Chapter 303 I Met My Ex-Brother-in-Law
Of course, the more than 300 people in the village have all received food.

In the past two days, the surrounding air seemed to be filled with the smell of dried rice.

If you really have food, you will be willful.

Because of the continuous heavy rain, it was rare for everyone to be free. The old women went from house to house chatting about various gossip events in the village. Whose son is going to marry a wife this year, or whose daughter is going to marry next month, who and who My daughter-in-law is about to give birth and so on.

However, in the village, everyone's hobbies are just talking about these, and there are no other entertainment items at the moment.

The men do what they need to fix at home, light bulbs, doors, windows and so on.

However, everyone in the brigade office, including Xie Yan and Pei Youzhi, didn't want the villagers to be so idle.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain, there was nothing to do, unlike usual, no one could be found.

Xie Yan made several plans for the development of Xiejia Village in the future. It is impossible for two people to implement these plans.

Fortunately, Xie Yan has explained all the plans to Pei Youzhi one by one in the past two days, but Xie Yan will repeat the explanation if there is something that I don't understand, until Pei Youzhi fully understands.

It's better to say it twice than to really get busy and ask all kinds of questions later, okay?
For Pei Youzhi, Xie Yan has a really good eye for picking people, with super ability, flexible mind, serious, careful and responsible work.

Such talents, even if they have declined in recent years, will definitely be discovered in the future.

As the saying goes, if it is gold, it will shine!

With Pei Youzhi taking over, Xie Yan felt a lot easier.

For example, teach a group of people in the village how to reasonably use the soil texture in the field, what kind of vegetables to grow according to the advantages and disadvantages of the location, and the common planting methods of those vegetables, etc.

Xie Yan can't take so many people by himself, so he first taught Pei Youzhi and Xie Dahuai about ten people.

After that, the first group of people who have successfully mastered the method will teach everyone in the village.

There is no way, there are seven or eight hundred people in the village.

Coming out of the brigade's office, the rain has lightened a lot, and it looks like it will clear up in two days.

All the rice in the fields has been harvested, and we can start hoeing when the weather clears.

Well, the issue of seeds should also be put on the agenda, and I have to go to the leaders.

Last time, the county agricultural bureau was worried about only ten acres of seeds. In the end, the amount was reduced by one-third. This time, hundreds of acres of seeds are needed!

As soon as I opened the umbrella, a familiar jeep stopped in front of me, and the rear window was rolled down:
"Sister, get in the car."

"Xiao Fan?"

How could the cheap brother be in Qin Yefei's car?When did these two get along so well?

"Sister, why are you still standing there, the umbrella is so broken that it can't be broken again."

Xie Yan put away the umbrella, and got into the car very puzzled.

After getting in the car, I couldn't help but ask:

"Why are you together?"

Xie Fanbalabala answered:

"I didn't come back last weekend. Of course I will be back this weekend. Just after leaving school, I met his ex-brother-in-law."

This title really made the other two people in the car shake their shoulders severely.

Xie Fan didn't think there was anything wrong, but Xie Yan glanced at the man driving in front of him. After all, he did help bring his younger brother back, and he is not the kind of person who bit Lu Dongbin like a dog!
(End of this chapter)

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