Chapter 13
"Wind escape, howling hurricane." A terrifying strong wind spewed out from Jie's mouth. Although he didn't need to use seals to display the abilities of those alliance partners, he was already used to Konoha's identity as a ninja, even when he arrived at the battlefield. For reinforcements, you can only pretend to be a seal, shouting out the name of ninjutsu.

The howling hurricane completely blows away the fog in the sky. The fog is created by a simple B-level ninjutsu, which cannot withstand the terrifying hurricane from the storm plain. , also came to reach the B level.

"Huh..." When the mist cleared, the battle scene not far ahead finally appeared in front of Jie.

Urenin, who was hiding in the vicinity to attack, has succeeded in succession.

The two people around Namikaze Minato had multiple wounds on their bodies, and although they were not fatal, the massive blood loss had caused them to fall into a coma.

The three of Inokacho had already displayed combined ninjutsu and stopped a Jōnin alone, while Sarutobi was besieged by two Jōnin, looking a bit miserable at the moment.

He also has many scars on his body.

"Hey, reinforcements have arrived?"

"No, it's the ninja boy who used the super water escape just now."

"What are Haruki and Yucun doing? They haven't resolved the battle above, and let a ninja escape for reinforcements."

"You guys, go and get rid of that kid."

The five ninjas who were thinking of continuing to besiege the water gate heard the order, turned their footsteps, and rushed towards Zed at the same time.

"Jie, what's the situation up there." Minato raised his foot to stop the two of them, and asked with his back to Jie.

Jie moved his palm, tightened the ninja sword in his palm, raised the sword and pointed forward, "Here, kill these guys, and you can catch them all in one go."

"Arrogance, water escape, water chaos."

"Ninja method, such as rain and dew." An umbrella behind a shinobi wearing a bamboo hat soared into the sky. After opening it, it immediately released thousands of copies as thin as rain, and shot towards all directions.

A combined attack with almost no dead ends, Jie slapped the ground violently, "Earth Dungeon, Haunted by Evil Spirits."

In the hands of Zed, the ability of Yoricku of Fuguang Island in the previous life has become a ninjutsu like earth escape and earth corridor.

"Ding ding ding" all the thousand books were blocked by the soil shelter, even the water tunnel, when it hit the soil shelter, it automatically swam to the sides of the arc and disappeared.

"What a strong Tudun." Amidst the surprised voices of several Yuyin Xiaren, a figure suddenly jumped high from the gap above Tudun, holding knives in both hands, "Blade impact."

With a "click", the head of a ninja was directly cut off.

The headless corpse weighed heavily to the bottom, and it also completely frightened the psychology of several people.

"Blade impact." Followed the same pattern, and in the blink of an eye, Jie had already beheaded the second person.

"Let's go together." The remaining ninja glanced at the two ninjas who helped defeat the trio of Zhuludie from a distance also rushed over. The three looked at each other and formed seals at the same time.

However, Zed's speed is faster than them, and he doesn't want to waste too much time dealing with these ordinary ninjas.



At this moment, not far away, there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

When Zed looked back, he happened to see Namikaze Minato smiling at him, "Zed, I'll leave these three to you, and I'll go help Sarutobi Jonobu."

"No problem." When Zed replied, he had already performed ninjutsu again, "Water Escape · Mist of Sorrow."

A large mist instantly enveloped the space of Zed and the three ninjas. Under their panic, they heard a loud shout from the opposite side, "Mystery of the Dao of the Sword · Battle Fury, open."

"The Secret Art of the Dao of the Blade · Gale Slash."

The terrifying hurricane, accompanied by saber energy, tore the three of them to pieces.

The moment the three of them fell to the ground, the fog cleared, and Jie's gaze fell into the distance.

"Ninja Shadow Binding Technique."

"Ninja method, heart-to-heart technique."

"Meat bomb chariot."

"Boom" Akimichi Choza, who was bounced away by a huge force again, knocked Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Hikoichi over with his fat body.

"Pfft..." Everyone spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Ding Zuo, Yan Yi, Lu Jiu, are you all right?" Jie rushed to them in time.

"Quick, stop this guy." Lu Jiu's face showed a bit of joy, and he pointed at the Jonin who was rushing towards them behind Zed.

"Little ghost, it's not bad. This time we dispatched five Anbu's elite ninjas and more than [-] lower ninjas, and they were all defeated by you. Could it be that you are the biggest variable among them? Or, you are Konoha A real killing move."

"The Secret Art of the Dao of the Blade · Blade Impact." The answer to him was just a lightning strike.

"Huh, how dare you play with sword skills in front of me." The latter is also a master of swords, holding a giant blade in both hands. When he saw Jie rushing, he did not retreat but advanced. rushed.

With a loud "dang", Jonin took three or four steps back before stopping to stabilize his figure, while on the other side, Jie only took five and a half steps back.

"Dang", the two of them collided again after being separated for only a second.

