Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 201 I want to compete with Wu Tian on the dragon-slaying stage in the capital of Japan!

Chapter 201 I want to compete with Wu Tian on the dragon-slaying stage in the capital of Japan!
Miko Tanaka translated: "These two samurai said that they will follow what you said and send Miyamoto Shenki's body back to the Kendo Hall and hand it over to Miyamoto Musashi."

Wu Tian nodded and waved his hand to signal the two warriors to do it.

The two samurai hurriedly nodded and bowed, lifted Miyamoto Shenki's body, and left in a hurry.

After they left, Wu Tian, ​​Shan Yun and Tanaka Miko walked to the coffin.

Tanaka Miko knelt in front of the coffin and burst into tears.

"Grandma, it's Miko who's useless and humiliated you."

Wu Tian comforted Miko Tanaka: "Miss Miko, the incident has already happened. We'd better let your grandma go to the ground first before dawn."

Miko Tanaka stopped her tears and nodded slightly.

"What Mr. Wu said is, I think grandma should be buried here. There are piles of rocks here, which can just cover grandma's grave from being disturbed."

Wu Tian felt the same, and nodded slightly.

The three of them worked that day, found a relatively hidden place on the pile of rocks, dug a hole and buried the coffin.


The two samurai sent Miyamoto Shenki's body back to the kendo hall. Miyamoto Musashi was furious immediately, and raised his hand to slap each of the two samurai.

"Ba Ga, you two idiots still have the face to come back!"

The two warriors covered their blushing faces and dared not answer, they kept their heads down and remained silent.

"Say, who killed it!"

Miyamoto Musashi shouted angrily.

"It's Wu Tian."

The two warriors covered their faces and whispered.

Miyamoto Musashi was slightly surprised.

After a long time, he calmed down and continued to ask: "Then Wu Tian was also seriously injured?"

The two warriors looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads.

"Not hurt?"

Miyamoto Musashi didn't believe it, he stared at the two samurai and asked.

One of the samurai said: "Wu Tian's martial arts is very high. Mr. Miyamoto Shenmu's killing god slash and silhouette skills were all cracked by Wu Tian not long after the fight."

After hearing the samurai's answer, Miyamoto Musashi remained silent.

Miyamoto Shenmu's disciple was his true disciple, and in Wa country, even Long Ze couldn't kill him so easily.

Wu Tian did it, and he was not seriously injured.

Miyamoto Musashi began to regret challenging Wutian, and his previous confidence disappeared at this moment.

"Mr. Musashi, what should we do next?"

Another samurai asked tentatively.

Miyamoto Musashi frowned, and he sighed slightly for a long time: "After the sacred tree is buried first, then send someone to deliver the letter to the post station. Three days later, I will compete with Wu Tian on the Zhanlongtai in the capital of the Japanese kingdom!"

Things have come to this point, it is already impossible to refuse to fight!


The news that Miyamoto Shenmu was killed quickly spread throughout the Wa Kingdom.

The crown prince was excited when he heard the news, and said to Zhongshan Village next to him, "I didn't expect this Wutian to be so powerful. Even Miyamoto Musashi's disciples are not his opponents."

Zhongshan Village's face was very calm, so quiet that even the Crown Prince felt that something was abnormal.

"Mr. Zhongshan, why don't you speak, are you surprised by Wu Tian's ability?"

The crown prince of Zhongshan Village cupped his hands and responded: "His Royal Highness, I am not surprised that Wu Tian killed Miyamoto Shenmu, but I was thinking that Wu Tian killed Miyamoto Shenmu, the second prince must be very angry I'm afraid Wu Tian's next life in Wa Kingdom will not be so easy."

The crown prince woke up and nodded again and again: "Your words are very reasonable. I was happy just now, but I forgot such an important thing. Tell me, what should we do? Otherwise, the prince will send people to protect us. From Wutian..."

(End of this chapter)

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