Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 105 Blood Orchid Land

Chapter 105 Blood Orchid Land

The endless book that I got by accident, has stayed in Wu Xian's body without saying a word since absorbing the mysterious spar in "Super Power Out of Control".

When killing the boa constrictor, he came out and devoured the boa constrictor's corpse.

As for why and what effect it will bring, even as the owner, I don't know much about it.

Fortunately, it didn't cause any danger to Wu Xian, so he just let the book devour the python.

There is a feeling in the dark, and when the time comes, you will know it naturally.

On the way to the land of Bloodland, dangers abound.

From one or two pythons in the first few hundred meters to four or five pythons entrenched.

The luck of this expedition team can be described as excellent, only the team medical class, Achuan and Jack escaped after the death of three people.

Although the remaining few people also encountered many dangers, they were always able to save themselves from danger.

And that monkey.

Wu Xian raised his head slightly, and saw Xiao Gang constantly jumping on the branch.

This monkey is even more fateful. It can be said that it witnessed the whole process without suffering any harm.

Although monkeys are nimble in the rainforest, they swing their canes and run fast.

The boa constrictor swallowed the blood orchid, evolved mentally, and gained simple wisdom, but still had no choice but to get the monkey, which is really strange.

There are so few moments that Wu Xian feels that it is the protagonist of the whole film.

"How long will it take for us to arrive? We've already been gone for so long." Gail's complaint sounded softly.

Jess replied cautiously: "Persist for a while, it should be almost there."

The swimming of the boa constrictor in the dark, and the hesitation of the snake's letter, all stimulated the team.

Qiang Sen looked at Wu Xian, who was silent but very indifferent, with admiration in his heart.

If it were him, it would be impossible for him to maintain a stable state of mind in this jungle full of pythons.

It was Wu Xian's indifferent attitude that gave the expedition team a sense of safety and security, so they didn't collapse on the way to find Jack.

The rustling sound continued, and Johnson could no longer know the number of pythons based on the sound alone.

It stands to reason that with so many, they should not give up the food in their mouths, and can't wait to attack.

But up to now, they have only heard dense tingling noises, and have not seen even a python approaching.

Wu Xian's mystery has risen to another level in Johnson's heart.

Who is this young man with extraordinary abilities, and why did he come to Borneo, and he met them and took a boat by the way.

Johnson was puzzled.

Raise your vigilance, if something unexpected happens, you can at least not be so surprised.

Even though Wu Xian, who possesses spiritual power, did not turn his head, the expression on Johnson's face was clearly seen.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, a little funny.

"After all, he was born as a soldier. He has experienced blood and fire. With the sudden help of a stranger, it is inevitable to have doubts in his heart."

No matter what, Wu Xian only needs to complete the task.

It was extremely safe along the way, except that it took some time to wade across a large river beach in the middle.

When they arrived, they saw Jack walking towards the Bloodland with a torch.

The bamboo raft was parked on the shore, and there were salutes and backpacks on it.

Gail couldn't bear it anymore, jumped on it, covered his face and wept.

Having experienced many incidents involving life safety, her heart has long been dilapidated.

Right now, the only bamboo raft that can take them out of here is parked here intact, Gail choked up and said: "Jess, we can finally leave this terrible place, I don't want to stay here again."

Jess was deeply touched, and went to pat her on the shoulder lightly, with tears of joy in the corners of his eyes.

After running around in the rainforest for several days, her body was filled with the smell of the jungle, her delicate face was covered by mud, and her hair was tied up randomly.

These are things she can't stand, and now she can finally go home, take a bath, and have a good rest.

It is different from the original plot at this time.

The expedition team did not die a single person.

Everyone was happy from the bottom of their hearts, only Wu Xian looked at the jungle in front of him indifferently.

The weather in the rainforest is changeable, and the heavy rain stopped for a few minutes, but the thunder from time to time indicated that the storm had not stopped.

Gail, who originally wanted to thank Wu Xian for bringing them here, turned around and saw Wu Xian looking at a place quietly.

Follow his eyes.

Jack appeared in the jungle.

"Damn it, Jack, you dare to appear here. It was you who almost killed us."

"Shut up, follow me if you don't want to die." Jack held a gun, showing a ferocious expression.

"It's you who caused Mitch to be almost swallowed by a python. I didn't expect you to have such a face before."

"Crack" gunshots sounded.

"Don't play tricks on me."

Gale was startled and hurriedly stepped back.

Johnson originally intended Gail and Jack to argue, and when he was not paying attention, the throwing knife shot off the gun in his hand, but he didn't expect Jack to be so cautious.

As soon as he took it out, before throwing it out, he was shot in the arm by Jack.

"Hurry up, be honest, and follow me."

"And you, hurry up."

Wu Xian didn't speak, but followed silently.

Seeing that Wu Xian did not resist, the others simply followed along.

Turned a few turns, around a large forest.

Holding torches, stepping on the slippery and muddy path, they finally arrived at the place where Xuelan was.

One piece has bright red petals, like blood blooming all over the cliff.

The vines intertwined and covered the entire cliff.

Below is a huge mud pit where a large number of pythons have formed a huge ball of mating snakes.

The hissing sound kept ringing, and the mixed smell of so many pythons strongly stimulated them.

Jack was obviously very excited, looking at the blood orchids on the cliff, his face trembled slightly.

As long as you get the blood orchid, it means that you will have endless money in this life.

Also accompanied by fame, honor.

Jack seemed to be a cute shopper when he saw all these things clustered around him, and he could get them just by waving.

But the vine bridge that only one person can pass cut off his dream.

Fujihashi couldn't bear the weight of a big man, which was why he threatened Gale and the others to come here.

Just pick flowers for yourself, and then kill them.

The boa constrictor below is still hungry.

Stunning the most threatening Johnson, Jack threatened Gale with a gun.

Throw a bundle of rope over and ask her to tie Kerr and Wu Xian.

Although Gail was unwilling in his heart, he tremblingly followed what he said.

After tying Kerr up, go and tie Wu Xian.

Looking at Jack with fear in his eyes, Gail moved very slowly.

A pair of hands suddenly blocked her movement.

His body froze slightly, and then he looked at Wu Xian in surprise.

"Okay, your role has been completed, and I would like to thank you for bringing me here, otherwise it will take a little time to find it."

"You, stop for me." Jack looked at Wu Xian in panic, his pistol trembling a little.

At this time, Wu Xian was like a demon, showing a terrifying smile to him.

(End of this chapter)

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