Chapter 68 The Cat Boy 31
After a while, I got used to it. Looking at the girl in the mirror, she has a plump figure, snow-white skin and watery skin, a pair of big eyes shining like blue diamonds blinking playfully, her white and tender face is cute and cute, and her shoulders are black. The tail of her hair is slightly curled up, looking like a delicate doll.

Ok!This body is not bad, the girl nodded her chin with her thumb, with a hint of approval in her eyes!
Although she is still not as good-looking as her original body, it is almost there!The slender hands squeezed the white and tender face, and pulled it out, eh!The elasticity is also good!

The system watched her self-abuse behavior speechlessly! "Doesn't it hurt to pinch?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's a process of enjoying beauty," said Zi Lian.

System: "Okay~_~!" Mortals said they couldn't understand.

In fact, it's just that Qing Tian's sudden transformation into a human hasn't slowed down, so that's why it happened!
Walking into the tidy cloakroom, looking at the rows of monotonous colors, I thought it was quite normal before, but now it seems that he is a standard science and engineering man!Just mention a piece of clothing, what the hell is this patterned shirt? ? ?What the hell are these strings of shirts!Not even a single active bright color!
Hey~!She could only change into a milky white shirt casually, but the girl was wearing adult clothes as if stolen by a child. The sleeves stretched to a section, and her small butt was completely covered!But if it is matched with a belt, it is simply a perfect fashion dress!Cover your hips like a fashion model catwalk!

Thinking about it, she went to the closet and found Yi's belt, which was a little too big, but it's okay!Looking at the sexy and handsome girl in the mirror, the white shirt and black belt are perfect~!

With a bright smile on his face, a small pink mouth like cherry blossoms slightly hooked, his body is doing all kinds of seductive poses, as expected of me, so pretty~!

"Are you ready? You won't have to eat after the photos are taken, half an hour has passed!" the system said helplessly!

"Got it~!"

He opened the cabinet next to the bed, took out a black card and held it between his fingers, as for the password~!She has already memorized it fluently, and every day when he goes out to sell things, she will pester him. She is tired of watching him at the checkout. She thought she could secretly hide some snacks, but every time she was discovered and kissed madly on the face. !Thinking about it now makes me cry T﹏T!

Innocence is gone!Snacks are gone!

The ancients said that people are refreshed on happy occasions!It's about the current Qingtian, who has a huge sum of money, and walks with drift!
Even the dog that the doorman raises on weekdays is pleasing to the eye.

The uncle doorman looked at the girl walking past, but couldn't figure out the old bag. Is this a new move?Why is it so strange?In the past few years of work, he has basically seen all the people in this community. He clearly remembers that no one has moved here?Could it be that I remembered it wrong?Looking at the little man who has gone away with a puzzled look?
When I came to the shopping mall, Qingtian was like a calf who had just been liberated from labor. I looked here and there, and I felt that I had been eliminated by the world trend since I haven't visited the mall for a long time!

Cheerfully holding the tested skewers in one hand and a big bag of snacks in the other, he hid in a dark corner when he was about to go home to prevent being discovered~.I silently plan in my heart to hide it there!
And during the break, the boy who was thinking about his own kitten was awakened by a series of consumer information!
The sharp fingers swipe the screen of the mobile phone, looking at the information that is basically consumed in restaurants, is this a thief at home?still……!
(End of this chapter)

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