This time, Jie staggered back a few steps.

"He can't compete with him in frontal body fighting and Dao of the sword. He is the Yuyin Elite Jōnin who is good at Taijutsu and Dao of the sword. Zed, use your ninjutsu and hold him back. As long as Sarutobi-sensei and the others Just free your hands to support." Lu Jiu couldn't help reminding.

Jie didn't answer, in his previous life, what he was best at was the shuriken that he always carried with him when he ate and slept, but now, what he couldn't wait to prove was the swordsmanship of the Hatake family.

"The way of the sword of the Hatake family, you can't lose."

"The Secret Art of the Dao of the Sword, Battle Fury, activate." The Will of the Dao of the Sword, which burns a lot of physical energy, was once again stimulated by Jie, and his strength and the power of the Dao of the Saber instantly soared several times.

"Come again, Blade Impact."

"Dang", in this fight, Yuyin's jounin clearly felt that the strength and saber energy in Jie's hands were much stronger, "You, you actually used the secret art of the way of the sword?"

"Hmph, you just need to remember, it was me, Hatake Kiba, who killed you today."

"Hatake? Are you... Konoha Baiya's son." Ugashi Kaminin's complexion changed, and that figure couldn't help appearing in his mind.

"Not bad." Jie shot again, with a bit more force.

"Good swordsmanship and good strength. He is worthy of being Konoha Baiya's son. However, killing someone like you will make me inexplicably excited."


"The Dao of the Sword Secret Art Two Swords Style." In Jie's surprised eyes, this guy suddenly abandoned the giant sword, and had two slender ninja swords in his hands. While losing his strength on the knife, he reversed the situation again and gradually suppressed him.

Jie sneered, and the corners of his mouth hidden under the mask were slightly outlined, "Mystery of the Dao of the Blade · Supreme Edge."

"Well, is it the sword technique of rushing towards you like just now?" Yuyin Jōnin took a step back, shielding his two swords in front of his chest. It's time for him to strike back.

However, four slender blades instantly appeared around Jie with the light of a knife, pointing forward along his arm.

"Whoosh" a supreme blade broke through the air wave first, and hit him.

"Two-knife flow · Sakura turbulent flow." His movement of swinging the knife suddenly accelerated, and the light of the knife in front of him intertwined a large vision, as if there were cherry blossoms all over the sky, as long as he fell into it, he would be completely shattered.

"Boom", the sharp blade exploded when it came to Yuyin Jonnin, and his whole body was blown to the ground by the air wave. in front of him.

He only had time to set up the double swords for defense, but it was only a lightning strike, his wrists numb, and the double swords came out of his hands and fell to the ground.

"Chi", the third sharp blade directly pierced his chest.

The fourth one flew towards his neck when his pupils were wide open.

"Nice job," Yamanaka Kaiichi clenched his fists tightly.

"That's the blow." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo, with blood on the corner of his mouth, slammed his fist heavily on the ground and applauded.

"Get rid of him, Zed." Lu Jiu stood up tremblingly, watching the sharp blade penetrate the neck of Yuyin Jonnin, and a smear of blood floated in the air.

"Hatake...Kai..." Yuyin Shangren fell to the ground with deep fear, and this fall was a farewell.

"Patta." After fighting fiercely with the opponent for more than 5 minutes, the veins all over his body burst out. At this moment, a sense of weakness came from his body, which made his brain dizzy, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

"Jie?" Zhu Ludie and the three were startled at the same time.

Lu Jiu dragged his exhausted body, slowly walked in front of Jie, and stretched out his hand to touch his neck.

He smiled happily, "Fortunately, no life is safe, it should just be out of strength."

"Hey, this kid seems to be less than six years old."

"Hey, there is no one who went to the battlefield before the age of six." Qiudao Dingzuo took out a snack with one hand and tore it into his mouth, saying vaguely.

"Hey, Ding Zuo, don't underestimate him. He used the way of the sword alone and killed an elite Jonin from Amagakure Anbe."

"Ah, speaking of it, he is still our junior."

Lu Jiu looked back at them, "Tsk tsk, it would be embarrassing enough to be caught up by the younger generation and graduate together."

"Lu Jiu, you bastard, you are always ruthless in your words." Kai Yamanaka rolled his eyes, Ding Zuo didn't care, he got used to it.

Immediately afterwards, they carried Zed to their side, and looked together at the place where the battle was fierce in the distance, where there were still two elite jounin from Yuyin.

However, when one of them was attacking Sarutobi Jonin, a sudden change occurred, and he turned his shuriken and directly attacked his teammates beside him.

"Mist and rain? Did you fall into the enemy's illusion?" The opponent quickly parried the attack, and then saw a ferocious smile on the corner of his companion's mouth.

"It doesn't matter, let's retreat first, the art of atomization." The only remaining jonin quickly formed a seal, and the mist quickly appeared, covering the nearby area.

(End of this chapter)

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