Naruto flag wood robbery

Chapter 150 The ambassador behind

Chapter 150 The ambassador behind
In late June, when Zed and Kakashi escorted Lin for a day, the medical ninja team from Konoha Village had already rushed to the town to join them.

There are not many members in this medical ninja class, only four people, and the accompanying guards are Konoha Eight Colors No. [-], who are the captains of the dark section, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Yume Shiwei. The tallest one is Sarutobi Lake Biwa, the wife of the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

She is the manager of the medical ninja unit and one of the best medical ninjas in Konoha.

When Tsunade is not in Konoha, she is the strongest medical ninja.

"Master Biwako, how is the situation?" Kakashi couldn't help asking, looking at Sarutobi Lake Biwa who had a dignified expression after checking Nohara Rin.

"You go out first. If possible, these medical ninjas and I will conduct a comprehensive examination on her first, initially heal the wound, and then solve the problem of vitality in her body."

"Okay." Kakashi decisively followed Zed and walked out.

"Don't worry, the situation shouldn't be that bad, you, you have to have confidence in my medical ninjutsu."

"Brother, tell me, if it's that one who makes the move, can Lin be cured?"

"Master Tsunade?"

Kakashi shook his head, and he pointed to the north, where there is Konoha Village, and to the north of Konoha Village, there is the capital of the Land of Fire and a Daimyo Mansion.

And there is only one person who is most likely to be mentioned by Kakashi in the capital of the Land of Fire, Ayaka Uzumaki. She is now the hottest healer in the Land of Fire.

"I can ask for you." Jie hesitated for a moment, put one hand directly to his mouth, bit it hard, blood flowed out, he slapped the ground with one hand, "psychic art"

"Boom" a black crow appeared on the spot, but its eyes were blood red.

"Is this the legendary Devil's Crow?" Kakashi looked at Zed's psychic beast in surprise.

"Well," Jie took out a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket, and after writing a paragraph, he rolled it into the size of a cigarette and put it in the mailbox on the Devil's Crow's Foot.

"When we arrived at Konoha, it probably brought us news of Ayaka."

Kakashi froze for a moment, "If it's inconvenient, we can take Lin out of the village and go to the capital of the Land of Fire."

"It's okay, she should come." Zed understands the relationship with the team, not to mention, Nohara Rin is still a girl, she has always admired the genius ninja Kakashi in the same period, seeing Kakashi so nervous, Zed I understand, this kid probably has some thoughts on Lin.

Soon, the door of the room opened, and Sarutobi Biwako stepped out with a tired face.

"Jie, I really underestimated your medical ninjutsu. Lin, who can almost completely sever her vitality, can still hold her breath. Even Tsunade may not be able to do it."

"However, it is not as good as the medical ninjutsu that the medical ninja unit that Lord Biwa belongs to has studied for so many years."

"Don't come to praise me, you kid, didn't you also come out of the medical ninja army before, isn't praising us just praising you?"

Zed was dumbfounded for a moment, and then he and Kakashi walked into the room.

The smile on Sarutobi Biwako's face converged and became a little dignified, "Lin's condition is not very good, if we can often perform ninjutsu to grow cells for her, it can keep the cells in her body active for a long time, but, The injuries she suffered before were a bit serious, hundreds of Wunin were besieged, and the leader of the group was probably the leader of the assassination team of Wuyin Village, Ganshi Guizhen."


She was in a coma before, and I thought it was because of a curse, but I only found out now that it was actually because of her injuries.

"Even Biwako-sama is helpless?"

"If it was the injury that Matt wore before, then the forbidden technique called healing technique that Jie had mastered before was enough to save Lin's life, but if you want her to wake up, maybe, I There is only one person in Konoha who can do it."

"Master Tsunade?"


For a while, Kakashi's face became extremely ugly again. If he could easily find the place where Tsunade lived in seclusion, then Tsunade would also participate in the third ninja world war before. It will become so bad. After all, a tyrannical Kageru-level ninja also possesses the strongest medical ninjutsu in Konoha. If she is there, at least the medical ninja troops who can serve the frontline will not be reduced. Less casualties.

"The Fourth Hokage sent people to look for Tsunade before leaving the house. In addition, they used the contact frog from Mt. Myogi to inform Jiraiya. If anyone can find Tsunade, it is estimated that only Jiraiya gone."

"Now, let's prepare to go back to the village immediately. Regarding the direction of Kirigakure, when we came out before, the fourth generation had already ordered the assembly of ninja troops. This time, if Kirigakure does not give an explanation, we are very likely to use a lot of war Ship, fight across the sea."

