Chapter 267

On the way back, Yan Yun's mind was full of Father Li's words.

He only hoped that Li Sheng lived safely and without any worries...

But Li Han is also his son, why is he so harsh on Li Han?
Back at the apartment, Yan Yun smelled the aroma of rice as soon as she entered the door.

Yan Yun changed her shoes and saw Li Han feeding the cat in the living room.

Hearing the sound of the door, Li Han raised his head and looked at her: "It just so happens that you are back, Xiaobai doesn't eat anything, can you see if he is sick?"

Yan Yun put down her bag and walked over with a puzzled look on her face.

Seeing Yan Yun coming back, Xiao Bai threw himself into her arms with two short legs.

"Why don't you eat?" It looks quite normal, alive and kicking, not sick at all.

Yan Yun put it next to the cat food, and signaled: "Eat it quickly, or I won't feed you if you get hungry at night."

Xiaobai let out a slightly aggrieved "meow", but still obediently lowered his head and started eating.

Looking at the cat that he failed to eat with eighteen martial arts just now, and now being coaxed by Yan Yun with a single word, Li Han felt that his heart had been greatly hurt.

This kitten still picks people?

After eating, Xiaobai let out a proud "meow", and stomped his short legs into Yan Yun's arms.

Yan Yun stroked Xiaobai, and said, "I went to find your father just now, and your father said that Li's Group was originally intended for you."

Yan Yun told Li Han about her going out in the afternoon, but Li Han didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

"Everything he does has his own plan. The reason why he gave Li Shi to me is because I can manage it better."

Li Han hit the point right away, but Yan Yun had nothing to say.

The girl possessed herself and kissed him: "That also proves that you are the most capable!"

"Really? What aspect are you referring to?" Li Han was no longer disturbed by Li's father.

The man stretched out his hand to pull Yan Yun into his arms, and looked down at her with burning eyes.

Yan Yun squinted her eyes: "Then test which aspect is better!"
After dealing with a series of trivial matters, Yan Yun did not take a long break before devoting herself to acting again.

This year, she basically didn't arrange many vacations for herself, and devoted herself to her career.

The film "Dazzling Galaxy" was nominated for three awards.

Best Actress, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor.

In the end, Yan Yun successfully won the first award in her life for the original owner - the Best Actress Award.

Yan Yun is also famous for this.

The works she acted in later also became popular, and many directors and investors offered olive branches to Yan Yun.

But Yan Yun didn't accept all the orders, and only arranged the itinerary for a full year.

After one year, it will be the day when Yan Yun will leave the circle.

Probably no one expected that Yan Yun would choose to retire at the hottest time.

Many people rushed to Yan Yun's Weibo to leave messages of regret, but Yan Yun only posted a Weibo, saying "Thank you for your love and concern" in a very official tone.

When the reporter asked about Ye You, Ye You just smiled.

"An artist has the right to make her own choice, and I respect Yan Yun's choice."

It wasn't long after the withdrawal from the circle, another wave of hot searches on the Internet.

Yan Yun has been thinking about how to make a more high-profile announcement, but she didn't expect that she and Li Han had already been secretly photographed and posted on the Internet.

The first wave of popularity has not subsided, and the second wave of popularity followed, Yan Yun was once again pushed to the peak of public opinion, and Li Han was also on the trending list.

"Wow, wow, my male god Li and the goddess Yan's scandal!!"

"Why fat four? This time the melon is a bit big!"

"Upstairs, you are wrong. I have already seen through the relationship between Li Han and Yan Yun, and I have expected this day (狗头/)"

"True or not, the official is here to refute the rumors. I don't admit that the two people I love the most are together. I don't accept falling in love twice at the same time (crying loudly/)"

(End of this chapter)

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