Chapter 211

When the ax blade spear stabs, the center of gravity tends to shift downwards, so when stabbing, the attack point is raised slightly upwards, then when stabbing at high speed, the center of gravity will fall to the right position.Of course, this requires a lot of experience, as well as the control of power, and some confidence.

The spear is different, the tip of the spear is not so long, which makes the stabbing more pure.Basically, as long as you don't use too much force, you won't deviate too far from the target.

Li Yuanji's gun is characterized by its stability.This stability is based on the rapid stabbing, which is very rare!

With a sound of "clang", the two sides passed by each other. Li Yuanji was very dissatisfied with the result. Almost no other brothers in the clan could block his thrust, even Zhang Liao and Xu Huang had great difficulty in blocking it.

The person in front of the question easily blocked it.This made him very temperless, and he directly recalled that when he planned to challenge Lu Bu, he was told by the cruel reality what it means to be a real strong man.

"As expected of Lu Bu's junior..." Li Yuanji shouted, he had to admit that this person in front of him was really strong.

"It doesn't matter who's younger brother!" Xue Rengui looked at Li Yuanji, "I am me, Xue Rengui from Hedong!"

"It depends on when you defeat Lu Bu before you can be recognized!" Li Yuanji smiled when he heard the words, he could see that Xue Rengui also had the dignity of being a strong man, and it would be very difficult to be called "XX's junior". not happy.

A body of martial arts is learned by oneself, why does it feel like someone's light has made him stronger.

"Yes!" Xue Rengui nodded, indicating that Li Yuanji could continue to attack.The latter is actually very upset about this, and it has nothing to do with Wude, it is purely a molestation of the weak by the strong.

If it is said to be strong, then he deserves to be killed, but the problem is that Xue Rengui is really strong, which makes Li Yuanji very temperless.As the saying goes, "Wuwu is second", admitting one's own weakness can make a warrior feel more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Don't regret it!" Li Yuanji rode his horse and galloped forward, stabbing out with the spear again, but this time it was very unstable.But at the same time, this shot also became very erratic.

"Pay too much attention to strength, but neglect the control of strength..." Xue Rengui had roughly understood Li Yuanji's plan, and when he started to start, he also started to ride forward.

The two sides quickly came to each other, and the weapons collided again. The difference was that Li Yuanji almost tried his best, while Xue Rengui just put the halberd across the trajectory of the spear.

Just like that, without too many movements, Li Yuanji's spear still pointed at the painted halberd.As a result, the powerful anti-shock force made the spear almost drop.At that moment, Xue Rengui made a sudden move, and the painting halberd swept him off the horse.

"No matter when you seem to be calm, unless the enemy is dead and the dust has settled, otherwise, whether you are a warrior or a general, you must remain calm!" Xue Rengui got off his horse, helped Li Yuanji up, and slowly greeted him Said.

"It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to be able to implement it thoroughly!" Li Yuanji was a little unconvinced, but he had to admit that he was indeed a little impatient during the second move.

In his memory, there were already two generals who far surpassed him.The more such people there are, the more pressure he feels on himself, and the more mountains he needs to climb.Perhaps, this is not reconciled, right?Young people, who hasn't had the illusion of 'I am number one in the world' for several years?If you step out, you will naturally become stronger; if you can't, then you will be useless!
It is said that one should be brave after knowing one’s shame, one cannot even admit one’s own inferiority to others, so of course one would not find problems in one’s own body, instead one would blame others for everything, and blame this society over time, nothing more than that… But Li Yuanji’s self-esteem is very strong People who admit that their skills are not as good as others, it may not be easy in the short term.

"He should be defeated a few more times, it's better to find some generals who are about the same level as him!" Xue Rengui returned to Shi Hui's side and said something in a low voice.Obviously, he was still very optimistic about Li Yuanji. This was definitely the stuff of a fierce general, but his self-esteem was too strong.

"Children, lack of education is normal!" Shi Hui smiled. In his opinion, Li Zheng and Li Yuanji are still children at all, but the former has clearly reached the crown, but his childishness is still so strong.

Just like those young people in later generations who have been pampered by their families for a long time, have little contact with society, and are still in their adolescence physically and mentally.In my thirties, I am still a 'urchin', and my mental age has not grown at all.

But it is precisely this kind of person who has the least exposure to the darkness of society.After all, 'mature' is just a 'camouflage' to resist harm.The more mature people, it just means that they have experienced and been exposed to too many injuries.

Li Jiancheng and Li Ji didn't intend to end the challenge, they just met each other and said hello.Generals need to use force to prove themselves, but a qualified general's ability lies here, and it can be directly demonstrated in daily military affairs.

The military commander is easy to arrange, and the promise of the position of military marquis or military commander can satisfy them at this stage.A rookie doesn't need to have such a high status, after all, they haven't proven themselves yet.

It was better for literati to arrange, there was a shortage of literati everywhere, Yan Song was immediately sent by Shihui to assist Zhang Xian, and Pang Ji was arranged to help Zhao Fan.Cooperate with Huan Jie and Yan Xiang to further control the political power of the two counties, and of course they are also required to manage the place well.

Especially those captives of Wuling barbarians, it is necessary to prevent them from being connected in series.Although millions of Wuling barbarians were scattered in the four counties, and 30 were even sent to Jiaozhou, if they gathered together, they could still cause damage to the place.

"Actually, it might be better to send Pang Ji to help my father..." Shi Hui muttered in a low voice. In fact, Shi Xie already had Ji Yun and Yelu Zhu, two great talents, so he didn't need to send any more talents, but I always feel that sending many people is not enough.

It seems that unconsciously, he has gradually recognized the identity of 'son'.In other words, this is from this body, or the throbbing of the blood in the body, which is called 'blood relationship'.

"My lord, what exactly is Ximen Qing going to arrange?" Among the few talents, Fang Xuanling is the only one who feels troublesome about Ximen Qing, "If you can't do it, you can't do it, and the government is half-baked. There is still a possibility of promotion, but it's just his personality. Apparently he can't sit still and study hard. Also his personality... is terrible!"

Rather than being a scribe, he might as well be a rough man who has read a few books. Everyone can become a brother and brother, and he has contacts with traffickers and pawns. Everyone became friends.

Even Fang Xuanling admired this communication method, but this method can only fool the bottom and middle classes of society.The higher-ups, such as some civil and military officials including him, don't like him very much.

"As far as Ximen Qing is concerned, he is more suitable to be a dog, a vicious dog that bites people! Whenever it is necessary to let him out to bite people, send him out. When it is necessary, kill him and earn money. A wave of prestige... These days, it's easy to find good people, but not many can be wicked!" Shi Hui said casually.

Suddenly, he remembered the vicious dog raised by his father in the Chen family, the county magistrate of Longbian.In retrospect, my father told me at that time: In this world, if there are no villains to stand out, how can the virtues of good people be brought out?
 I am naughty and update first...

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(End of this chapter)

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