Chapter 31

Generally speaking, Shiyan would sit on the upper seat on Shi Xie's left hand side, and Shi Zhi's seat on the right.Shi Hui sits in the second position from the left, Shi Gan sits in the second position from the right, and Shi Song sits in the third position from the left.

Almost from the birth of these five children one after another, this position order is fixed, so when going to the banquet, everyone also sits according to this position, and they are about to be seated, but Shi Xie actually said that they want to change positions.It's nothing to change the position, the key is the meaning behind it.

Shi Yan frowned first, and then relaxed it.Shi was only a little longing, but also a little worried.Shi Gan didn't know the badge, so it didn't matter whether it was changed or not; Shi Gan and Shi Song lowered their heads, obviously they knew very well that no matter how they were changed, they would be the same.

"Hui'er, you sit on the first seat on the left!" Shi Xie finally said, "Jian'er and Zhi'er sit down in turn!"

Shi Yan immediately showed a clear expression when he heard the words; Shi Zhi was shocked when he heard the words, and secretly clenched his fists in his sleeves; Shi Hui opened his mouth slightly in surprise, as if planning to say something, but They couldn't speak again; Shi Gan and Shi Song still lowered their heads, but there was a hint of surprise on their expressions.

"Yes, father!" Shi Qian smiled and walked towards Shi Zhi.Seeing this situation, the latter hesitated for three seconds, and in the end could only obediently walk towards the position of Shi Hui.

"Father, should I take the first seat?" Shi Hui pointed to himself and asked suspiciously.

"I tell you to sit, you sit!" Shi Wu suddenly came in from outside, and with him came his son Shi Yuan, and the eldest son Shi Kuang of his second uncle Shi Yi, who was guarding at his hometown in Cangwu County. Taxi, as well as Shi Yi who is still in Luoyang, it can be said that the power core of this generation of the Shi family and the second generation of successors have all come here.

Shi Yuan and Shi Kuang sat behind Shi Song, Shi Kuang took the third seat from the right, and Shi Yuan was willing to be the last seat.The two of them are actually older than Shigan and Shisong, but they are children of the second and fourth families.According to the distance, Shi Kuang, the eldest son of the second house, sat behind the eldest son of the first house, while Shi Yuan of the fourth house sat behind the second house's eldest son, Shi Kuang.

"Yes..." Shi Hui shrank his head. If it was Shi Xie, he might be able to say a few words. Shi Wu can't afford to offend him. He is directly his boss. He will be in the barracks another day, and he can be tortured to death with intensive training.

"By the way, why is Brother Yuan here?" Simply changing the subject, he remembered that Shi Yuan was staying on duty.

"I'm going to the banquet tonight, and I'll be in the barracks later!" Shi Yuan didn't hide anything, his father brought him here tonight, he only said that there was something important to announce, but he didn't say what it was, but now it seems that he Probably guessed the reason.

"Sit down!" Shi Xie signaled again, this time obviously speaking to Shi Hui.

Shi Hui couldn't resist, so he could only obediently sit in the first seat on the left.Then, he found that he saw a completely different scenery, and then he realized that he had been sitting in the previous position for 20 years.Of course Shi Hui is not that Shi Hui, but in Shi Hui's memory, he has basically sat in that position for the past 20 years.

That is a completely different vision in the memory, familiar and unfamiliar.It was amazing, it was still in this hall, but it gave him a completely different feeling.In fact, it's not just him, Shi Qian and Shi Zhi are also general thoughts.

"Open the table!" Seeing that everyone sat down, Shi Hui waved his hand and announced the opening of the table.The food is still the same, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and a pot of fine wine.For Shi Hui, the more he eats these things, the more hesitant they become. One is seasoned, and the other is eaten. There are only a few cooking methods, no matter how delicious it is, it will get boring, especially those fish sticks, which he will never eat. of.

"Today, I'm announcing something!" After drinking three rounds and eating five flavors, the leftovers were naturally taken away by the maid.At this time, Shi Xie waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, "After my negotiation with my fourth brother, Li Shihui is the head of the young family!"

The young patriarch is second only to the patriarch, and his rank is equivalent to the uncles of the second, third and fourth families.Power and resources that can be mobilized have also been greatly improved.The key is to have this identity. Not surprisingly, after a hundred years of Shi Xie, the next head of the Shi family will be Shi Hui.

"Father, big brother is not at fault..." Shi Zhi stood up abruptly, he could accept even Shi Jian as the patriarch, but he couldn't accept Shi Hui as the patriarch.

It was also the first time for Shi Kuang to know about this matter, so he couldn't help but look at Shi Yuan, who nodded to show that he already knew.He Shihui has been in contact with Shihui for a while at least, and he is still immature in martial arts and commanding troops, but it is rare for him to keep learning with an open mind.The character is iron and blood, but at the same time retains the most basic benevolence and righteousness.

The key is the forces behind him. Shi Yuan heard that the [-] civilians who joined Jiaozhou recently were all recruited by Shi Hui.In addition to the three hundred shield soldiers and five hundred archers, Shi Yuan could feel that Shi Hui obviously had more trump cards.

When did he prepare these hole cards?This is irrelevant. Shi Xie had already sent someone to check the account in the afternoon, and there was no problem. Without his knowing, Shi Hui had already gained a certain power, and he still kept it from him until now.

This is also a skill, after all, the real minions will only be exposed when they launch a fatal blow to the prey.Shi Xie didn't dislike children developing their own power and connections, as long as they didn't gain power at the expense of harming the interests of the Shi family, or even infringing on the interests of the Shi family.

