Chapter 193 Second Prince

"Ms. Meizi's father was loyal to me and was killed by them. At that time, I was sent as an envoy to the Liao Kingdom. If I had been in Wa, I would have found a way to keep Miss Meizi's father."

"After the Tanaka family lost its leader, it began to split. Many people took refuge in my second brother, and my power began to weaken. Recently, I heard that Ryuzawa of the Kendo Gym was killed. Miyamoto Musashi was angry and wanted to seek revenge."

Speaking of this, the crown prince looked at Wu Tian.

Wu Tiandao: "The scene in Longze is courting death, His Royal Highness, let's continue."

The crown prince said: "At this moment, I received the news that there is a powerful official named Cai Jing in your Great Song Dynasty who secretly sent some money and letters to my second brother. It took me a lot of time to find out the contents of the letter. Cai Jing Together with my second brother, I intend to divide the territory of the Great Song Dynasty into two after my second brother ascends the throne of the emperor."

Hearing this, Wu Tian was greatly surprised and clenched his hands into fists.

"Therefore, this competition between Mr. Wu and Miyamoto Musashi is not only related to your personal honor, but also related to the happiness of the people of our two countries."

Wu Tian understands.

If he loses, Miyamoto Musashi's prestige in Japan will be even higher.

At that time, the second prince's power will become even stronger.

Wu Tian pondered for a moment, then looked up at the Crown Prince: "I can promise you that I will try my best to win this game, but I also have a request, that is, when you become the emperor in the future, promise me two things. thing."

The Crown Prince pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Tell me, which two are they?"

Wu Tiandao: "First, never invade the Song Dynasty, and second, give me all the evidence of Cai Jing's collusion with the second prince without permission, and escort us back to the country safely."

The crown prince smiled, nodded and said, "This, I can promise you right now."

"Empty words have no evidence, you should write down the evidence."

The crown prince asked Zhongshan Village to bring a pen and paper, and wrote a note on the spot, signed his name and handed it to Wu Tian.

After Wu Tian looked at it, he put it away, and picked up the wine glass on the table to toast the crown prince.

"His Royal Highness, I wish our two countries a successful cooperation."

The Crown Prince picked up the wine glass and touched Wu Tian, ​​and said, "May the cooperation between our two countries be successful."

Soon the news of the meeting between the crown prince and Wu Tian was conveyed to the second prince.

The second prince was drinking tea. When he heard the news, his expression changed drastically. He threw the teacup in his hand on the ground and smashed it into pieces.

"What are you talking about, Tanaka Shinro's daughter meets the emperor, where is even Wutian!"

The spy was terrified and trembling all over, but still answered truthfully: "Yes, Your Highness, I saw it with my own eyes."

The second prince's face was serious, for a long time, he sighed slightly, and said to the spy: "Go, call me Miyamoto Musashi, and say that I want to see him right now!"


Not long after, Miyamoto Musashi hurried into the second prince's mansion, knelt down in front of him and kowtowed: "Miyamoto Musashi has seen the second prince, I don't know why the second prince announced my coming?"

The second prince glanced at Miyamoto Musashi who was kneeling at his feet, and sneered: "Mr. Miyamoto, let me ask you something, is Miko Tanaka dead?"

After hearing this, Miyamoto Musashi broke out in cold sweat and remained silent.

"Why don't you talk!"

The second prince shouted angrily.

Miyamoto Musashi hurriedly kowtowed: "Second prince calm down, I didn't handle this matter well, it's my fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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