Chapter 169

Naturally, Xie Yan didn't know that someone was looking for her in Hong Kong City, so she nestled in Xie's Village with peace of mind.

This kind of ordinary life, full of fireworks all the time, is what Xie Yan really wants in his heart!

Xie Nanbei has already started to make arrangements. The seedlings in the seedling fields are starting to bear ears. This time seems to have passed the busiest time. Everyone has a little leisure, so they took part of the staff to start reclaiming wasteland at the foot of the mountain, and arranged Several people were in charge of repairing the educated youth dormitory that had collapsed due to heavy rain.

Now that the village has money on the books, there is no need to go to the commune to wait for the approval, otherwise, I am afraid that it will take a long time to wait, the day lily is cold.

Xie Nanbei wanted to finish everything as soon as possible, otherwise, after two months, he would have to harvest the grain again, and he didn't have so much time to do other things.

Xie Yan also proposed to rebuild a pigsty, and the current two should also be repaired. They are dilapidated everywhere, and the environment is very bad. It is raining and leaking.

Moreover, although there is only one pig now, there will be more than one after the sows give birth in a few months.

Xie Nanbei naturally agreed, after all, now one pig can equal the combined work points of several people throughout the year.

During this period of previous years, everyone had nothing to do. Naturally, the standard of living plummeted even more.

So, this year is really different.

Everyone has something to do, and they are busy all day long. In addition, the vegetables in the private plot can already be picked up and eaten.

Of course, it is not advisable to kill the chicken and take the eggs, and no one would be foolish enough to do so.

When picking vegetables to eat at home, I will try my best to pick those that are not growing well. Of course, I have to keep them for money!
In the past half a month, the village has watched hundreds of catties of chestnuts being pulled out for sale every day.

It's not a fool. For a while, everyone's minds became active.

Chestnuts can be sold, so can that vegetable!
It is clearer that the vegetables during this period are all in short supply. After all, there is no food to eat in the countryside, let alone the city.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is in the countryside or in the city, life is not very easy.

Xie Yan also really wanted to taste the taste of the vegetables grown in his own plot?
taste good or not?

In the afternoon, Xie Yan went to the private plot while she had nothing to do.

The entire private land in Xiejia Village is full of lush greenery at a glance. The villagers have not seen such a scene for many years.

At this point in time, there are quite a few people in the private plot, all of whom are doing their best to take care of the vegetable seedlings in the field, fearing that if one does not pay attention, the seedlings will die.

When Xie Yan went to her private plot, the aunt in the private plot next door greeted her with a smile from a long distance away:
"Yan girl is also here to pick vegetables?" asked.

The old lady picked a handful of green vegetables in her hand, and kept sighing:

"In the past, I didn't dare to think that there would be food to eat now. This year is really blessed by the Bodhisattva!"


The Bodhisattva is too busy to care about so much.

Of course Xie Yan would not refute anything:
"Well, that's it." Shun said.

Sure enough, the old lady's face became even more happy with a smile. When she walked, she walked very fast, and she didn't look like she was 70 years old at all.

After the old lady left, Xie Yan didn't pick the vegetables immediately, but walked around her private plot, and found that some leaves in the radish field had worms, so she squatted down and picked them off. A few radishes that had died in the ground were pulled out of the hole and thrown to the side of the field with all their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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