Naruto flag wood robbery

Chapter 315 The day the broken sword was recast

Chapter 315 The day the broken sword was recast
"It's started." Riven's eyes were quickly attracted by two distinct waves of tides on the distant horizon.

The mutated army led by Mundo emits green light produced by scientific experiments all over the body, while the demons, on the other hand, are covered with black demonic energy, and from time to time there are demon warriors with evil red lights whistling past. But soon, they will be named and attacked by the kitchen knife in Mundo's hand.

"Good guy, beat the enemy in front of you with your fists, and at the same time pay attention to using a kitchen knife to deal with those demon warriors who bring difficulties to your subordinates. This guy, Mundo, seems to have made progress in this battle. Well."

"It's my turn." Zach, who was maintaining a squatting position not far away, loosened his limbs suddenly.

"Shhh..." He was like a trampoline. After collapsing to the extreme, it opened suddenly, and the strong rebounding force was enough to send him dozens of miles away.

His whole body was spread out in the air, like a thin piece of paper, rippling in the air, undulating with the wind.

Darkness appeared above the heads of the two armies at war. The sky near the capital of Noxus was illuminated by holy light. This was the only area on Valoran with clear skies. At this moment, there appeared dark clouds.

They couldn't help but look up, it was... a big lump.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the phalanx of [-] demon archers who were in charge of drawing their bows and setting arrows to help the battlefield was directly knocked down by this lump of Xiang that fell from the sky.

"Kill!" Countless figures jumped from Zac's body, brandishing their swords and rushing towards the fighting groups.

Not long after, the internal and external attacks caused the first 20-man square of the Demon Race to be defeated.

"Let the troops of the wizard tribe and the berserker tribe reinforce." At this moment, on a high platform far away in the depths of the demon camp, eleven great demon kings sat together. It was already annexed by them during the war.

"I heard that guy Alqin is also dead, the God of War tribe?" A tauren stood up, and he glanced at the battlefield in the distance. At this moment, the one who was in charge of the first wave of reinforcements was the demon berserker under his command. Legion.

"Can't move yet, keep it as bait." The guy in the tall hat smiled.

"So, what about the battlefield in Zhanzheng College?" The guy with three eyes between his brows glanced at him and said.

An old man with an old face and nine fox tails behind him stood up, "It's very simple, I will take someone to deal with it myself." After speaking, he glanced at the black figure sitting beside him.

"Understood, you want to use my way of the void to deal with that kid?"

"Yes, then, let's go now." The voice fell, and there were two empty seats in the eleven seats.

"Then, it's time for me to go." As soon as the words fell, the tauren's surface was covered with a layer of blood, and his eyes became extremely scarlet. With a sudden step on his right foot, the ground under his feet instantly cracked like a spider web.

"Boom" The moment the ground in front of the entire high platform collapsed, his business had already been thrown thousands of meters away.

His target was locked on Mundo, who tore apart countless magic knights with his bare hands in the crowd. With this collision, he directly raised the big ax in his hand.

"The enemy's reinforcements are in the millions. They are the top three Berserker Legion of the Demon Race." In the tower above the city wall, Swain received a report from the outside.

"A berserker?" Swain sneered, "Order to let Olaf fight."


"Sons of the Freljord, follow me to the charge." Under a winter banner, Olaf, wearing a padded jacket and with a big beard on his chin, brandished an ax with both hands.

"Yes." After he roared and launched a savage charge, the 50 berserkers from the wild tribes of the Freljord behind him were covered in a layer of blood red, and they ran head-on at the demons rushing to help from the flanks. Berserker Legion.

"Damn guy, I'm going to tear you apart." Not far away, the great demon king Abiotuo with the blood of madness charged head-on, and directly blasted Mondo tens of meters away. When Mondo got up, , he already grabbed Mundo's neck with one hand and lifted him into the air.

"Not good." Not far away, Zach, who was rushing to help with a wave of rubber hands, was cut off by the berserker's ax that was constantly thrown around before his arm could get close to these two guys.

"Death", Abiotuo slammed down the ax on his right hand. With this blow, he was bound to kill the leader of this mutated army directly, and won the first victory in this battle between the demons and Valoran.

"It's time." On the edge of the city wall, Ryze, who was dragging a rune in one hand, glanced at the guy in heavy armor beside him.

"Understood." He nodded slightly, and made a "sizzling" sound as his arms swayed.

"Zi" In the next second, a mechanical flying claw flew out quickly, and directly grabbed Mondo who was captured by that big guy from a distance of more than ten miles. In the next second, Mondo smiled and raised his foot to kick On his elbow, the moment he kicked his arm holding the ax away, it was already driven backward by a huge force.

