Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 102 Bloodthirsty Land

Chapter 102 Bloodthirsty Land
A lot of messy things were found, but few of the most important things were found.

Food, medicine, these essential things for the expedition team were not found at all, but many broken wine bottles were found.

The wireless phone that everyone had hoped for, but there was no sign of it.

Gail squatted on the bank of the river with his head in his arms, and didn't even care that the river water soaked his clothes.

The blows came one after another, even though they were all people who had been in the society for many years and experienced so many things, in this rainforest in Borneo, if it weren't for Johnson, it would be impossible to move an inch.

But now this local snake also encountered a big problem. The bloody mary, the ship he depended on for his livelihood, was destroyed and completely scrapped.

Originally, I thought that Johnson's friends could come to rescue them, but I didn't expect such a result.

For a time, the seeds of despair that had been quietly planted in the hearts of this expedition team germinated.

Either squatting, standing, or staring at Johnson, his eyes were red.

The wireless phone was nowhere to be found, and there was no way to contact the police.

Trapped in this kind of place, as long as normal people understand that they are only a few steps away from death.

Looking blankly at the water flowing ahead, Gail's heart was like a rock by the river, being hit by the river.

At the beginning, because I didn't believe that there was something that could break Hayflick's limit law, I insisted on going to the place where the blood orchid was produced.

Although she has always denied the existence of the blood orchid, but also as the top person in charge of a company, she is also looking forward to the appearance of this strange thing in her heart.

If the facts were as Jack and Mitch said, the benefits brought by the blood orchid alone would be enough for her ten lifetimes of luxury.

Those old ghosts who are lingering and living under the needle, after hearing the news, will definitely buy it at all costs to delay the aging body.

It was because of greed in his heart that Gail followed them here.

It's good now, the shadow of the blood orchid has not been seen yet, and so many disasters have been encountered.

The ferocious and terrifying Borneo finally showed its bloodthirsty smile.

There is still a burnt smell on the tip of the nose, but everyone's thoughts are not here at all.

To be honest, Johnson was a little confused.

Just a little confused.

For him who has retired and dared to fight crocodiles, these things have not made him lose confidence and fall into despair.

Seeing A Chuan sitting motionless by the river, as if thinking about something, Johnson walked over.

A few rotting fish and flies were constantly flying around, coming in and out.

Pat him on the shoulder.

"What's the matter, did you think of a way to get out?"

As soon as they heard that there was a way to get out, everyone raised their heads, looked at them with anticipation, and even surrounded them impatiently.

"Where did these come from?" asked Mitch.

"The Ropa tribe, the aborigines."


"The descendants of the headhunters must have their tribes around here."

"Ah! You're not kidding, are you sure we're not delivering food?" Kerr wanted to stop him.

A Chuan smiled: "Don't worry, they haven't overhunted for a century, don't worry."

Kerr was still yelling: "If you haven't hunted before, it doesn't mean you won't."

Everyone ignored him, and they would hold onto him firmly if they had the hope of surviving, so they didn't care about anything else.

A group of people then marched hard in the rainforest.

Johnson was still opening the way ahead with a machete.

Wu Xian followed behind, stroking Xiao Gang's hair to soothe his "restless" heart.

Animals have always had a stronger sense of danger than humans.

As Xiao Gang who lives from the beginning to the end of the plot, he is simply another male protagonist.

Bang, the muffled sound of heavy objects hitting the trees stopped the team.

Johnson signaled everyone to be vigilant, and then the machete slammed into the bushes in front of him.

The vines that tangled around the trees were chopped off.

A man with a foul smell fell down.

what! !

Gail covered his mouth and hugged Jace, trembling all over.


A Chuan and Johnson looked at each other, sensing great danger from each other's eyes.

Run to a slightly open place.

Gail questioned: "You said that a snake cannot be within a few kilometers of another snake, so what is this now?"

"Yes, in fact it is."

"Then why would someone be eaten and spit it out?"

"Unless, now is the mating season?"

"What, mating season?"

"That's right, male snakes have their own territory, and they can't be together, but when they smell the female snake's scent, they will swim over from all directions recklessly.

The female snake will find a wet mud pit, and the male snake will find it and gather together to form a huge mating snake ball. "

Kerr wailed: "Are all those damn snakes having a party?"

"That's true." Johnson turned around and looked around: "Listen, it's getting dark, we must rush to the tribe of the Ropa tribe, otherwise, we will encounter something, and everyone will be surprised." Know."

Gail shuddered.

With Johnson's warning, no one squeaked anymore.

Half an hour later, they came to a place surrounded by white mist.


Johnson looked at the ground.

Dry bones are everywhere, making people feel cold.

The passage of time made these dry bones no longer hard, and when stepped on, they shattered into pieces.

The branches were sharpened and crossed to support a white bone.

The skulls were arranged in a pile, as if preparing for a sacred ceremony.

Several people walked cautiously, for fear of waking up these headhunting demons.

Turning around a few rough stone statues, a simple wooden house stands.

It's just that their attention was attracted by a huge python in the open space in front of the door.

The boa constrictor was dead, and its stomach had been ripped open, exposing the body inside.

The rancid smell lingers, strongly stimulating the sense of smell.

Resisting the urge to feel sick, Gail said, "How should this be explained?"

Shaking his head, Johnson didn't answer.

"It appears they have departed by boat."

A Chuan came to the river and looked into the distance.

"Which one is the Mann River?" Jack asked.

"The one on the right, the Toku River on the left."

"But we don't have a boat," Kerr said.

"Without a boat, we can build one ourselves, and then we can sleep in a five-star hotel within two days."

With Johnson's promise, everyone cheered and had the motivation to continue.

Jack is happy because he can go to Bloodland by boat, and the others are fed up with this kind of place and can't wait to go back.

Until this time, Wu Xian followed behind them silently, did not reveal his martial arts, nor did he make any suggestions or tell Jack's plan.

Maybe because of him, Ben didn't die, and this is a change, and nothing else has changed.

Following them is to complete the task, that is, tonight, Mitch, one of the tasks, will be framed by Jack and fall into the python's belly.

Wu Xian was also waiting for this time to come.

(End of this chapter)

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