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Chapter 41 The Encounter of Youth

Chapter 41 The Encounter of Youth

"Hey" a kunai stuck into the ground, the outer iron skin has been broken, and the terrifying electric light just wrapped Zed's arm, and Kakashi couldn't even see the kunai in Zed's hand. none.

"Is it using the lightning chakra released by Kunai?" Kakashi thought thoughtfully, just as Zed walked towards him, "The power of Thunder Dun Chidori should have reached A-level."

"A-level ninjutsu?" Kakashi looked up at Zed's chin, "I want to learn this move."

"Pa" the palm of his forehead was pressed a little harder, and Kakashi seemed aggrieved under the pain.

"Don't be so ambitious, master these ninjutsu first. As a ninja, it's not that the more ninjutsu you learn, the better you will be. You must have your own proficient ninjutsu to match your own tactics. Sometimes, a kunai and a genjutsu , you can easily defeat all your previous preparations."

"So, Kakashi needs practice to make perfect."

"Then can I develop my own ninjutsu like my brother?"

"Yeah." Jie felt a little fluctuated in his heart. These abilities were only given to him by his partners in his previous life. Kenan's three abilities, the Kunai attack that can attach the power of lightning, can explode when the lightning strikes the enemy. The imprint, the body wrapping lightning, and the ability to move quickly, were fused by him into a type of thunder escape Chidori. Unexpectedly, the power of this blow is very strong. Among the ninjutsu currently mastered by Zed, it takes several Almost none of the Earth Dungeon·Meteorite Skyfall prepared by Xilai can have such power, of course, except for the swordsmanship ability mastered after unsealing the Promise Sacred Sword.

He rubbed Kakashi's hair, "Here, that's all, practice hard, I believe Kakashi will become a great ninja."

"I won't let my brother down." Kakashi watched Zed leave with sparkling eyes, he knew that he still had a long way to go in catching up with his brother.

In this way, Kakashi's daily training has added a few ninjutsu from the sword technique. Almost every day, he has to get up early, and when Zed goes out to meet Anbu, he is already waiting in the yard.

"Good morning, brother."

"Come on." Zed stepped out without looking back. In his opinion, it would take some time for Kakashi to master so many ninjutsu at once.

At night, when he returned home exhausted from his mission, he saw Kakashi bathing naked in the yard again.

"Brother, you are back. Well, I still can't grasp the direction of Kunai's attack with Thunder Dun Chidori's move. In the air, it seems that lightning will destroy Kunai."

"Then continue practicing." Zed was very exhausted, he almost collapsed on the bed, and fell asleep. Although the second ninja world war is over, the countries are still fighting secretly, and his team has been cleaned up one after another. Many ninjas from other countries came to reconnaissance outside Muye Village.

Those guys, even if they knew they were invincible, they would bite their tongues and kill themselves. They would not leak information, and there were very few of them who could fall into the hands of Konoha's intelligence department.Jie, who was in charge of arresting, was a little distressed. His strength was increasing, but if he wanted to capture the enemy, he had to prevent the opponent from biting his tongue or committing suicide.

Then approach the opponent silently. When he was fighting sand ninja, he used Rek'Sai's earth dungeon to create a tunnel underground and escaped from the battlefield. This... is also the reason why he has few successful cases. However, it was also very uncomfortable for him to burrow underground all day long. At least, he had to wash his body vigorously several times a day.

It was another new year, and Hatake Sakumo, who hurried back to the party for a day, left again. As the captain of the dark army, his daily workload was several times that of Zed. Moreover, in some A-level and S-level When choosing a mission, the Third Hokage generally trusts a ninja like Sakumo Hatake who is famous, strong, and experienced.

After dinner, Zed sat at the table, watching Mieko who was washing the dishes.

"Tomorrow is the day of school, father, are you really not coming back?"

"Well, he explained when he wrote the letter before, Zed, tomorrow, you can take Kakashi there."

"Yes." Jie went back to the room and closed the sliding door, and immediately, he heard a burst of excited voices from the yard.

"Mom, is it true, will my brother take me to school tomorrow?"

"Yes, Kakashi, but, won't you be disappointed if your father can't come back in time?"

"Disappointed? It would be best if father could come back..."

Jie calmed down and fell asleep peacefully.

In the morning of the next day, Kakashi was already fully dressed, Zed took a look at his face, and at some point, a black mask appeared.

"Hey, Kakashi, what are you doing?" Zed doesn't like the bright world very much, because he walked in the dark all the year round in his previous life. As a ninja, he was doing assassination and living in the underground world. I like to expose my true colors, but what's going on with Kakashi?
"Brother, don't you think it's cool?" However, after meeting Kakashi's innocent eyes that day, Zed was defeated.

