Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 191 The Prince of Wa Kingdom Can Speak Chinese

Chapter 191 The Prince of Wa Kingdom Can Speak Chinese

Judging from the bloodstains, they had just died.

Suddenly, there was a murderous look on his back, Wu Tian turned around, and there was a man in a kimono and a bamboo hat.

He held the Japanese sword in both hands, and the knife was still dripping with blood.

"You killed them?"

Wu Tian asked in Chinese.

Immediately, he felt something was wrong. Few of the Japanese knew Chinese.

Just when he didn't know what to do, the man said in Chinese: "I killed them, and you are here to avenge them?"

Wu Tian was surprised that this Japanese man could speak Chinese.

He shook his head: "No, I'm here to kill them too."

"Why did you kill them?"

The Japanese stared at Wu Tian, ​​with the Japanese sword in his hand facing him tightly.

Wu Tian smiled slightly: "For me a friend."

"Friend, is it Miko Tanaka?"

Wu Tian frowned slightly.

"It's Miko Tanaka, who are you?"

"Want to know who I am, unless you can beat me."

As he said that, the Japanese man picked up a Japanese sword on the ground with a knife and threw it at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian caught the Japanese sword and pointed at the Japanese man: "Since your Excellency must do this, then I can only accompany you. If you accidentally hurt you somewhere, please forgive me."

"Well, I'm afraid you don't have such a skill."

The Japanese rushed towards Wu Tian holding the Japanese sword.

Wu Tian raised the Japanese sword to fight.

The two fought in the alley, and the swords collided, sparking brilliant sparks.

Wu Tian used all of Wu Song's 64 Toutuo sword techniques, and each move was faster than the other.

The Japanese were able to attack at first, but later they could only defend, not attack.


Wu Tian saw a flaw in the Japanese man, and broke through the Japanese sword technique with one knife, stabbing his right shoulder.

The Japanese man withdrew his knife and bowed his hands to Wutian: "As expected of the master who defeated Longze Yishou, I am convinced that I will lose."

Wu Tian stuck the Japanese knife on the ground and stared at the Japanese man: "Then you can say now, who are you?"

The Japanese said: "My name is Zhongshan Village, and I am the Crown Prince's personal guard. I am here today on the order of the Crown Prince. First, I am here to protect Miss Tanaka Miko. Second, the Crown Prince wants to see you two."

Wu Tian listened to Zhongshan Village's words, pondered for a while and said, "I'm not interested in Wa country's politics, but if Miko Tanaka doesn't think about it, then I don't know. I can take you to see her, everything is up to her to decide."

Zhongshan Village nodded.

Wu Tian and Zhongshan Village returned to Tanaka Miko's house.

Miko Tanaka was still hugging her grandmother and weeping.

Taketen, Shanyun and Yamamoto village help Miko Tanaka to bury her grandmother.

After everything was dealt with, Wu Tian told her that the crown prince wanted to see her.

Miko Tanaka thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, my family was also ruined because of him, since he wants to see me, then see me."

Yamamoto village to arrange.

Two days later, Yamamoto Village led Wu Tian, ​​Tanaka Miko and Shan Yun to a restaurant.

It's relatively secluded here, and the whole restaurant is taken over by the crown prince.

They climbed the stairs and came to the east wing on the second floor.

"Your Highness, Miko Tanaka and Taketen have already arrived."

Yamamoto Village reported to the wing room.

As soon as the words were finished, the wing room was pushed away, and a beautiful young man who was sitting facing them smiled at them and said in proficient Chinese: "Everyone has worked hard, please come in and talk."

Wu Tian was a little surprised that the prince of the Japanese country could speak Chinese.

The crown prince was a little surprised when he saw Wu Tian, ​​and explained: "The prince has admired the culture of the Central Plains since he was a child, so he specially invited a few teachers from the Central Plains area to teach me Chinese."

(End of this chapter)

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