Chapter 13 Sales Strategy

"Da Lang, this 'roujiamo' will definitely be a hit tomorrow!"

Pan Jinlian shouted happily.

But the next day when the stall opened, the situation was different from what they thought, and no one came to patronize.

Seeing the fiery "roujiamo" slowly cooling down, Pan Jinlian frowned.

"What's going on? Why didn't you buy such a good thing?"

Wu Tian was also very puzzled, at this time Brother Yun happened to pass by.

He stepped forward to stop brother Yun, picked up a piece of "roujiamo" and handed it to him, and said with a smile, "brother Yun, try my 'roujiamo'."

Brother Yun glanced at the "Roujiamo", with disgust on his face, turned away and said, "It's pitch black, Wu Tian, ​​please get the dung in your hands away from me!"


Wu Tian suddenly understood that the root of everything was on the facade of "Roujiamo".

"Brother Yun, this is not dung, this is the 'roujiamo' I researched..."

Wu Tian also wanted Brother Yun to try it, but Brother Yun refused, so he found an excuse to put oil on the soles of his feet and left.

"Dalang, forget it, we will eat these 'roujiamo' ourselves, and we will make sesame seed cakes tomorrow, and the business will improve."

Pan Jinlian comforted Wu Tian.

Wu Tian shook his head.

"No, I will never give up because of such a small setback."

"Then what's your idea?"

Wu Tian pondered for a moment, then a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he said with a smile, "I have a solution! Jinlian, go inside and get me a pen and paper."

"Husband, are you literate?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just do what I say."

Pan Jinlian followed what Wu Tian said, and brought a pen and paper.

Wu Tian picked up a pen and wrote a line on the paper, pasting it on the booth.

Pan Jinlian leaned over to take a look, with a look of surprise.

It said on the paper: Today, beggars in the county are invited to eat sesame seed cakes for free.

Soon, beggars wandering around Qinghe County received the news, gathered in groups and came to Wutian's booth.

"Wu Tian, ​​is it true what you wrote on it, and today we are invited to eat your biscuits for free? Well, this doesn't seem to be biscuits."

"This is called Roujiamo. Today, I am Wu Tian. I invite all the beggar brothers to eat the Roujiamo that I have developed by myself. But it is okay to eat. When you are walking on the street in the future, can you help Wu Tian by the way?" Let’s talk about this Roujiamo?”

Wu Tian's purpose is very simple, to increase his popularity first.

Otherwise, with a small stall like his, it would be impossible to promote a new product.

"What's so hard about this?"

The beggars smiled slightly, this was just a matter of mouth, and nodded one after another.

"Well, we promise you."

Wu Tian asked Pan Jinlian to take out all the remaining Roujiamo in the house and spread them out on the booth.

"Brothers, you are welcome, eat."

The beggars robbed and robbed all the Roujiamo in a short time.

"This...this is much better than sesame seed cakes!"

"It's simply a rare delicacy in the world!"

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​thank you so much for inviting us to eat such delicious food. Don't worry, we beggars are the most moral, and your business is on us."

Wu Tian smiled without saying a word.

When they were full, the beggars dispersed. According to the agreement with Wu Tian, ​​during the next begging process, Wu Tian's Roujiamo was sold by the way.

Under the brainwashing and bombing advertisements, the people of Qinghe County became very interested in Wutian's Roujiamo.

Several well-known businessmen went to Wutian's stall together, and after trying his Roujiamo, they all gave their thumbs up.

"Wu Tian, ​​it's really great that you made this sesame seed cake. In this way, I want to invest in your Roujiamo. I will contribute the money and you will contribute. How about we share the profits equally?"

"Wu Tian, ​​if you cooperate with me, we will share [-] to [-]% of the profits you make, and you will get [-]%. I only need [-]%."

(End of this chapter)

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