"Shiyan, when you were born, I traveled outside, and when I came back, you were already three years old... That's when I named you Shiyan, do you know why I chose this name?" Shi Xie looked at Xiang Shiyan.

"Children are soft-tempered, and they often cannot handle things decisively. They have the kindness of a woman." Shi Qian didn't shy away from anything, and directly spoke out about his shortcomings.He has abilities and talents, but he has a personality and doesn't like fighting.

The word '廞' means anger, especially his nickname 'Meng Shou', which is Shi Xie's hope that he can maintain a momentum and ruthlessness, not to let the blood cool down, and not to soften like this.Obviously, this didn't work.

"The Shi family is rooted in Jiaozhou, surrounded by barbaric neighbors. Although friendship has been restored, no one knows if someone will come to test us again. The Shi family needs a patriarch who can really protect it from the wind and rain!" Hui Hui said slowly, "Jian'er, you are here now, I can't feel at ease to hand over the scholar's family to you!"

"My son is also very clear that I am not such a material. Now that my father can tell me, my son is relieved a lot. Brother Hui, don't forget your elder brother in the future, just reward him with a bite of food!" Shi Qian turned to Shi Xie After arching the water, he saluted towards the emblem.

"Brother, this..." Shi Hui was indeed a little bit at a loss at the moment.

"As for Zhi'er!" Shi Xie looked at Shi Zhi, "Your literary talent is not bad, maybe you can serve as a sheriff of a county, or become a governor of a state, but that's it. , it’s just a small pond in need to go and visit!”

"I... my child understands..." Shi Zhi was about to refute, but when he saw Shi Xie's eyes, he had to compromise.His father's eyes were terrifying, and he knew very well that any rebuttal he had would only irritate him.

The point is, he knows exactly what this so-called travel means!
In the past, my father traveled and studied under the sect of great Confucians, and managed to make a name for himself. He was only recently appointed as the sheriff of Jiaozhi County.Needless to say, the second uncle, a scholar, traveled abroad and joined Ding Gong's family, so that he could enter Luoyang as an official and stand out.

The so-called travel of the scholars is to make a fool of themselves before it is considered over.However, there is another meaning behind the words, Shi Xie has another meaning, Shi Yi can tell, that is to ask him to find a prince to join him, it can be Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, or even other existences he is optimistic about.

Two days ago, Shi Xie had just analyzed with him that troubled times were coming, and an era of separatist regimes was about to emerge.Let him go on a tour at this time, the meaning is self-evident... wait!Shi Zhi seems to have come to his senses!What does father mean, is that he intends to let the Shi family join this separatist regime? !
Shi Zhi even suspected that Shi Xie had long thought of not being a minister, but because of Jiaozhou's population and the limitations of Jiangnan, he had to stay dormant.This hibernation may be for a period of time, or it may be for a lifetime.

As far as the current actions are concerned, it seems that they do not intend to stay dormant!Thinking about it carefully, it is obvious that this has something to do with Shi Hui, who recruited [-] refugees. I don't know where he recruited so many refugees. As long as there is enough food, Shi Hui promised to recruit more refugees. Outside the door, I accidentally overheard the result.

"No wonder it's Shi Hui!" After understanding the reason, Shi Zhi could not help but lower his head.

"Our fourth room is willing to support Shi Hui as the young patriarch!" Shi Wu directly expressed his opinion, and Shi Yuan also nodded.

"Father, our second wife also supports it!" Shi Kuang didn't know about this before he came, he only knew that his father wrote him a letter asking him to participate, and no matter what Shi Xie said, he must obey unconditionally, which is what he meant .

"On the third side, I have sent someone to write a letter, and it is estimated that I will be able to reply in the next two days. But according to the rules, three of our four brothers have expressed their views, so the matter is settled like this!" Shi Xie nodded, and immediately officially announced.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Hui didn't express his position, or he didn't know what to say.In this case, if he wants to refuse, doesn't it seem a bit hypocritical?If you accept it frankly, does it seem a bit snobbish? !

It was this sense of ambivalence that made him sit in his seat without knowing how to react.Fortunately, from the beginning to the end, there is no need for him to react at all!

"Hui'er, since you are already the Young Patriarch, even if you are in the army, you should learn more about housework!" Shi Xie finally turned his head and said to Shi Hui.

"Oh, oh..." Shi Hui also nodded dumbly, and Shi Xie didn't intend to blame anything at all.

The next day, early in the morning, Shi Zhi was not seen.If Shi Xie was at home before, Shi Zhi would definitely be by his side.As for Shiyan, I heard from Xiaoyao that he has already looked back at Hai County. He is the county magistrate after all, so it is not good to leave for too long.

According to the rules, Shi Hui said hello to Shi Xie, and at the same time finally asked, "Second brother, have you traveled?"

Shi Xie looked at Shi Hui, and said slowly: "The one who set off early in the morning didn't bring anything. My father had prepared a thousand guns and ten guards for him, but he seemed to be angry, so he only brought a few things. clothes, and left."

Going out of the house without leaving the house is not counted, but it is definitely very hard for Shi Zhi to go north.It can be seen that he has resentment in his heart.

"Zhier's mind is too small, and his structure is not enough, so he is not a threat to you. If we meet in the future, save his life!" Shi Xie slowly got up, came to Shi Hui's side, patted him on the shoulder, and then left.

"What's the matter..." Shi Hui suddenly felt dumbfounded.

 In fact, the foreshadowing has already been made in Chapter 17. After all, Shi Hui is only the third child. If he is not in the position, then the family's resources will definitely not be inclined to him, but the family will become his biggest constraint instead. This is obviously not good.

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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