"Okay, if you want to wear it, just wear it." Children like to imitate, and Zed also heard Mieko talk about it. At his age, there are idols and goals. However, Zed always thought that Kakashi's The idol should be his father Sakumo Hatake, and his favorite should be his way of the sword.

Walking through the familiar street, two figures, one tall and one short, also wearing a mask and also with silver hair, became the focus.

"Silver hair, it's amazing, that should be..."

"That's right, at this age, he should be Konoha Baiga's son. He emerged in the Second Ninja World War, and independently beheaded Konoha's first genius ninja, Hatake Zed, who was advisor to Sand Ninja Elder Ebizo."

The old man who opened the door was stunned, and the aunt who was drying the clothes forgot the wet clothes that were still dripping in her hands. She didn't even notice that her feet in sandals were wet.

"Wow, it's Lord Jie."

"The kid next to Jie Jun is so cool."

"That should be his younger brother. I heard that his name is Kakashi Hatake."

Kakashi walked all the way, and all he heard were praises and comments. The area where Zed was located, because of the mask he was wearing and silver hair, he was the focus wherever he stood. At his age, he was already dressed Ninja costumes are also extremely rare in Konoha.

Now that he is in Konoha, as long as he inquires a little, people who don't know him will pay attention to such a young genius.

"You're tired from walking." Zed saw Kakashi stop and knelt down in front of him.

Kakashi stepped forward lightly, threw himself on Zed's back, put his hands on his shoulders, and Zed easily dragged his legs and put him on his back.

At this time, Kakashi was four years old, and Zed was already ten years old. Kakashi, who was thinner on his back, was walking on the street at a not slow speed. At this moment, all the people walking towards the end of the street brought their own children. Parents of children.

Like Jie, there were quite a few carrying children on their backs, and a strong man with a rough face walked up to him.

"You are... Uncle Matt Dai?" Jie only felt that this guy was a little familiar. Soon, he remembered a ninja team he had seen before when he was on a mission. This one was about 30 years old. Uncle, he is not good at any ninjutsu. Just graduating from a ninja school is already very difficult. Moreover, after practicing for so many years, he is only a ninjutsu. However, his taijutsu is really strong.

In the previous life, Jie had only seen this kind of blood after a lot of tempering in one guy. That guy couldn't see the wonderful world outside with his eyes, but his fighting power showed a dazzling display when the demons attacked. Combat power, the tail swing of the raptor completely kicked a great leader of the Demon Race to pieces.

"Silver-haired, Jonin, you are... Hatake Zed." Matt Dai was a little shy, he was in the lower ranks of ninjas, and was usually looked down upon by many people.

"Uncle, are you sending your child here to report?" Zed glanced at the kid standing beside him. He had watermelon head, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was as tall as Kakashi, but his limbs were obviously stronger than Kakashi's. few.

Jie glanced softly at the child in the green tights beside Matt Dai, "Hey, we will be together at school in the future, so please take care of Kakashi."

Matt Dai closed his eyes, "No, I'm afraid I can't do this."

When Zed was slightly puzzled, Kakashi beside him said coldly, "This guy hasn't been admitted to the ninja school yet."

Zed was puzzled, how could it be possible, his eyes passed over this kid who was about the same age as Kakashi, with his physique, it was obvious that he had practiced martial arts with Matt Dai since he was a child. With strong physical skills as the basis, his strength should not be weak. Even such an outstanding child was not admitted. Are Konoha's senior management all fools?

"Sorry, because they are all at the gate of the ninja school, so I have preconceptions."

Matt Dai opened his mouth and laughed, "That's it."

"Is this funny?" Kakashi folded his hands on his chest, "This guy has always wanted to be admitted to the ninja school, but he doesn't even know ninjutsu, so how can it be... Forget it, brother, let's go in Well, it's almost late."

"Farewell." Jie gave Matt Dai an apologetic look, and walked past them.

"Hey, you are Kakashi Hatake." Suddenly, the child in tights shouted from behind.

Zed and Kakashi paused, and when they turned around, they saw the kid in the green tights giving them a thumbs up, "Thank you for your support."

Kakashi sighed, this guy is really boring.

Jie's eyes fluctuated slightly, meeting with Matt Dai's eyes in the air, the gratification in Matt Dai's eyes flashed away, he nodded slightly, turned around and left with Matt Kai, and walked towards the long street.

(End of this chapter)

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