"Thresh." Ryze squinted and shouted.

"Crack" a bright light fell in the air, and Mondo turned over in the air, holding the light with one hand, and in the next second, a chain bound Abiotto from the air.

Ryze yelled, "Mundo, fight your back and stimulate your adrenaline with all your might."

"Understood." Mundo sighed, knowing it was time to let him go all out.

His body suddenly became dozens of times larger, and his whole body was like a beast in human form. Pulled by the lighthouse, he flew with Thresh, and came to Abiotuo's side.

"Can mere irons restrain me?" Abiotuo swung his ax and slashed on his body, and the iron chain shattered.

But soon, he was hugged tightly by Mundo.

"Bastard, are you crazy?" He slammed his fist on Mondo's head, one of Mondo's eyes was shattered on the spot, and the bridge of his nose collapsed.

"Damn" roared again, and Abiotto's right arm came with a giant axe, aiming at Mundo's head.

No matter how strong Mundo's vitality is, if he is hit by this axe, he will definitely die.

"Clang" Of course, the giant ax was blocked by a fluorescent street lamp on its way to Mundo's neck.

"Kacha" cracks appeared on the surface of the lampshade, and the owner of the street lamp frowned, "Grandma, Heimerdinger who cut corners... Forget it, let's settle the score with him after the fight."

"What's the point, Jax, knock this guy out." Mundo, who was still sweating on his face, yelled angrily, and violently squeezed his arms, and Abiotuo's waist immediately sent bones shattered and muscles A tense voice.

"Don't even think about succeeding." Not far away, a three-cornered magic bull prostrated on the ground had already rushed towards the flames of hell.

"Looking for death", in the next second, a porcupine king covered in frost directly overturned it from the side, and then, crushed, trampled, and Mount Tai was crushed...

Abiotuo looked furious at the tragic death of the mount, but the next second, there was a stabbing pain on the top of his head, and when he raised his head and glared at the guy who jumped up suddenly holding a street lamp, he landed another blow.

"Huh..." the giant ax he swung missed, and the next second, the third blow had arrived, a swollen lump appeared on his forehead, and then, a severe dizziness came, and his huge body was shaking.

"Abiotto, useless thing." At this time, in the distance, three hell dogs with a height of nearly a thousand meters led their clan of hell dogs into the battlefield. Split the army formation of the mutant army, and kill here.

"Well, is it our turn?" Riven glanced at Ryze who was not far away. After the latter nodded slightly, she immediately slapped on the city wall with one hand, and slid down directly with her body against the edge of the city wall.

Her running was like dancing. After landing on the ground, she made a few surprise attacks, turned around, and suddenly appeared a few miles away.

"Debang Military Flag", not far away, the charging army that stepped on the earth shaking and the mountain shaking was faster than Riven. Seeing the hell three-headed dog doing whatever it wanted in the field, a military flag that was more than ten meters high, The prince threw it across the air, drawing a graceful arc in the air, and the moment it landed behind the three hellhounds, the prince's figure had already turned into a golden light.

He held the halberd in his armpit, with a stern face, and when his body was about to hit the three hellhounds, he held the halberd in both hands and stabbed forward.

"Dragon impact."

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the huge bodies of the three hellhounds were thrown flying.

"A little bit of cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon."

"Oh..." The three-headed hellhound let out a mournful cry in the air. Behind its only one body, the moment the tail with a flame at the end was raised, a figure with a gun appeared on its fat body below. Somewhere, raising a hand is a shot.

With the rotating seven-detection snake, every blow made the three hellhounds involuntarily sing a chrysanthemum remnant.

"Justice Judgment" I don't know when, a burly figure has appeared above the three hellhounds, and a thousand-foot giant sword that fell from the sky directly slashed at one of the three hellhound's heads, cutting it into the air in an instant.

The blood was thrown, and Galen flew backwards. The flames on the surface of the three hellhounds did not hurt him, but the blood that was thrown just now eroded the armor covering his body. At this moment, his chest Black blood appeared, obviously, it was already poisoned.

"It's okay." At this time, a short-haired girl in a bunny costume appeared beside him.

"Kill it, Riven."

"no problem."

Riven stood in front of the three-headed hellhound with only two heads left, staring at it, the broken sword in her hand was rapidly accumulating power, her broken sword grew longer and bigger, the declaration of the former knight came to her mind middle.

"The day the broken sword was reforged."

"When the knight returns."

(End of this chapter)

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