Soon after, the group hurried north.

Two days later, the group arrived at the village.

In the Konoha Inpatient Department, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato brought Hiruzaru Sarutobi and other high-level Konoha officials to arrive one after another.

"Even Jie-kun and Biwako-sama's medical ninjutsu can't help?" Namikaze Minato's face was full of reproach and regret.

"Minato, don't worry too much. Since Lin can survive, what we have to do now is to try our best to cure her. As for when she will wake up, I think we should trust this child."

"Yes." Minato's eyes are reddish, he has always been strict and strong, and he is always smiling, which symbolizes Konoha's vitality, but at this moment, he can't help but want to cry. After all, Nohara Lin is just a ten-year-old girl. How old are the children.

"Jie-kun, come back. If you want to fight against Kirigakure this time, I think you should be the most suitable candidate." When Jie sent Namikaze Minato out of the inpatient department, they were walking on the street, only the two of them Man, Namikaze Minato glanced at Zed, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

"They don't necessarily want to go to war with us, and Minato, the third ninja war has just ended. Although our village has won and seems to have a brilliant record, but now, it has almost forged grievances with the four major ninja villages. Give them a chance, they will never repeat the same mistakes, they will concentrate their forces, and even form a ninja coalition to attack us."

"As for the ones who can hold back our Konoha large number of ninja troops, apart from the long-stretched battle line and geographical advantage of Sand Hidden, there is also Hidden Fog. The country of water is far above the sea. If we attack by boat, it will be extremely difficult on the sea. It is possible to encounter a sudden attack by a ninja who is good at water escape, and if you are not careful, the entire army will be wiped out."

"Furthermore, although the ninja troop dispatched this time is only a small troop, the Jonin who leads the team is the country of water who performed well in the third ninja world war, and is very likely to become a strong contender for the next Mizukage The Kakishiki, the Katsuki clan, is not weak in Kirigakure, he is already the captain of the assassination team, and this time he came here in person, Minato, don’t you think it’s a little strange?"

Minato blinked, with a smile in his eyes, "Could it be that you think they are just testing."

"Test us with the captain of the assassination team, a ninja comparable to a shadow, and they won't be afraid to lose such an elite again. After all, the strength of my Konoha is obvious to all."

Zed followed him into Hokage's office, and before he knew it, the two came here while chatting.

"In the Blood Mist, this is the name of Wuyin Village that the Seven Swordsmen of Wuyin Village told them they were in."

"The Kirigakure village was shrouded in blood and fear. During the time when the three generations of Mizukage were in power, the ninjas in the Kirigakure village almost stepped on the blood, whether it was the Kirigakure Ninja Seven or the assassination force. It’s the same with the elites in the world, such as Kanaki Kima, Momochi Eiji, and Momochi Sajiro.”

"Who do you think the power of Wuyin Village is in now?"

"The group of elders."

"Well, that Elder Dijing was the front-line commander of Kirigakure in the Third Ninja World War. With his cleverness and wit, he would never let these ninjas from the assassination army succeed the fourth generation of Mizukage."

"Are you afraid that all the ninjas in the village will be killed by them?"

"No, it's the Blood Mist, which has weakened Wuyin Village's strength."

Minato Namikaze was slightly taken aback, then laughed dumbfounded, "Are you kidding me? Zed, before the third Ninja World War, Kirigakure Village was very strong, Mizukage Mizukage, Isao Mizukage, Six Ojinchūriki, the assassination force composed of two thousand elite Chunin, and the seven Kirigakure Ninja Swordsmen, this kind of strength is enough to crush a big Ninja Village like Sand Gakure."

"But now, these guys are all dead."

"Even, the young ninjas in Wuyin Village, those ninjas, on the battlefield, I didn't let the ninjas under my hand show mercy. This time, they really hurt Wuyin Village, otherwise, they would never do this Resolutely admit defeat and make compensation."

"They need too much time to recuperate now, but after the third Ninja World War, we Konoha shined brightly and acted too strong."

"Jie Jun, you mean, this time, we can't start a war with them."

"Of course we have to go to war. At least, let them make up for Lin's family."

Namikaze Minato smiled knowingly, "War compensation?"

"Well, if my predictions are correct, there is only one Wuyin Village, and there is absolutely no such courage to dare to attack our Konoha, and the main messenger is definitely behind."

"Who do you think?" Namikaze Minato's eyes widened, Zed moved his lips, and was about to answer, when there was already a rush of footsteps outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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