close his eyes and fall asleep.

But the strong desire to survive made Wood strong, and he found a nearby sewer and jumped down.

The stench was overwhelming, but the quiet environment gave Wood a sense of security. His tense nerves relaxed, and he couldn't resist the drowsiness anymore, and Wood fell into a coma.


(End of this chapter)

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